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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Technical Feasibility Study On The Use Of Cavundur Geothermal Field For Greenhouse Heating

Kasapoglu, Huseyin 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Protective cultivation is widely used nowadays in order to increase crop yield by creating the optimum conditions such as temperature, humidity and CO2 content, irrespective of outside conditions. Since plant production doubles for every 10 degrees increase in temperature to a certain limit, this makes temperature a very important factor for optimum plant growth. In order to keep the greenhouse temperature constant during changes in outside conditions, heating and often cooling are required. Heating of a greenhouse can be done using different systems and design procedures. The applicability of different types of greenhouses is studied at the field local conditions, &Ccedil / avundur-&Ccedil / ankiri, Turkey. Required heating load was calculated that is due to infiltration and conduction through the greenhouse cover at a single design point, which is the minimum outside temperature. Two types of heating systems, soil heating system and bare tube system, were considered. Analysis of results showed that, &Ccedil / avundur geothermal field with 54 &deg / C fluid temperature is suitable for greenhouse heating. Although the existing well &Ccedil / -1 is capable of producing 47 l/s, the flow rate of geothermal fluid for greenhouse heating was limited by 35 l/s due to existing thermal facilities in the area. Among different glazing materials, plastic film covered greenhouses with double poly was found to be the most suitable in terms of heat load calculations. The maximum number of greenhouses (the area of each green house is 216 m2) that can be heated by &Ccedil / avundur Geothermal field was found to be 138 by considering soil heating with double poly glazing material. Annual heat load factor of geothermal energy for greenhouse heating in &Ccedil / avundur area was found to be as high as 96% depending on indoor design temperature and base load.

Reflections Of Cultural Capital On Exchange Of Populations: The Case Of Cesme And Alacati

Aslankan, Ali 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / Migration&rdquo / is not a term that was totally alien for anyone throughout the history. However, Lausanne Convention of 30 January 1923 -between Greek and Turkish authorities- was a new page to conceptualize and comprise both the theoretical and practical frame of the &ldquo / population transfer&rdquo / . Thus, the problems encountered with the decision of proposing a new model of compulsory exchange of minorities resulted into social, economical, political and cultural transformation in the social space and the physical environment in the Aegean regions. This thesis, briefly, aims to re-evaluate the criteria and the manner that leads the transformation in the physical environment and the organization of the social space after the mutual exchange of populations. In this attempt, the thesis suggests an alternative way of understanding towards the evaluation of the results of population transfer by introducing Pierre Bourdieu&rsquo / s extended capital. Thus, the theoretical frame of this study is constructed by Bourdieu&rsquo / s four capitals, the multi-dimensional social space and the physical environment as its reflection. Yet, this thesis assumes that &ldquo / wars&rdquo / could be the ultimate devastation for the capital network which influentially characterizes the physical environment and this theory will be examplified by a migration period that was experienced between 1900 and 1930 in Aegean regions.

Engineering Geological Characterization Of The Tuffite Member Of Hanc&amp / #272 / l&amp / #272 / Formation, Cayyolu, Ankara

Fersoy, Cagla 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Along NS trending road cut between &Ccedil / ayyolu and incek, relatively thick tuffite layer of the Han&ccedil / ili formation has been exposed. It is alternating with other lacustrine deposits such as clayey limestone, marl, siltstone and mudstone. These units unconformably overlie the Mesozoic basement limestones of Akbayir formation. The illite rich tuffite consists of glass shards tridymite, biotite, quartz and plagioclase. It has a persistent areal extend and forms the foundation of the residential buildings at several localities. In this thesis, it is aimed to assess the engineering geological properties of the tuffite layer and to investigate its suitability as a foundation material. In order to accomplish this task, field studies and laboratory tests were conducted. Field studies involve detailed site geological observation. Laboratory studies include tests to investigate mechanical, physical and mineralogical properties of the tuffite. v Analyses revealed very weak nature of tuffite with strength values ranging between 0.1 MPa and 1.00 MPa. The tuffite is characterized with very high effective porosity (43.3%) and very low dry and saturated densities (1.19 Mg/m3 and 1.62 Mg/m3, respectively). The slake-durability tests yield medium durability. The durability index of tuffite is rated as very poor. Considering index properties and the durability assessment it is concluded that tuffite serves as a poor foundation material.

Conservation Proposal Of An Early Republic Period Building: Ataturk Orman Ciftligi Hamami

Kul, Busra 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Today, the loss of many qualified twentieth century buildings and the scarcity of studies for conservation of these buildings indicates the need for researches on this topic. In that respect the subject of the thesis study is to prepare a conservation proposal for the case Atat&uuml / rk Orman &Ccedil / iftligi Hamami, which was designed by an important architect of the Republic period buildings architect Ernst Egli in 1937s a part of a complex with Beer Factory and its mass housing. The building couldn&rsquo / t keep up within the transformation of the site and lost its function. Today the building is away from attention and under danger of destruction due to several material and structural problems. As a milestone project of modernization of a nation, Atat&uuml / rk Orman &Ccedil / iftligi&rsquo / s important role on the community, with its recreation areas and industrialization of agriculture has also been evaluated in the study and the building is studied as a whole with its close environment. In that respect a new function is proposed that will help the transformation of site in a positive manner together with considering the problems and the values of the building. By this way the building existing situation is documented, the values and problems are revealed out by systematic methods / and with proposed new function a conservation project that fore seen to reveal the importance of the building, preserve it by using and pass inheritence to next generations.

Trees In The Urban Context: A Study On The Relationship Between Meaning And Design

Cihanger, Duygu 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Urban places, besides their physical characteristics, are regarded as grounds where personal or communal meanings are created and accumulated. An individual can capture the meaning of a place, or create a new meaning by relying on his/her own feelings and experiences. This substantial role of urban places makes them the core concepts of environmental perception and urban design studies. This research, by discussing the idea of togetherness of meaning and design in urban spaces, presents trees both as place making and meaning generating features, and raises the term tree-places. The reason behind this is the capability of trees in terms of place formation, and their meanings for people which are shaped throughout the history. However, the attention of urban planners and designers towards working with trees in urban spaces is inadequate. They tend to focus solely on aesthetic appearances and biological contributions of trees. Moreover, trees are mostly thought afterwards, outside design processes. This attitude can be overcome through the identification of design principles with trees in urban exterior spaces. In this respect, this research presents a two-fold study, one of which is the meaning and the other is the design. Trees, in this context, are seen as the bridge connecting these two phenomena. While answering the question why trees have been chosen to relate meaning and design, an investigation is made on the deeply-rooted relationship between man and trees, and its traces on urban place. In order to strengthen the argument of the place making characteristics of trees, the existing urban places defined by trees are discussed under the term of tree-places. The study concludes with inferences from the theoretical discussions and case research that provide guidelines for urban design with trees. Trees are the essentials of people and cities, and the silent witnesses of history. For this reason, they are presented as valuable beings and design elements that create distinct urban places while supporting the concept of meaning.

Spatial Choicesof Middle Classes In Cayyolu And Kecioren / Ankara

Korkmaz Tirkes, Guliz 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study is based on a comparison of the spatial choices of two middle class groups residing in &Ccedil / ayyolu and Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren in Ankara. Spatial choices include the residences and neighborhood, the consumption of various places and activities in urban space and evaluations of the urban space. To search for the effects of alternative factors on the spatial choices along with well-known economic capital, two upper middle class groups are chosen as the basis of comparison. In line with the effects of Bourdieu&amp / #8217 / s cultural capital and social and symbolic capital on the differentiation of middle class / the location choice, spatial use and evaluation differences of the two groups at hand are investigated. Based on the effects of consumption sphere in class formation, the influence of the concept of &amp / #8216 / taste&amp / #8217 / and the differentiating aspect of lifestyle is discussed and how the resulting spatial tastes and choices may affect the development of urban space is presented in the case of Ankara. The importance of considering theoretically the local variations in studies conducted in urban space based on the daily practices of urbanites is revealed by the discussions of cultural factors that are special to Ankara and Turkey.

Identifying The Values Of Kucukbahce Village Through Its Architecture And Collective Memory

Cocen, Oget Nevin 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Karaburun Peninsula is one of the coastal peripheral areas of Izmir where social, cultural and economicaal effects of Izmir on a rural environment can be seen. Karaburun, with a historical background that can be dated back as much as Izmir&amp / #8217 / s, had continuously been inhabited and considered as a strategic place. However, it was never got densely populated and urbanized but had kept constant in its modest rural life. Complying with the context of the Aegean coast, it was compromised of villages with mutually living societies of Turkish and Rum people. Turkish people were the prevailing settlers on the peninsula and owners of most of the properties while Rums with many other poor Turkish people were the working group to earn their lives. However, this harmonious living in Ottoman villages had to last with the population exchange between the Rums in the peninsula and the Muslims in Aegean island and Balkans, as a consequence of Lausanne Treaty that took place in 1923. 1922 was a turning point in Karaburun peninsula&amp / #8217 / s life. It became a purely Turkish peninsula and with less population and idly in socioeconomic life compared to its past. Today, Karaburun consists of thirteen villages, which carry footprints of Ottoman legacy in varying levels of perception and ways of exposition. Unfortunately, most of the fairly populated villages&amp / #8217 / historic contexts are almost demolished. K&uuml / &ccedil / &uuml / kbah&ccedil / e is one of these historic villages of the peninsula which is almost abandoned. However, it is a village, in which cultural, social and physical values of Ottoman period can still be perceived and their change can be followed. The study was conducted to identify the architectural characteristics, on the Aegean coast, of late Ottoman village, K&uuml / &ccedil / &uuml / kbah&ccedil / e while understanding its rural life and determining its cultural, social and physical values. The thesis aims to reconstruct and visualize the rural life between 1850s and 1922 and physical environment of the village via juxtaposing some of the oral historic documents and the givens of the built environment. Thus, it conceives information to understand how change in social and cultural values influence and are reflected in the built environment of the historic village and establish knowledge on how this historic village can continue its living in contemporary life while conserving its inherited values from Ottoman period. On the whole, a source of reference on K&uuml / &ccedil / &uuml / kbah&ccedil / e, where the collective memory of its inhabitants and its architecture are explained as the main sources for its description, is achieved. Thus, a base for further studies on the conservation of K&uuml / &ccedil / &uuml / kbah&ccedil / e is established where politics of conservation strategies, principles for interventions and refunctioning of the village are determined. Accordingly, a conservation project for K&uuml / &ccedil / &uuml / kbah&ccedil / e is decided to base on the three inputs of its current situation as: break, continuity and change. Hence, agro tourism is proposed as the new function of the village where continuity of the economic activities and social life will be sustained, the break in the life and development of the built environment will be recovered and the population characteristics and construction activities that are already in change will be defined to change in a conservation concsiously manner. Regarding the whole, this thesis contains necessary and satisfying information for a study of the possibilities on the re-functioning of the village. Thus, the decision on the function of the village and the structure of a conservation project has to be given by collaboration of a larger group of specialists building on the knowledge secured by this thesis.

Evolution Of The Cicekdagi Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey

Gulyuz, Erhan 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
&Ccedil / i&ccedil / ekdagi basin developed on the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) is a foreland basin developed as the southern integral part of the &Ccedil / ankiri Basin during the Late Paleocene to middle Oligocene. The basin has two compartments separated by the &Ccedil / i&ccedil / ekdagi High comprises two sedimentary cycles. The oldest cycle comprises Barakli, Koca&ccedil / ay and Bogazk&ouml / y formationsa and is exposed both in the northern and the southern sectors. They were deposited in marine conditions. The second cycle comprises incik and G&uuml / vendik formations and was deposited in continental settings. The first cycle comprises uniformly south-directed paleocurrent directions in both the northern and southern sectors whereas the second cycle deposits are represented by south-directed directions in the southern sector, and bimodal directions in the northern sector. In addition, the second cycle formations contain progressive unconformities and coarsening upwards sequences indicative of thrusting. Internal structures of the units and paleostress data indicate that the basin experienced over-all compression and local extension due to flexural bending. This gave way to inversion of some of the normal faults and uplift of the &Ccedil / i&ccedil / ekdagi High during the deposition of second cycle in the Late Eocene to middle Oligocene time which subsequently resulted in compartmentalization of the basin.

Diagenesis Of Cudi Group Formations From Dincer-1 And South Dincer-1 Wells, Se Anatolia Turkey

Ozkan Kahraman, Aysegul 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Din&ccedil / er-1 (1968) and South Din&ccedil / er-1 (1980) exploration wells are located at Sirnak Province of Southeast (SE) Anatolia. South Fields of SE Anatolia have received a significant attention after the completion of subjected wells and numerous studies have been implemented regarding this area. Many theories about the geological generation of these fields were put forward by people who studied this region.Both wells have penetrated the Arabian Plate autochthonous units. The Cudi Group, of this sequence, mainly consists of dolomites and anhydrites. The samples from the cores of this referred interval and the thin sections of these cores were examined in details by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analyses and petrographic microscope. Thin sections taken from the core samples of the Cudi Group&rsquo / s Bak&uuml / k, &Ccedil / amurlu and Telhasan formations (from older to younger) stand out in the diagenetic manner. The analyses of these thin sections showed that dolomitization is the main diagenetic process along with some textural changes such as the increase in the deformation of algal structures, formation of stylolites and secondary porosity. Clay minerals, mainly illites, shows detritic behaviors rather than characters representing a diagenetic origin. Obtained results from this study showed that the dolomitization as diagenetic process plays an important role in oil and gas formations within Cudi Group. Dolomite stoichiometry studies indicated that Cudi Group formations have modern dolomites since they show poor ordering reflections. They are also younger formations which are subjected to longer periods of diagenetic effects in comparison with Uludere Formation&rsquo / s dolomites.

Design Problems Of Aoc As A Public Property

Yildirim, Derya 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the loss of land totality and loss of sight of establishment purposes of a unique application AO&Ccedil / which is a very vital open green area for Ankara is discussed since it was established. The importance of AO&Ccedil / for the city of Ankara, loosing its land totality and diverging from its establishment purposes was of interest to public opinion for long years. This study aims to analyze the location of AO&Ccedil / in the city, the role of AO&Ccedil / within Ankara Metropolitan area, its qualities and the future objectives of the State Farm which were deviated from its establishment purposes by means of inefficient planning regulations. It is obvious that as a public property, the establishment purposes and the ideology behind AO&Ccedil / must be reevaluated considering the opportunities of the State Farm as a huge open green area for the city. Moreover, some future principles for the fragmented farmlands must be determined according to the development area of the city. v With this aim, the location of AO&Ccedil / in the city and the roles given to AO&Ccedil / by the Ankara city plans is analyzed since its establishment and the reevaluation of establishment purposes and the basic objectives necessary for the future development of AO&Ccedil / and design principles necessary to preserve the totality of AO&Ccedil / and open farmlands back to public use is argued in this thesis.

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