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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding Facade Between Design And Manufacturing: A Case Study On High-rise Office Buildings In Istanbul

Sener, Duygu 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis aims to examine how the formation of fa&ccedil / ades, that is, the interface with a dual response both to interior functioning and exterior urban fabric, is separated from the totality of architectural design by new technological developments and design intentions. This aim is accomplished in three sections, respectively: analysis of the fa&ccedil / ade, the properties and formation process in time / examining the fa&ccedil / ade formation of the high-rise office buildings in Levent-Maslak area in respect to the analysis and examining the working principles and marketing attitudes of fa&ccedil / ade manufacturing firms in terms of their role in fa&ccedil / ade formation. The focus is on the description of a fa&ccedil / ade and the process that generated the autonomy in time is examined. In this sense, the thesis analyzes that the &amp / #8216 / free-fa&ccedil / ade&amp / #8217 / application, by which physical autonomy is totally gained, transforms the fa&ccedil / ade to a production element by using the technological developments and specifications of curtain-wall system in the Turkish context, in particular in Levent-Maslak area. Besides the technical availability, the representational qualities of the new materials transform this production based character of the free-fa&ccedil / ade to a more representational character as an object-fa&ccedil / ade. Finally, the study investigates how the technical knowledge inherent in the new fa&ccedil / ade systems gives the authority,in formation process of fa&ccedil / ades, to the manufacturing firms instead of the architect. It is therefore stressed that the changing role of the architect in the formation process of fa&ccedil / ades is often based on the working principles and marketing attitudes of fa&ccedil / ade manufacturing firms at present.

Poverty Mapping With Geographic Information Systems: A Case Study In Kecioren District, Ankara

Kalaycioglu, Mehmet 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In the world today and in Turkey, poverty and its alleviation has become an important issue. As a result, detailed studies for the identification of poverty need to be done. In the recent years, the spatial aspect of the multidimensional character of poverty is gaining significance. For this purpose, in this thesis, spatial aspects of poverty are tried to be analysed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the case of Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren District in Ankara. Firstly, a digital map of the spatial distribution of the urban poor living in Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren is made and linked to the database to analyse the spatial distribution. The poverty database used in this study is based on the data collected by the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation in the district. It includes state of poverty and some sociodemographic characteristics of the households who applied for social assistance. The analyses with respect to the methodology of this study aims at finding the common characteristics of poor settlements and the areas/households which are the poorest of the poor in Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren. The maps obtained as a result of spatial data analysis indicate the dense living areas of the poor, clusters of poor households, neighbourhood level poverty analysis and poor areas within neighbourhoods. There are also additional analyses which compare the characteristics of the geographical distribution of the poor with other aspects, such as land values, roads and building conditions. Such a study can be helpful to re-allocate the poverty alleviation efforts more efficiently by determining priority areas.

Intervention Principles In Wet Spaces For Contemporary Residential Use, In Eski Foca Traditional Dwellings

Erdem, Elif 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional dwellings are one of the most important elements of Turkey&rsquo / s cultural heritage, which constitute a large part of the total quantity of all our traditional buildings. These buildings also have an important economic value due to their forming a huge part of the housing stock of Turkey. However these buildings disappear rapidly, because of many reasons. Besides several external factors, which cause their loss indirectly, such as pressure of the urbanization, the lack or defects of the legal arrangements, shortage in the financial sources&hellip / etc, they also have internal problems such as, structural, functional and environmental ones which lead their users to abandon them, similarly resulting in their deterioration and loss in the long term. Inadequacy of the service units in traditional dwellings are one of the most important problems belonging to the category of functional problems. They will be abandoned or physically altered by unconscious interventions as long as the needs related to the service functions are not met. Because the original service units of the traditional dwellings, especially the ones called &lsquo / wet spaces&rsquo / in today&rsquo / s contemporary houses do not respond to our needs, and are under the requested modern living standards. The change of the traditional way of life parallel to technological developments has resulted in the change in uses within the house and changes in needs and habits of the people. Therefore, the major objective of this study was to make the necessary rehabilitations related to the service needs in terms of adapting the traditional dwellings to contemporary residential use. It was assumed that this study would offer guidelines to eliminate similar types of problems related to the service needs of all the traditional dwellings in Fo&ccedil / a. In this direction, the architecture of the traditional Fo&ccedil / a dwellings with special interest in their service spaces were researched in the site survey. Besides their original architectural characteristics, their physical alteration status regarding to their needs, their problems and desires of their users were determined both with physical analyses and social questionnaires. All the interventions were assessed by taking into consideration both their conservation and physical needs of their inhabitants. In the proposal phase of the study, the spatial potentials and carrying capacities of the dwellings were determined while also considering the preservation of their values. The dwellings were grouped after this assessment according to their spatial potentials and problems. The appropriate types of interventions, aimed at meeting the minimum requirements, sometimes realized by rehabilitation of an existent space and in other cases by the addition of a new space were revealed according to the needs and problems of the dwellings. Finally, the principle decisions for the interventions were proposed by considering the necessary balance between usage and preservation in each proposal.

Gis Based Assessment Of Excavation Difficulty By Tbm-epb Along Mecidiye - Tandogan Segment Of The Tandogan - Kecioren Metro Tunnel

Ozbas, Bengi 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Tunnel structures are important investments especially for urban areas. Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren - Tandogan metro alignment is one of those investments executed by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. The purpose of this research is to evaluate Tunnel Boring Machine (Earth Pressure Balance type) (TBM-EPB) performance within different lithological units encountered along Tandogan -Mecidiye segment of the Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren - Tandogan metro tunnel. The evaluation is based on the data obtained from traditional site investigation methods, statistical approaches and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Complex geological and hydrogeological conditions are found to be effective in the advancement of a TBM implemented in tunnel boring works. A good understanding of the geology is essential in such cases. Available field (in-situ) and laboratory tests have been used in order to determine geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical properties of the metro tunnel alignment. Advancements in the tunnel boring process also proved that hydrogeological conditions are effective on the performance of TBM so related data are considered carefully while preparing cross-section layers and calculating weights in order to display the distribution of excavation difficulty classes through the tunnel alignment.

Meter Scale Cycles In The Eocene Cayraz Formation (haymana Basin) And Response Of Foraminifers To Cyclicity

Geyikcioglu Erbas, Bedia 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of the meter-scale cycles in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of the Middle Eocene age and to study the response of foraminifera to the sedimentary cyclicity. In order to perform this study, two stratigraphic sections, which are 44,55 m and 25,95 m in thickness, were measured on a regularly bedded succession mainly composed of carbonates and siliciclastics in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of the Haymana Basin. In this study, detailed microfacies analyses were carried out in the studied sections and 10 different microfacies types were identified strictly based on the biofacies in order to define meter scale cyclic sedimentation. Based on the detailed microfacies analysis and the distribution of the vertical facies relationships a composite depositional model is suggested. According to this model, three major facies associations were distinguished, from deepest to shallowest, as: shallow open marine, shoal and lagoon. Studied sections are composed of meter-scale cycles of both upward shoaling or deepening in character and based on the stacking pattern of meterscale cycles two systems tracts were identified along the measured sections. Section 1 is represented by highstand systems tract (HST) and section 2 is represented by lowstand systems tract (TST). In this study, the responses of benthic foraminiferal groups to the sedimentary cyclicity have been documented by quantitative and statistical analysis to understand the shallowing upward cycles, which are fundamental stratigraphic units, in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of Middle Eocene age. Among foraminifera, particularly the forms like Nummulites, Assilina and Discocyclina are excellent in order to detect cyclic variations of facies. These studies lead to understand shoaling-upward character of the meter-scale cycles, which are the building blocks of the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation.


Aydogan, Esra 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
There is a growing trend to design buildings with colourful and dynamic outer skins through the integration of digital media tools, particularly Led Emitting Diode (LED) systems, and the use of innovative technology. This integration has been discussed in recent conferences under the term &ldquo / media fa&ccedil / ade&rdquo / as a new research field. Discussing the intersection of media, technology, art, and architecture, this field introduces a new form of communication platform, urban space and public perception, which can be viewed through the perspective of Guy Debord&rsquo / s &ldquo / The Society of the Spectacle&rdquo / and Jean Baudrillard&rsquo / s &ldquo / sign value&rdquo / concept. Proceeding from the idea that a fa&ccedil / ade is a communication tool, the thesis compares what Adolf Behne in the early 20th century termed as Reklamearchitektur (advertising architecture) with the current &ldquo / media fa&ccedil / ade&rdquo / . Venturi&rsquo / s comparison of Gothic cathedrals to billboards of the Las Vegas Strip in the 1970s applies today to the &ldquo / Media Building&rdquo / in Paul Virilio&rsquo / s discussion of the digital age, where the information is active and interactive. This study considers the fa&ccedil / ades with attached signs, signboards and billboards as a continuation of advertising architecture, in contrast to the media fa&ccedil / ade examples with integrated digital media tools that are inbuilt to the design. Among the cases presented, three are selected (BIX, GreenPix and Digital Water Pavilion) for discussing the advantages and disadvantages of media fa&ccedil / ades, under the following titles: communication, ornamentation, flexibility, ephemerality, sustainability, and location. It is observed that the new relation between digital media and architecture not only initiates a new kind of communication platform, but also indicates the emergence and proliferation of a potential propaganda tool. To this end, the guidance of a social control mechanism for the applications of media fa&ccedil / ades is suggested.

Determination Of The Dynamic Characteristics And Local Site Conditions Of The Plio-quarternary Sediments Situated Towards The North Of Ankara Through Surface Wave Testing Methods

Eker, Mert Arif 01 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to assess the engineering geological and geotechnical characteristics and to perform seismic hazard studies of the Upper Pliocene to Quaternary (Plio-Quaternary) deposits located towards the north of Ankara through surface wave testing methods. Based on a general engineering geological and seismic site characterization studies, site classification systems are assigned in seismic hazard assessments. The objective of the research is to determine the regional and local seismic soil conditions (i.e., shear wave velocities, soil predominant periods and soil amplification factors) and to characterize the soil profile of the sites in this region by the help of surface geophysical methods. These studies have been supported by engineering geological and geotechnical field studies carried out prior to and during this study. By integrating these studies, local soil conditions and dynamic soil characteristics for the study area have been assessed by detailed soil characterization in the region. As a result, seismic hazard assessments have been performed for &Ccedil / ubuk and its close vicinity with the aid of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) through establishing seismic characterization and local soil conditions of the area.

A Comparision Of The Ideas Of Ziya Gokalpa And Yusuf Akcura On Turkism

Yuner, Meral 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the ideas Ziya G&ouml / kalp and Yusuf Ak&ccedil / ura on Turkism. Nationalism emerged in the 18th century in Western Europe has been a real force in world politics for the last two centuries. Naturally, towards the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire with many different ethnic groups within its borders was influenced by Western nationalist movements. Analyzing Turkish nationalism, it is seen that from the late 18th century to the announcement of the Second Constitution in 1908, Turkish nationalism went parallel to the modernization attempts of the Ottoman reformers. The Ottoman bureaucrats considered modernity as a goal to overcome the difficulties of the Ottoman Empire. Ottomanism and Islamism were the sub-ideologies of the state, which were essential for its survival. However, after the Balkan wars, Turkism became popular among ottoman intellectuals. Both G&ouml / kalp and Ak&ccedil / ura played a leading role in the direction of Turkish nationalism during the transition from a multi-ethnic Ottoman Empire to a secular and modern Turkish nation-state. Additionally, after the foundation of the Turkish nation-state, they shaped the content of the reforms of the new state with their nationalist way of thinking. In this respect, they served as the intellectual sources of Turkish nationalism. The main purpose of this thesis is to offer an analytical framework for understanding the peculiarities of G&ouml / kalp and Ak&ccedil / ura&rsquo / s nationalist thoughts during the late Ottoman and early Republican periods. In this context, this thesis examines the ideas of the two scholars on a comparative basis and aims to reveal the differences and similarities in their ideas.

Improving Urban Facades As An Intervention Into The Built Environment The Case Of Facade Improvement Application Along The Protocol Highway Of Ankara, A Route From Aydinlikevler District To Esenboga Airport

Torabi, Elnaz 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
When human constructs the physical surrounding, a psychological environment of meanings is being created, accompanying the world of shapes and masses. Interventions into built environment affect the meanings extracted from the composition of the physical setting and the response of people to design strategies reveals the importance of them. The entrance spine of a city is important in creating an image of the city in the minds of the observers, and the protocol highway of Ankara introduces the city to other countries&amp / #8217 / leaders and visitors. So any intervention into this highway will affect the symbolic image formed. As such, attaching claddings onto visible fa&ccedil / ades of buildings in terms of beautification changes the appearance of the streetscape, and Municipality&amp / #8217 / s approach to fa&ccedil / ade improvement does not heed the prestige of this corridor / being an application rather than a well-advised project. This thesis aims to study the quality of the streetscape under the principles of design in terms of objective and subjective dimensions with respect to the physical characteristics of the setting and people&amp / #8217 / s interpretations from it, and the objective of this study is to question the success of this intervention with regard to solutions to improve the quality of the streetscape. To this end evaluative analyses are studied in the second chapter and the third chapter introduces a matrix of design principles. According to these evaluations, most design concerns are being underestimated, resulting in the monotony of the streetscape but the streetscape appears to be visually more ordered compared to the past.

Flooding Analysis And Slope Stability Assessment Due To A Confined Aquifer In The Elbistan-collolar Open Cast Mine

Yoncaci, Selin 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Groundwater can be a critical issue to be considered in civil engineering, mining engineering and interdisciplinary fields. Karstic structures and aquifers enclosing groundwater are potential risks in case they are not studied in detail. Enclosed groundwater can result in floods at pit bottom or can cause instabilities of permanent pit slopes. This study is about analyses of flooding possibility at the pit bottom and possible instabilities of pit slopes in the Elbistan-&Ccedil / &ouml / llolar open cast coal mine due to the presence of a karstic aquifer under the lignite formation. Thickness and permeability of the bottom clay formation under the lignite bed are necessary critical parameters for investigating a possible water rush from a confined aquifer in limestone formation underneath the bottom clay. These parameters were changed, and water flow quantities towards the pit bottom were determined by finite element models. Critical values of these parameters were investigated considering the lack of accurate site investigation information regarding the thickness and permeability of bottom clay. Possible strength loss, fracturing, and thus permeability increase in bottom clay due to a confined aquifer were studied. In flooding and slope stability analyses Phase2 software based on finite element method is used. Results of analyses showed that as reported thickness of bottom clay is around 120 m at the pit bottom and permeability values are in orders of magnitudes of 10-8 m/s, no serious flooding problems are expected to occur unless the thickness of bottom clay layer drops down to around 20 m, and the permeability of this layer reaches an order of magnitude of 10-5 m/s. Mechanical effects of confined aquifer on slopes and bottom clay displacements were investigated, and thus fracturing and failure possibilities of bottom clay and permanent slope were assessed. Slope and pit bottom displacements increased to meter levels for less than 60 m bottom clay thicknesses. Whereas 50-60 m bottom clay thickness can be critical for cracking, 20 m bottom clay thickness was found to be critical for water rush to the pit bottom. With reported bottom clay thickness of 120 m and with 25o slope angle permanent slope factor of safety was found to be 1.2, and this value was not effected unless clay layer thickness drops below 70 m levels. Higher than 32o overall slope angle there will be a risk of slope failure for permanent and production slopes, reflected by safety factors less than one, in the stability analyses.

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