Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wide making"" "subject:"wind making""
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An industrial analysis of the United States wine industry, world wine industry and China wine industryLiang, Chao. January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis, PlanB (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stout, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Dixie wine /Lancaster, Dennis R. January 1972 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) Brigham Young University. Dept. of History. / Includes bibliographical references: (l. 152-158).
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Relationships among spread-sticker application, blossom cap retention, berry scarring, thrips populations, and Botrytis bunch rot in 'Chardonnay' grapes, and a survey of pesticide use and pest severity in Virginia vineyards in 1990 and 1991 /Martinez, Natalia, January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992. / Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-48). Also available via the Internet.
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Die wirtschaftlichen verhältnisse des weinbaues und weinhandels im Elsass seit 1871 ...Frick, Julius. January 1911 (has links)
Inaug.-diss.--Strassburg. / "Verzeichnis der benutzten literatur": p. [vii]-ix.
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Effect of berry integrity on proanthocyanidin extraction during wine production /Cerpa-Calderón, Fiorella Karen. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2008. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-60). Also available via the World Wide Web.
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A critical process analysis of wine production to improve cost efficiency, wine quality and environmental performanceSheridan, Craig 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wine cellars are diverse in terms of equipment types and process configurations. Whilst
other food production processes have, in many cases, been properly analysed and
modelled, this process diversity has resulted in an absence of process analyses in the
wine industry. Each wine cellar is unique and represents a fully integrated agro-business,
starting with a raw material (grapes) and extending to marketing and selling of the final
product (wine). This makes the wine industry unique in this context. This study is the first
attempt to analyse winemaking procedures in the form of a process audit.
The study was approached in the following manner:
• A questionnaire was developed to assess cellar configurations and conditions. This
questionnaire was submitted to a statistically significant number of cellars, and a
statistically significant number of questionnaires were returned.
• The data collected from the questionnaire were statistically analysed and
associations between equipment or procedures and wine faults were identified.
• Three cellars were studied in depth. These three cellars had their processes
audited and their effluent characterised. Additional data were obtained from current
sampling projects and these data were analysed to complement the data obtained
from the questionnaire
• A preliminary input/output model was developed.
The major results of this study are:
• It was found that certain faults that appear in wine might be associated with
equipment and/or process faults. These associations are statistically significant
and they show that cellar hygiene is of critical importance when assessing these
wine faults. The most important of these faults are VA, microbial contamination
of the wine, sluggish and stuck fermentations. A risk hierarchy was derived to
indicate which events are associated with others most strongly.
• It was found that few wineries measure water consumption and even fewer
wineries measure the quantity of effluent produced.
• Correlations have been developed to predict winery parameters in terms of tons
of grapes pressed per annum. These parameters include water and electricity
consumed, wine produced and the quantity of effluent produced. Effluent
characteristics have also been correlated to the tons of grapes pressed per
annum. These characteristics include chemical oxygen demand, sodium
absorption ratio and total dissolved solids in solution. Chemical oxygen demand
was identified as the most important contributing factor in winery effluent. It was
shown that all variables rise with an increase in cellar size, but the rise is not linear. This implies that large cellars have greater quantities of effluent of lower
quality than small cellars. Most cellars have effluent concentrations that require
some form of effluent treatment. The characterisation of effluent shows that the
most widely used disposal practice is irrigation, and that the effluent disposed in
this manner does not meet legislative requirements.
• A preliminary input/output model was developed in order to enable wineries that
have not measured the relevant parameters to predict the abovementioned
variations. The resolution of these predictions is low but the model serves to
provide an initial estimate if there are no data available. The model will give
industrial averages for any given cellar size.
• An economic balance was performed using this preliminary model. It was
shown that if cellars were to lower the consumption of utilities and to reduce the
strength of their effluent (using cleaner practices and not dilution) the reduction
of operating costs could be reduced by 14% for smaller cellars to 17% for larger
This study has shown that it is possible to make wine in a more environmentally
friendly manner, producing better quality wines, without incurring extra costs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wynkelders is diverse eenhede ten opsigte van die tipe toerusting en prosesse wat
gebruik word. Terwyl ander prosesse rondom voedselproduksie in baie gevalle reeds
geanaliseer en gemodelleer is, het die diversiteit in die wynindustrie gelei tot 'n
afwesigheid van prosesanalises. Elke wynkelder is uniek en verteenwoordig 'n ten voile
geintegreerde agro-besigheid wat begin met die rou materiaal (druiwe) en lei tot die
bemarking en verkope van die finale produk (wyn), 'n eienskap wat die wynindustrie uniek
maak in hierdie verband. Hierdie studie is die eerste poging om die wynmaakproses in die
vorm van ‘n proses-oudit te analiseer.
Die studie is soos volg aangepak:
• ‘n Vraelys is ontwikkel om kelderkonfigurasies en -toestande te ondersoek. Die
vraelys is aan ‘n statisties betekenisvolle aantal kelders voorgele, en ‘n statisties
betekenisvolle aantal vraelyste is terugontvang.
• Die data wat uit die vraelyste ontvang is, is statisties ontleed en verwantskappe
tussen toerusting of prosesse en wyngebreke is geidentifiseer.
• Drie kelders is in diepte bestudeer. Hierdie drie kelders se prosesse is geoudit en
die afvloeiwater is gekarakteriseer. Addisionele data is verkry van huidige projekte
en hierdie data is ge-analiseer om die data van die vraelys aan te vul.
• ‘n Voorlopige inset / uitset model is ontwikkel.
Die belangrikste resultate van hierdie studie is:
• Dit is bevind dat sekere gebreke wat in wyn voorkom geassosieer kan word met
tekortkominge in toerusting en/of prosesse in die kelder. Hierdie assosiasies is
statisties betekenisvol en toon dat kelderhigtene van kritiese belang is wanneer
gebreke in wyn ondersoek word. Die mees belangrike gebreke wat voorkom is
vlugtige suur, mikrobiese kontaminasie van wyn, slepende en gestaakte
fermentasie. ‘n Risikohierargie is afgelei om die gebeure te toon wat die sterktste
met mekaar geassosieer word.
• Dit is gevind dat min wynkelders waterverbruik meet. Selfs minder kelders meet die
hoeveelheid afvloeiwater wat geproduseer word.
• Korrelasies is ontwikkel om kelderparameters te voorspel in terme van ton druiwe
gepars per jaar. Hierdie parameters sluit in water- en elektrisiteitsverbruik, wyn
geprosuseer en hoeveelheid afvloeiwater geproduseer. Eienskappe van
afvloeiwater is ook gekorreleer met die ton druiwe wat per jaar gepars word.
Hierdie eienskappe sluit in chemiese suurstofbehoeftes, natrium
absorpsieverhoudings en totale opgeloste soliede materiaal in oplossing.
Chemiese suurstofbehoeftes is geidentifiseer as die mees belangrike bydraende
faktor tot afvloeiwater in kelders. Dit is getoon dat alle veranderlikes verhoog hoe groter die kelder, maar hierdie verhoging is nie lineer nie. Dit impliseer dat groter
kelder meer afvloeiwater van ‘n laer kwaliteit produseer. Die meeste kelders
produseer afvloeiwater van sodanige konsentrasies dat behandeling daarvan nodig
is. Die ondersoek van hierdie afvloeiwater toon dat die mees algemene wyse van
wegdoening van afvloeiwater besproeiing is, en dat afvloeiwater wat op hierdie
manier weggedoen word, nie voldoen aan die wetgewing se vereistes nie.
• 'n Voorlopige inset/uitset model is ontwikkel om kelders wat nie die toepaslike
parameters gemeet het nie in staat te stel om hierdie parameters te voorspel. Die
akuraatheid van hierdie voorspellings is nie hoog nie, maar die model verskaf ‘n
aanvanklike skatting waar daar geen data beskikbaar is nie. Die model verskaf
industriele gemiddeldes aan kelders van enige grootte.
• ‘n Ekonomiese balans is uitgevoer deur van hierdie model gebruik te maak. Dit is
getoon dat indien kelders die gebruik van water en elektrisiteit verminder en die
konsentrasie van afvloeiwater verlaag (deur van skoner paktyke gebruik te maak,
en nie verdunning nie) die bestuurskoste met 14% vir kleiner kelders tot 17% vir
groter kelders verlaag kan word.
Die studie het getoon dat dit moontlik is om wyn te maak op ‘n meer
omgewingsvriendelike wyse, en sodoende beter kwaliteit wyn te produseer sonder
addisionele kostes.
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Marketing strategies of wines for a wine trader in Hong Kong : research report.January 1982 (has links)
by Tam Siu-man, Ng Ching-hoi, Wong Kam-wah. / With an abstract in Chinese and English / Bibliography: leaves 87-88 / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1982
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Investigation into the mechanism of action and biological role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannoproteins which reduce visible haziness in white wineBrown, Shauna L January 2003 (has links)
Heat induced protein haze is a common problem in white wine. Grape derived pathogenesis related proteins slowly denature and aggregate during wine storage and this gives rise to light dispersing haze. Protein haze formation is currently prevented by removing proteins using bentonite, an aluminium silicate clay, but this method has drawbacks. A potential alternative or complementary method is the use of haze protective factors ( HPF ), specific mannoproteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae that visually reduce protein haze. Hpf1p was originally isolated from Muscat Gordo Blanco wine and Hpf2p from a synthetic grape juice ferment. Based on partial amino acid sequences, putative structural genes, HPF1 and HPF2, for these proteins were identified. HPF1 has a homologue, HPF1 ', ( 71 % similarity ) in S. cerevisiae. Sequence analysis suggests that Hpf1p, Hpf1 ' p and Hpf2p are localised to the cell wall or plasma membrane. This study aimed to determine the biological function of the HPF genes in S. cerevisiae. HPF overexpression and deletion strains were constructed and analysed for cell wall related phenotypes. Under a number of conditions, including cold temperature and ethanol stress, the hpf1 Δ hpf1 ' Δ strain was more tolerant than the wild type strain. However, mating efficiency of the hpf1 Δ hpf1 ' Δ strain was significantly less than the wild type strain and this was found to be correlated with the persistence of a septum between the mating partners. The decreased mating efficiency was also mating type specific, only occurring in MAT α cells. This study also aimed to establish conclusively that the HPF genes do indeed encode proteins with haze protective properties. Haze protective activity of the material from ferment supernatants was assessed. Material from the HPF deletion strains exhibited significantly less haze protective activity than the wild type. Moreover, material derived from HPF1 and HPF1 ' overexpressors was more active than material from the wild type. A 6xHis - tagged Hpf2p was expressed and purified using immobilised metal affinity chromatography. This Hpf2p had significant haze protective activity. Modification of N - glycans of 6xHis - Hpf2p by Endoglycosidase H decreased its haze protective activity.visually reduce protein haze. Hpf1p was originally isolated from Muscat Gordo Blanco wine and Hpf2p from a synthetic grape juice ferment. Based on partial amino acid sequences, putative structural genes, HPF1 and HPF2, for these proteins were identified. HPF1 has a homologue, HPF1 ', ( 71 % similarity ) in S. cerevisiae. Sequence analysis suggests that Hpf1p, Hpf1 ' p and Hpf2p are localised to the cell wall or plasma membrane. This study aimed to determine the biological function of the HPF genes in S. cerevisiae. HPF overexpression and deletion strains were constructed and analysed for cell wall related phenotypes. Under a number of conditions, including cold temperature and ethanol stress, the hpf1 Δ hpf1 ' Δ strain was more tolerant than the wild type strain. However, mating efficiency of the hpf1 Δ hpf1 ' Δ strain was significantly less than the wild type strain and this was found to be correlated with the persistence of a septum between the mating partners. The decreased mating efficiency was also mating type specific, only occurring in MAT α cells. This study also aimed to establish conclusively that the HPF genes do indeed encode proteins with haze protective properties. Haze protective activity of the material from ferment supernatants was assessed. Material from the HPF deletion strains exhibited significantly less haze protective activity than the wild type. Moreover, material derived from HPF1 and HPF1 ' overexpressors was more active than material from the wild type. A 6xHis - tagged Hpf2p was expressed and purified using immobilised metal affinity chromatography. This Hpf2p had significant haze protective activity. Modification of N - glycans of 6xHis - Hpf2p by Endoglycosidase H decreased its haze protective activity. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Agriculture and Wine, 2003.
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Chemical and sensory profiling of dry and semi-dry South African Chenin blanc winesVan Antwerpen, Lindi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chenin blanc wine is of economic importance to South Africa and a range of diverse dry and semi-dry wines are locally produced in this genre. Currently, the use of three distinctly different style names, each aimed at providing consumers with information about the flavour of the wines, is encouraged by the South African (SA) wine industry. The styles are fresh and fruity (FF), rich and ripe unwooded (RRUW) and rich and ripe wooded (RRW). Feedback from retail sectors over the past few years, however, repeatedly suggested that the style names are perceived as confusing by SA consumers. This master study was undertaken to re-evaluate the FF, RRUW and RRW style classification, based on both the volatile fermentation-derived aroma composition and the sensory attributes of a set of wines containing all the styles under investigation.
For the purposes of chemical profiling, a set of 105 commercial Chenin blanc wines, selected to be representative of these three styles and originating from the major SA wine producing areas, were analysed by Gas Chromatography (GC) to quantify fermentation-derived volatile aroma compounds in the wines. ANOVA performed on the chemical data showed that 29 compounds represent significant differences between at least two of the 3 styles (FF, RRUW and RRW). Principal component analysis (PCA) of the volatile compounds showed a large degree differentiation between FF and RRW wine styles, however, RRUW wine styles overlapped with the other two styles. Considering vintage effects, ANOVA indicated no significant differences within FF (vintages 2009 and 2010) and RRW (vintages 2008 and 2009) styles, whereas only 2 esters and 4 terpenes showed significant differences between the three wine producing regions investigated for this purpose, Paarl/Wellington, Breede River and Stellenbosch. Volatile aroma compounds generated for Chenin blanc were included in the Winetech database consisting of the most important cultivars of South Africa. Combining the data for the volatiles for Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc from this database and the data for Chenin blanc obtained in this study, a PCA indicated a clear separation between Chenin blanc and the other two white cultivars.
Sensory evaluation of the style classification was done by two separate sensory tests. Firstly, a sorting task was performed by wine industry experts to categorise 21 Chenin blanc wines (FF, RRUW and RRW) based on their similarity. The results showed a differentiation between FF and RRW styles, however, RRUW was mostly classified together with FF wines. This indicated a possible continuum between the three styles, as opposed to three distinct different categories, currently suggested by the style names.
The second sensory analysis test, Descriptive Sensory Analysis (DSA), was performed by a trained panel to generate sensory profiles for 42 wines. ANOVA of the flavour attribute intensities between different styles once again showed significant differences between FF and RRW, with RRUW wines forming a continuum between the FF and RRW styles. These results provide valuable information that could be used by the wine industry for labelling purposes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Chenin blanc is van ekonomiese belang vir Suid Afrika en ‘n wye reeks droë en semi-droë wyne word plaaslik geproduseer in hierdie kategorie. Tans word die gebruik van drie duidelike verskillende stylbenamings, elkeen daarop gemik om aan die verbruiker inligting te verskaf oor die geur van die wyn, deur die Suid Afrikaanse (SA) wynindustrie aangemoedig. Die style is vars en vrugtig, ryk en ryp ongehout en ryk en ryp gehout. Terugvoer van die handelssektor oor die afgelope aantal jare, het daarop gedui dat die stylbenamings tot verwarring onder SA verbruikers lei. Hierdie meestersstudie is onderneem om die stylklassifikasie, vars en vrugtig, ryk en ryp ongehout en ryk en ryp gehout, te her-evalueer op grond van die vlugtige aroma komponente wat tydens die fermentasie proses gevorm word, asook die sensoriese eienskappe van ‘n verteenwoordigende stel wyne van elk van die style wat ondersoek is.
Vir die doel van die chemiese profilering, is ‘n stel van 105 kommersiële wyne, wat geselekteer is om verteenwoordigend te wees van die drie style ondersoek en ook afkomstig is van die vernaamste SA wynproduserende streke, gebruik. Die wyne is met behulp van gas chromatografie ontleed om die vlugtige komponente wat van die fermentasie proses afkomstig is, te kwantifiseer. Die analise van variansie, het getoon dat 29 komponente statisties beduidend verskil het tussen die drie style. Hoofkomponent analise van die vlugtige komponente, het getoon dat die vars en vrugtige wyne en ryk en ryp gehoute wyne, duidelik onderskeibaar was van mekaar op grond van die vlugtige data, maar die ryk en ryp ongehoute wyne het met die ander twee style oorvleuel. In terme van oesjaar effekte, was daar geen beduidende verskille in die aroma profiele van die vars en vrugtige styl (oesjare 2009 en 2010) en ryk en ryp ongehoute styl (oesjare 2008 en 2009) nie, terwyl die konsentrasie van slegs twee esters en 4 terpene statisties beduidend verskil het tussen die wynproduserende streke Paarl/Wellington, Breederivier en Stellenbosch. Resultate van die gekwantifiseerde vlugtige komponente is in die databasis van Winetech gevoeg, waar die konsentrasies van soortgelyke komponente van die vernaamste SA wynkultivars reeds vervat is. Hoofkomponent analises van die gekombineerde resultate vir Chenin blanc, Chardonnay en Sauvignon blanc wyne, het getoon dat daar ‘n duidelike verkil tussen Chenin blanc en die ander twee wit wynkultivars was.
Die sensoriese evaluerings is uitgevoer deur van twee verskillende metodes gebruik te maak. Eerstens is 21 wyne (met al drie style verteenwoordig) deur wynindustrie eksperts gesorteer op grond van die waargenome eendersheid van die onderskeie wyne en die resultate is grafies geprojekteer. Die resultate het getoon dat daar ‘n duidelike verskil waargeneem is deur die assessors tussen die vars en vrugtige styl en ryk en ryp gehoute styl. Die ryk en ryp ongehoute wyne het in die analises meer met die vars en vrugtige style geassosieer, as die ryk en ryp gehoute wyne.
Die tweede sensoriese metode is uitgevoer deur sensoriese paneel wat vir die doel van hierdie studie opgelei is om die geur eienskappe van 42 wyne (al drie style verteenwoordig) te profileer. Analise van statistiese beduidende verskille tussen die voorkoms van die geurkomponente en hul intensiteite vir elke styl, het weereens aangedui dat daar ‘n kontinuum bestaan tussen die style. Hierdie resultate kan van waarde vir die wynindustrie wees in besluite rakende etikettering.
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The non-sweet wine trade of England during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuriesJames, Margery Kirkbride January 1952 (has links)
No description available.
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