Spelling suggestions: "subject:"word pump""
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The economic outlook for the woodpulp industry in British ColumbiaWood, William Fordham Johnson January 1966 (has links)
The Honourable Mr. Ralph Loffmark, British Columbia's Minister of Trade and Commerce, has taken the position that demand for woodpulp will greatly exceed the supply during the next five years. On the other hand, leaders of British Columbia's pulp and paper industry fear that a large surplus of pulp is inevitable. In this thesis, the difference of opinion was examined by forecasting demand for paper and paperboard for the period of 1965 to 1975. From this estimate was derived the expected requirements for chemical pulp and bleached sulphate market pulp for the same period. The demand for bleached sulphate was then compared with the potential supply, leading to the judgement that a surplus condition will exist. Finally, the principal factors which would affect the financial outcome for an independent bleached sulphate pulp mill were analyzed. The conclusion was reached that an independent firm would be profitable in spite of the anticipated surplus. / Business, Sauder School of / Graduate
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Detoxification of bleached kraft mill effluents by foam separationNg, Kong Seng January 1977 (has links)
Foam separation has been successfully developed on a 4-1 laboratory column, an 80-1 field column installation and a 6000 gal pilot plant trough type system as a novel process for detoxifying bleached kraft mill effluents.
Toxic surface active materials such as resin and unsaturated fatty acids collect at the gas-liquid interface of rising air bubbles and concentrate
in the foam. The highly toxic collapsed foam represents 1-2% by volume of the influent and is subsequently detoxified by biological treatment. Process parameters controlling detoxification efficiency are pH, gas-liquid interfacial area, initial toxicity level and mode of operation. The gas-liquid interfacial area and pH are of utmost importance.
For a typical effluent with MST of 3-4 hr, approximately 20-2
30 m²/l of interfacial area given to an effluent at pH > 7.0 are required for detoxification.
Foam separation is universally applicable and reliable for detoxifying
kraft whole mill effluent. Over 80% of 205 samples from 10 Canadian mills were detoxified. A 1 gal/min, one and two stage continuous
flow systems detoxified over 90% of samples at pH 8 and 1-2 hr retention time over 80 days of operation period.
Study of detoxification mechanism indicated that foam fractionation accounts for 77.5% of detoxification, volatization for 5.4% and unidentified
mechanisms for 17.1%. Depending on the mode of operation, up to 5% of effluent volume was discharged as foam. The foam volume could be reduced to < 2% by increasing foam retention time and enhancing internal
reflux. Collapsed foam was readily detoxified by a biodisc or aerated lagoon process.
In addition to detoxification, foam separation removed 20-60% of suspended solids, 66% resin acids, 12% B0D5 (10% TOC), 8% color and 80% foaming tendency. Suspended solids removal could be increased to 88% if an expensive dissolved air system were used for bubble generation.
Commercially available equipment for foam generation and foam breaking was reviewed. Jet aerators and turbine systems were assessed as most suitable for commercial application. Pilot plant evaluation of this equipment indicated that reliable and consistent operation could be obtained. The results were used to establish empirical formulae for use in process scale up.
During a 4 month continuous flow study, approximately 5-7 m²/l of gas-liquid interfacial area was provided to detoxify 80-100 gal/min of mill A effluent with MST of 6-10 hr. The detoxification success rate of a large number of samples increased from 50 to 86 and to 100% as the operation changed from 1 to 2 to 3 stages. The foam produced by the pilot plant was collapsed by a 12" diameter turbine at 100% efficiency all the time.
Costs of foam separation were examined for a projected 3 stage foam separation process, treating 25 M gal/day of bleached kraft whole mill effluent. Capital costs for pH control, foam generation, foam breaking and foam treatment were estimated at $2.26 M. Operating costs were estimated at $2.35/ton of pulp. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of / Graduate
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Displacement washing of wood pulpPoirier, Nicole A. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Waste pulps as biosorbents for metal recoveryAl-Haj Ali, Ahmad M. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Fate and effects of pulp mill effluent solids in the soil environmentFraser, Donald Scott. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. Earth and Ocean Sciences)--University of Waikato, 2007. / Title from PDF cover (viewed February 26, 2008) Includes bibliographical references (p. 148-164)
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Enzymatic pitch control in the kraft pulping and bleaching of Eucalyptus spp.Scheepers, Gerhardus C. (Gerhardus Coenraad) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The extractive materials in wood often cause pitch problems in pulp mills. During pulping and
bleaching extractives are released from the wood and pulp and later stick to ceramic and metal
parts, forming pitch deposits. Pitch deposits impair both product quality and production rates. It
decreases the efficiency of pulp washing, screening, centrifugal cleaning, and refining, and can
disrupt many paper machine operations. The deposits also break loose from equipment and
cause spots in the final product. There are a few triggering mechanisms that induce pitch
deposition. Hydrodynamic or mechanical shear can destabilise the colloidal pitch emulsion,
causing pitch to agglomerate and deposits to form. Similarly, sudden temperature drops and/or
pH shocks and/or the introduction of water hardness ions from fresh water inlets or showers can
also cause pitch deposits by destabilising the colloidal pitch emulsion. Inorganic salts, such as
calcium carbonate, can catalyse pitch deposition by acting as the building blocks for the sticky
pitch. Calcium ions in the white water can react with fatty acids, forming insoluble, sticky
calcium soaps. Triglycerides have also been shown to be a major contributor to pitch deposition
in kraft pulping and bleaching mills. It forms a sticky deposit to which less sticky particles
To attain an improved understanding of pitch problems associated with the kraft pulping and
bleaching of Eucalyptus spp., various analyses were done on wood- and pulp extractives and
pitch from a South African kraft pulp mill. High molecular weight compounds (involatile)
constituted a large portion of the extracts and pitch. Approximately 40% of volatile Eucalyptus
grandis extract was f3-sitosterol, with fatty acids (22.8%) and triglycerides (15.5%) also making
a substantial contribution. Fatty acid amides were a prominent fraction of pulp extracts from the
latter stages of bleaching. The amides constituted 38.3% and triglycerides 10.1% to total volatile
pitch deposits.
Lipases hydrolyse triglycerides and could therefore help to reduce pitch problems. Consequently
381 filamentous fungi isolated from indigenous and commercial forests in South Africa were
screened for lipase activity on tributyrin and Tween 80. Eight strains were selected and the
tributyrin and Tween 80 assays were repeated by monitoring lipase activity over a seven-day period. The selected strains were also assayed for their activity toward p-nitrophenyl palmitate.
Ophiostoma piliferum Cartapip 58™ and Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM-F-1767, two
strains known for respectively their biodepitching and biopulping ability, were' used as controls.
A few of the strains compared well and even outperformed the control strains, indicating their
potential for use in pitch control.
The effect of pretreatment with the eight selected fungal strains on E. grandis wood- and pulp
extractives was determined. Cartapip 58™ and P. chrysosporium BKM-F-1767 were used as
control strains. Several of the strains compared well to the control strains in their ability to
reduce the triglyceride content of wood extract. The South African isolate, white-rot fungus
Phanerochaete psuedomagnoliae nom. prov., reduced triglyceride content significantly.
Consequently it can act as an agent for both biopulping and biodepitching. The treated wood
samples had a lower triglyceride content than the sterile controls. Consequently more
triglycerides would be released into process waters by the sterile controls than the treated
samples. The effect of commerciallipases on deposited brown stock pulp extract was also
evaluated. The lipases did not reduce the triglyceride content of the deposited extract. The
addition of lipases in pulping and bleaching processes would therefore not affect already
deposited pitch. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ekstrakstowwe van hout veroorsaak dikwels 'n neerslag tydens verpulping. Gedurende
verpulping en bleiking kom ekstrakstowwe van die hout enpulp vry en kleef aan keramiek- en
metaalonderdele. Gevolglik benadeel dié neerslag produkkwaliteit en produksietempo. Dit
verlaag die effektiwiteit van pulpwas, sifting, sentrifugale skoonmaakprosesse en suiwering, en
kan die werkverrigting van papiermasjiene ontwrig. Die neerslag kan ook later los breek en
kolletjies op die finale produk veroorsaak. Verskeie meganismes kan die neerslag veroorsaak.
Hidrodinamiese of meganiese wrywing kan die kolloïdale ekstrakstofemulsie destabiliseer en
sodoende die ekstrakstof laat konglomereer en neerslaan. Op soortgelyke wyse veroorsaak
skielike temperatuurverlaging en/of pH-skokke en/of die toevoeging van ione in varswater om
waterhardheid te beheer ook die neerslag deur die kolloïdale ekstrakstofemulsie te destabiliseer.
Anorganiese sout soos kalsiumkarbonaat kan neerslagvorming kataliseer omdat dit optree as
bousteen vir die klewerige, sementagtige ekstrakstowwe. Kalsiumione in die proseswater kan
ook reageer met vetsure om onoplosbare, klewerige kalsiumsepe te vorm. Dit is bewys dat
trigliseriede een van die hoofoorsake is in die vorming van die neerslag tydens kraft verpulpingen
Om die neerslagreaksie wat met die kraft verpulping en bleiking van Eucalyptus spp. geassosieer
word, beter te verstaan, is verskeie analises op hout- en pulpekstrakte asook die neerslag van 'n
Suid-Afrikaanse kraft verpulpingsaanleg uitgevoer. Hoë molekulêre massa (nie-vlugtige)
stowwe het 'n groot gedeelte van die ekstrakte en neerslag uitgemaak. Ongeveer 40% van die
vlugtige Eucalyptus grand is ekstrak bestaan uit ~-sitosterol met vet sure (22.8%) en trigliseriede
(15.5%) wat ook aansienlike bydraes lewer. Vetsuuramiede verteenwoordig 'n beduidende
komponent van pulpekstrak by die laaste stadiums van bleiking. Die amiede het 38.3% en
trigliseriede 10.1%tot die vlugtige fraksie van die neerslag bygedra.
Lipases hidroliseer trigliseriede en kan dus help om neerslagprobleme te voorkom. Gevolglik is
381 filamentagtige fungi geïsoleer uit inheemse en kommersiële woude van Suid-Afrika en hul
lipase-aktiwiteit op tributyrin en Tween 80 geëvalueer. Agt rasse is geselekteer en die tributyrin
en Tween 80 toetse is herhaal deur lipase-aktiwiteit oor 'n sewe-dag periode te monitor. Die
geselekteerde rasse is ook getoets vir lipase-aktiwiteit met p-nitrofenielpalmitaat. Ophiostoma piliferum Cartapip 58™ en Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM-F-1767, twee rasse wat
daarvoor bekend staan vir onderskeidelik hul vermoë om houtekstrakstowwe te verminder en te
bioverpulp, is as kontroles gebruik. 'n Paar van die geselekteerde rasse het goed vergelyk en
selfs beter presteer as die kontrolerasse; 'n aanduiding van hul potensiaal om neerslagreaksies te
Die effek van voorafbehandeling met die agt geselekteerde fungi rasse op E. grandis hout- en
pulpekstrak is vasgestel. Cartapip 58™ en P. chrysosporium BKM-F-1767 is gebruik as
kontrolerasse. Verskeie rasse het goed vergelyk met die kontrolerasse in hul vermoë om die
trigliseriedinhoud van die houtekstrak te verlaag. Die Suid-Afrikaanse isolaat,
witverrottingswam Phanerochaete pseudomagnoliae nom. prov., het ook die trigliseried inhoud
beduidend verminder. Gevolglik sou dit as 'n middel kon dien vir beide neerslagvoorkoming en
bioverpulping. Die trigliseriedinhoud van die behandelde monsters was laer as dié van steriele
kontroles. Gevolglik sal meer trigliseriede in proseswater vrygestel word deur die steriele
kontroles as die behandelde monsters. Die effek van kommersiële lipases op ongebleikte kraft
pulpekstrakneerslag is ook geëvalueer. Omdat lipases nie die trigliseriedinhoud van die neerslag
kon verlaag nie sal die gebruik van lipases dus nie die ekstrakstofneerslag in verpulpings- en
bleikingsprosesse beïnvloed nie.
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Adsorption of calcium and nickel ions on wood pulpYantasee, Wassana 04 March 1999 (has links)
Graduation date: 1999
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The effect of the glycon and hydroxyl orientation on alkali-oxygen degradations of methyl glycosidesHearne, David O. (David Oliver) 01 January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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The alkaline hydrogen peroxide oxidation of phenyl-2-propanonesJones, Drexel D. 01 January 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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Cellulose fiber-to-fiber and fines-to-fiber interactions: their coagulation and flocculation tendencies as affected by electrolytes and polymers in an agitated water slurryKing, Clarence A. (Allen Kasy) 01 January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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