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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem de workflow utilizando um modelo de dados temporal orientado a objetos com papéis

Nicolao, Mariano January 1998 (has links)
Um dos grandes problemas relacionados a modelagem de workflow consiste na utilização de técnicas de modelagem conceitual especificas a cada sistema de workflow, não havendo, dessa forma, urn modelo aceito consensualmente. Esta situação, decorrência do ambiente competitivo neste mercado, leva a não inclusão de muitas características conceitualmente importantes relacionadas a modelagem nos técnicas geralmente utilizadas. Um importante aspecto a ser tratado nos modelos conceituais e a questão da modelagem formal do workflow e que constitui o terra central deste trabalho. Esta dissertação apresenta uma técnica de modelagem de workflow utilizando como modelo de dados referencial o TF-ORM (Temporal Functionality in Objects with Roles Model). Esta técnica desenvolve uma especificação rigorosa de workflow em um nível conceitual, formalizando com a utilização de um modelo técnico seu comportamento interno (cooperação e interação entre tarefas) e seu relacionamento para o ambiente (designação de tarefas de trabalho para executores). Neste modelo, construções são apresentadas para representar, de forma eficiente, a modularização e o paralelismo. Uma linguagem textual de definição de workflow e apresentada. Adicionalmente é apresentada a utilização de descrições formais do workflow para gerar o esquema de dados do workflow e o conjunto de regras para seu gerenciamento. Em adição, o paradigma de regras oferece um formalismo conveniente para expressar computações reativas influenciadas por eventos externos, gerados fora do WFMS (Workflow Manager System). Finalmente é realizada uma analise sobre algumas ferramentas comerciais, procurando validar a praticidade dos modelos conceituais desenvolvidos. Os principais conceitos envolvidos em workflow são descritos e classificados de forma a possibilitar, a validação tanto dos conceitos quanto da modelagem através de um estudo de caso e a utilização de um sistema comercial. / One of the greatest problems in workflow modelling is the use of specific conceptual modelling techniques associated to each workflow system; there is not a consensual accepted model. This situation, a consequence of the strong competitive environment in this market, leads to the non-inclusion of many important conceptual characteristics. This restriction is a consequence of the restricted modelling techniques closely related with implementation models. An important aspect to be considered, and the central subject of this work, is the formal workflow modelling. A modelling technique using the TF-ORM (Temporary Functionality in Objects with Rolls Model) data model is here presented. The modelling technique develops a rigorous specification of workflow at the conceptual level, formalising in one model its internal behaviour (the co-operation and interaction among tasks) and its relationship with the environment (the designation of tasks). In this model, constructions where developed to represent, in an efficient form, the modularity and the parallelism of the activities. A formal language for the workflow definition is presented. Additionally, the use of formal workflow description is used to generate the data flow and rules set for its management. In addition, the rules paradigm offers a convenient formalism to express reactive computations influenced by external events generated outside the Workflow Manager System. Finally a case study is accomplished using some commercial modelling tools, to validate the developed conceptual models practicality.

Evolutionary Development of Brain Imaging Meta-analysis Systems

Fredriksson, Jesper January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Workflow para ONG en el Perú para la gestión de abastecimiento

Ramos La Torre, Diego Alonso January 2013 (has links)
Las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales en el Perú, en la actualidad cuentan con sistemas informáticos de administración de procesos muy simples que solo sirven para tener un registro de alguno de los procesos que ellas realizan. Dentro de estos procesos se encuentra el de Gestión de Abastecimiento, en el que están involucradas varias áreas de la ONG. Estos procesos al ser realizados consumen tiempo y gastos innecesarios en materiales de oficina que son excesivos y que se podrían eliminar o reducir. Por las razones expuestas, me interesé en desarrollar el presente estudio en todas sus fases el cual busca desarrollar una herramienta tecnológica que facilite y automatice el trabajo que realiza el personal relacionado con el proceso de Gestión de Abastecimiento, así como permita el ahorro: en la compra de materiales de oficina y en el tiempo de ejecución del proceso. El tiempo que tomó realizar dicho proyecto fue aproximadamente cuatro meses, dentro del periodo que estuve laborando en la ONG CEDRO, donde conté con todo el apoyo e interés de parte de los directivos de la Institución. En este documento se presentan las principales características, ventajas y aportes de esta herramienta; tecnología aplicada a estas organizaciones y como esta herramienta facilita a los usuarios su trabajo y a la vez como agiliza el proceso de Gestión de Abastecimiento dando a la organización un mejor uso de sus recursos materiales y humanos para un óptimo funcionamiento. El estudio ha sido realizado principalmente en ocho capítulos: Organización Receptora, Marco Teórico, Estado del Arte, Viabilidad, Planteamiento del Problema y Objetivos, Desarrollo de la Solución, Implementación y Conclusiones las cuales son desarrolladas en el proyecto de forma desagregada aplicando los conocimientos y practicas adquiridas durante la carrera universitaria. Finalmente se ha añadido las influencia bibliográfica y en los anexos se exhibe: el cronograma de trabajo, prototipos de módulos de logística y de almacén, plan de pruebas, modelo de contrato, especificaciones de casos de uso, flujos de procesos, costo beneficio,

Uma proposta de arquitetura de linha de produto para sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow

Lazilha, Fabrício Ricardo January 2002 (has links)
A tecnologia de workflow vem apresentando um grande crescimento nos últimos anos. Os Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) ou Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Workflow oferecem uma abordagem sistemática para uniformizar, automatizar e gerenciar os processos de negócios. Esta tecnologia requer técnicas de engenharia de software que facilitem a construção desse tipo de sistema. Há muito vem se formando uma consciência em engenharia de software de que para a obtenção de produtos com alta qualidade e que sejam economicamente viáveis torna-se necessário um conjunto sistemático de processos, técnicas e ferramentas. A reutilização está entre as técnicas mais relevantes desse conjunto. Parte-se do princípio que, reutilizando partes bem especificadas, desenvolvidas e testadas, pode-se construir software em menor tempo e com maior confiabilidade. Muitas técnicas que favorecem a reutilização têm sido propostas ao longo dos últimos anos. Entre estas técnicas estão: engenharia de domínio, frameworks, padrões, arquitetura de software e desenvolvimento baseado em componentes. Porém, o que falta nesse contexto é uma maneira sistemática e previsível de realizar a reutilização. Assim, o enfoque de linha de produto de software surge como uma proposta sistemática de desenvolvimento de software, baseada em uma família de produtos que compartilham um conjunto gerenciado de características entre seus principais artefatos. Estes artefatos incluem uma arquitetura base e um conjunto de componentes comuns para preencher esta arquitetura. O projeto de uma arquitetura para uma família de produtos deve considerar as semelhanças e variabilidades entre os produtos desta família. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura de linha de produto para sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow. Esta arquitetura pode ser usada para facilitar o processo de produção de diferentes sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow que possuem características comuns, mas que também possuam aspectos diferentes de acordo com as necessidades da indústria. O desenvolvimento da arquitetura proposta tomou como base a arquitetura genérica e o modelo de referência da Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) e o padrão de arquitetura Process Manager desenvolvido no contexto do projeto ExPSEE1. O processo de desenvolvimento da arquitetura seguiu o processo sugerido pelo Catalysis com algumas modificações para representar variabilidade. A arquitetura proposta foi descrita e simulada através da ADL (Architecture Description Language) Rapide. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é uma arquitetura de linha de produto para sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow. Pode-se destacar também contribuições para uma proposta de sistematização de um processo de desenvolvimento de arquitetura de linha de produto e também um melhor entendimento dos conceitos e abordagens relacionados à prática de linha de produto, uma vez que esta tecnologia é recente e vem sendo largamente aplicada nas empresas.

Workflow management systems supporting the engineering of business networks

Ferreira, Diogo Manuel Ribeiro January 2003 (has links)
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, sob a orientação do Doutor João José da Silva e Cunha Pinto Ferreira

Creating a Help Desk using SharePoint Workflow

Quist, Harald January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Abstract</p><p>Xeratech AB is a medium-sized company in Karlstad, Sweden. Part of their business involves support of their products. This support has been managed manually; incoming errands has been received, by phone or by e-mail, and afterwards sent to a consultant for processing. This approach lacks the ability to efficiently store these errands, to make useful reports based on the work done with it, and to automatically send out notifications and e-mail to support members involved with the errand.</p><p> </p><p>The goal of this dissertation is to implement an errand support system (a help desk) able to do the above things automatically. Since Xeratech use mostly Microsoft products, and uses SharePoint as their intranet platform, a choice has been made to implement this help desk system as a SharePoint State Machine Workflow. A state machine workflow is a workflow consisting of states, transitions and events. This type of workflow has been chosen because of its resemblance to the life cycle of an errand: errands will, during its life time, change from one state to another in a non predetermined way. For instance, when an errand is created, it will start in the <em>New </em>state, the workflow will then, when a person has started working with it, transition to the <em>In Progress </em>state, followed by a number of states until finally its state is <em>Completed</em>, and the work with the errand is done.</p><p> </p><p>This workflow will then be evaluated considering its ability to facilitate the implementation of the help desk system.</p><p> </p>

The Runtime Behavior of Composite SOAP Web Services under Transient Loads

Meng, Yuxuan 23 September 2008
Services are computational elements that expose functionality in a platform independent manner. They are the basic building blocks of the service-oriented (SO) design/integration paradigm. Composite Web Services (CWS) aggregate multiple Web Services (WSs), which is typically achieved by use of a workflow language. A workflow coordinates services in a manner that is consistent with the desired overall functionality (e.g. business process).<p> When the atomic and composite services are exposed to various users, the performance and runtime behavior of WSs becomes important. To ensure wide deployment of CWS, the performance issues must be studied. This research focuses on the performance of atomic and composite SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) WSs under transient overloads. This research includes conducting experiments with WSs, studying the runtime behavior, and building simulation models of WSs workflow patterns. Simulation models of different WSs workflow patterns are built to study different situations. Timeout and network latency are added to the model to better simulate real systems. The simulation models are used to predict the runtime behavior of WSs and CWS, as well as to improve the performance with existing, limited resources.

Specification and Implementation of Workflow Control Patterns in Reo

Mousavi Bafrooi, Seyedeh Elham January 2006 (has links)
Abstract <br /><br /> Coordination models and languages are relatively new methods in modeling component-based software systems. These models and languages separate the communication aspect of systems from their computation aspect, and hence enable the modeling of concurrent, distributed, and heterogeneous systems. In this thesis, our goal is to show that Reo, a channel-based exogenous coordination language, is powerful enough to be used in the area of workflow management. In order to achieve this goal, we consider a set of workflow control patterns. We implement each of these patterns in terms of a Reo circuit and show that these Reo circuits capture the behavior of the corresponding workflow control patterns. We believe that the patterns we choose in this thesis are enough to show the strength of Reo as a workflow language. <br /><br /> We explain our approach in four steps. In the first step, we specify the general definition of workflow control patterns in terms of some Point Interval Temporal Logic formulas. In the second step, we convert each PITL formula to a constraint automaton. In the third step, we implement each workflow control pattern by a Reo circuit; each Reo circuit consists of a set of <em>components</em> and a set of <em>connectors</em> that connect and coordinate those components and provide its behavior as a relation on <em>timed data streams</em>; a timed data stream is a twin pair of a data stream and a time stream. In the forth step, we compositionally derive the constraint automata of that Reo circuit and finally, in the fifth step, we show the equivalence of the two constraint automata.

Specification and Implementation of Workflow Control Patterns in Reo

Mousavi Bafrooi, Seyedeh Elham January 2006 (has links)
Abstract <br /><br /> Coordination models and languages are relatively new methods in modeling component-based software systems. These models and languages separate the communication aspect of systems from their computation aspect, and hence enable the modeling of concurrent, distributed, and heterogeneous systems. In this thesis, our goal is to show that Reo, a channel-based exogenous coordination language, is powerful enough to be used in the area of workflow management. In order to achieve this goal, we consider a set of workflow control patterns. We implement each of these patterns in terms of a Reo circuit and show that these Reo circuits capture the behavior of the corresponding workflow control patterns. We believe that the patterns we choose in this thesis are enough to show the strength of Reo as a workflow language. <br /><br /> We explain our approach in four steps. In the first step, we specify the general definition of workflow control patterns in terms of some Point Interval Temporal Logic formulas. In the second step, we convert each PITL formula to a constraint automaton. In the third step, we implement each workflow control pattern by a Reo circuit; each Reo circuit consists of a set of <em>components</em> and a set of <em>connectors</em> that connect and coordinate those components and provide its behavior as a relation on <em>timed data streams</em>; a timed data stream is a twin pair of a data stream and a time stream. In the forth step, we compositionally derive the constraint automata of that Reo circuit and finally, in the fifth step, we show the equivalence of the two constraint automata.

The Runtime Behavior of Composite SOAP Web Services under Transient Loads

Meng, Yuxuan 23 September 2008 (has links)
Services are computational elements that expose functionality in a platform independent manner. They are the basic building blocks of the service-oriented (SO) design/integration paradigm. Composite Web Services (CWS) aggregate multiple Web Services (WSs), which is typically achieved by use of a workflow language. A workflow coordinates services in a manner that is consistent with the desired overall functionality (e.g. business process).<p> When the atomic and composite services are exposed to various users, the performance and runtime behavior of WSs becomes important. To ensure wide deployment of CWS, the performance issues must be studied. This research focuses on the performance of atomic and composite SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) WSs under transient overloads. This research includes conducting experiments with WSs, studying the runtime behavior, and building simulation models of WSs workflow patterns. Simulation models of different WSs workflow patterns are built to study different situations. Timeout and network latency are added to the model to better simulate real systems. The simulation models are used to predict the runtime behavior of WSs and CWS, as well as to improve the performance with existing, limited resources.

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