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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geological, Hydrogeological And Geochemical Analyses Of The Geothermal Systems In The Buyuk Menderes Graben

Guducu, Hatice 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Geothermal reservoirs have become very popular in the last decades due to their renewable energy contents. Turkey has a high geothermal energy potential / especially Western Anatolia is a promising region in terms of its highest energy. B&uuml / y&uuml / k Menderes Graben system is a tectonically active extensional region and is undergoing a N&ndash / S extension leading to form geothermal fields in the graben. In the last decade, geothermal exploration, investigations and investments have been increased rapidly through the law related to geothermal energy assigned. The aim of this study is to analyze the geothermal fields located in the graben system in order to investigate their geological, hydrogeological and geochemical features and reservoir characteristics. A data set is compiled from the accessible archives, published papers and documents and several variables have been searched at every field in the graben. The variables include the fluid temperature, the distance to sea, the depth to the reservoir, the reservoir lithology, the chemical constituents, etc. In view of these variables the fields are compared and constrasted and their common characterisrics have been noted. Interpretation of the data set reveals that the fields have some common features and characters however some fields have got notable differences.

Use Of Solid Phase Extraction For Preconcentration Of Rare Earth Elements: Provenance Studies In Catalhoyuk Obsidians

Ozturk, Sema 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Obsidian has been a center of interest both for geologists and archaeologists. Geologists have studied on physical and chemical properties of obsidian where archaeologists have worked on this material as a common artifact found in excavations. In this study, obsidian samples from &Ccedil / atalh&ouml / y&uuml / k excavations are examined using their rare earth element (REE) concentrations. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) have been used for this purpose. A mixture (4:1) of lithium metaborate and lithium tetraborate was used for fusion of samples. Because of the low concentrations of REEs, a preconcentration step is needed. Successful recovery results have been achieved with Amberlite IR-120. The developed method is tested using the standard reference material SARM-1.

Late Ottoman Resort Houses In Istanbul: Buyukada And Kadikoy

Koseoglu, Irmak 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis aims to study the development of late 19th and early 20th century domestic architecture in B&uuml / y&uuml / kada and Kadik&ouml / y as new resort districts of Istanbul. The urban development of Istanbul and B&uuml / y&uuml / kada is introduced as a basis to discuss the architectural context and domestic life. The discussion centers on the emergence of concept of &lsquo / resort houses&rsquo / as a new dwelling type in Istanbul in the late Ottoman period. Selected case studies are described and compared to illustrate how such houses were conceptualized, built and utilized.

Viable Higher Derivative Theories

Ozonder, Sener 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, higher derivative theories are investigated. Ostrogradskian instability of higher derivative theories is examined both at the classical and quantum levels. It is shown that avoiding the instability in nondegenerate higher derivative theories is impossible. Moreover, the degenerate model of relativistic particle with a curvature term is studied as a viable higher derivative theory. Most of the work we present here is not original. We give a review of the literature and compile various detached works that already exist.

Geochemical Monitoring Of The Seismic Activities And Noble Gas Characterization Of The Geothermal Fields Along The Eastern Segment Of The Buyuk Menderes Graben

Suer, Selin 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims the real-time monitoring of gases (CO2, N2, O2, H2, H2S, CH4, He, Ar) discharging from natural pools in the Tekke Hamam geothermal field (Denizli) in addition to the geochemical characterization of the field along with the Kizildere geothermal field, both located at the eastern segment of the B&uuml / y&uuml / k Menderes Graben. The continuous gas monitoring experiment (November 2007-October 2008) conducted in the Tekke Hamam geothermal field has revealed temporal variations in the gas compositions, gas flow rate and pool temperature. Different variation components, such as daily variation profiles and peak/Multi-day signals, are detected in the monitored data, which are mainly correlated with shallow and deep processes involving mainly meteorological factors and seismicity induced variations, respectively. Particularly, the coupled variations in the gas compositions and flow rate seem to correlate with seismicity induced permeability modifications within the subsurface during the absence of significant meteorological factors, such as high rainfall and varying atmospheric pressure. The noble gas characterization of the fields have revealed both high 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne isotopic ratios, suggesting a mantle contribution of about 18% for Kizildere and 34% for Tekke Hamam, whereas the other noble gases (Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe) are of atmospheric nature. The different mantle contributions observed in both fields can suggest a different mantle-He flux variably contaminated by crustal helium. The chemical (cation-trace element-anion) and stable isotopic (&amp / #948 / 18O-&amp / #948 / D) contents of the thermal waters reveal high temperature water-rock interaction accompanied by the effects of deep origined gases (mainly CO2 and H2S) discharging from the fields.

Conserved Charges In Asymptotically (anti)-de Sitter Spacetime

Gullu, Ibrahim 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT CONSERVED CHARGES IN ASYMPTOTICALLY (ANTI)-DE SITTER SPACETIME G&Uuml / LL&Uuml / , iBRAHiM M.S., Department of Physics Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bayram Tekin August 2005, 77 pages. In this master&rsquo / s thesis, the Killing vectors are introduced and the Killing equation is derived. Also, some information is given about the cosmological constant. Then, the Abbott-Deser (AD) energy is reformulated by linearizing the Einstein equation with cosmological constant. From the linearized Einstein equation, Killing charges are derived by using the properties of Killing vectors. Using this formulation, energy is calculated for some specific cases by using the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric. Last, the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet model is studied. The equations of motion are calculated by solving the generic action at quadratic order. Following this, all energy calculations are renewed for this model. Some useful relations and calculations are shown in Appendix (A-B) parts. &Ouml / Z ASiMPTOTiK (ANTi)-DE SITTER UZAYZAMANINDA KORUNAN Y&Uuml / KLER G&Uuml / LL&Uuml / , iBRAHiM Y&uuml / ksek Lisans, Fizik B&ouml / l&uuml / m&uuml / Tez Y&ouml / neticisi: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bayram Tekin Agustos 2005, 77 sayfa. Bu master &ccedil / aliSmasinda, Killing vekt&ouml / rler tanimlandi ve Killing denklemi &ccedil / ikarildi. Ayrica evrenbilimsel sabit, de-Sitter ve Anti-de Sitter uzaylari hakkinda bilgi verildi. Sonra, Abbott-Deser (AD) enerjisi, evrenbilimsel sabitli Einstein denklemi dogrusallaStirilarak yeniden form&uuml / le edildi. DogrusallaStirilmiS Einstein denkleminden, Killing vekt&ouml / rlerin &ouml / zellikleri kullanilarak Killing y&uuml / kleri (Deser-Tekin denklemi) &ccedil / ikarildi. Schwarzschild-de Sitter metrigi kullanilarak &ouml / zel durumlar i&ccedil / in enerji hesaplandi. Son olarak Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (GB) modeli &ccedil / aliSildi. ikinci dereceden genel eylem &ccedil / &ouml / z&uuml / lerek hareket denklemleri hesaplandi. Bundan sonra, t&uuml / m enerji hesaplamalari bu model i&ccedil / in tekrarlandi. Bazi faydali hesaplamalar ek (A-B) kisimlarinda g&ouml / sterilmiStir.

Investigating Time Series Shoreline Changes By Integration Of Remote Sensing And Geographical Information Systems

Fulat, Alper Ihsan 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Spatial analyses of shoreline recession and accretion, and future shoreline position predictions in coastal countries have considerable importance due to engineering, planning, management and environmental concerns. In spite of this importance, there are only a few studies in Turkey. The aim of this thesis are to determine the shoreline rate-of-change of B&uuml / y&uuml / k Menderes Delta, by geographical information systems for the last fifty-year period, in order to approximate future shoreline position of B&uuml / y&uuml / k Menderes Delta shoreline, and to evaluate appropriate models while predicting the future shoreline position. To achieve the purpose of the study time series shoreline position data is extracted from three sets of topographic maps belonging to 1954-1957, 1977-1978 and 1993 aerial photographs and two sets of high resolution satellite imageries (January 2002 Ikonos, August 2004 QuickBird). Then Coastal script of TNTMips, which uses some statistical shoreline analyses methods, that are End Point Rate (EPR), Average of Rates (AOR), Linear Regression (LR) and Jackknifing (JK) is edited so that it can locate the future shoreline positions on the map. Suitable baselines are created and appropriate transect intervals are decided to analyze the shoreline. Finally, some additional analyses that are Backward Analysis and Oscillation Analysis are done to obtain most suitable future shoreline position with rate-of-changes. The results showed that, shorelines having different geomorphologic characteristics needed to be analyzed separately and the linear methods to model the future shoreline position differ from one geomorphologic region to another.

Urban Transformation Of Ottoman Port Cities In The Nineteenth Century: Change From Ottoman Beirut To French Mandatory Beirut

Kihtir Ozturk, Pelin 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis attempts to give the increasing importance of Ottoman port cities in the urban hierarchy during the nineteenth century and analyzes the urban transformation of these cities under the forces of changing administrative and socio-economic structure of the empire. The impact of European economic penetration and Ottoman Tanzimat Reforms were indicated as major causes for this changing structure. Beirut, being one of the major port cities of the Ottoman Empire is studied as a case study. The changing administrative and socio-economic structure of the Empire created an urban transformation which changed the city to a cosmopolitan trade capital from a small fortified port city.

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