Spelling suggestions: "subject:"& ccedil"" "subject:"& cedil""
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Neotectonics And Seismicity Of The Ankara Region: A Case Study In The Urus AreaKaplan, Tulin 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Study area, the UruS province, is located 70 km WNW of city of
Ankara. Major settlements in the study area are two counties, UruS and
Gü / dü / l / and there are a number of villages, such as, from W to E, Macun,
Yogunpelit, Kabaca, Ü / regil, Ö / zkö / y, Tahtaciö / rencik, Kirkkavak, Kavakö / zü / ,
Kayi and Karacaö / ren. The study area is 189 km2 in size and included in
1/25000-scaled topographic quadrangles of H28a3, a4, d1 and d2. The Gü / dü / l-
UruS section of the Ç / eltikç / i morphotectonic depression (Ç / eltikç / i Basin)
drained by the Antecedent Kirmir River and its second-order drainage
system was first mapped in detail in the present study, and faults determining
northern margin of the Ç / eltikç / i depression were named as the UruS fault set
comprising the SW part of the Ç / eltikç / i Fault Zone / and the mechanism of the
master fault of the UruS fault set was determined as left lateral oblique-slip
fault with reverse component by the morphologic markers such as the
deformed drainage system and pressure ridges. This was also supported by
the fault plane solutions of the 2000.08.22 UruS earthquake.
Three fault plane solutions, of which two of them for the 2000.08.22
UruS earthquake, and one of them for the 2003.02.27 Ç / amlidere earthquake,
were done to determine nature of the source.
Ground material underlying the city of Ankara were divided into three
categories: (a) well-lithified basement rocks, (b) Pliocene fluvio-lacustrine
sedimentary sequence, and (c) unconsolidated terrace and alluvial
sediments of Quaternary age. Quaternary unconsolidated sediments are
densely populated in Ankara. These sediments are fine-grained and have a
maximum thickness of 200 m or more. Inside these sediments, static ground
water level is very close (as on average: 6 m) to ground surface. These
conditions are quite suitable for liquefaction of these unconsolidated alluvial
sediments. In addition, basement rocks are full of zone of weakness. Even if,
the city of Ankara is characterized by the shallow focus and small
earthquakes (M& / #8804 / 5), it is open to the risk of large earthquakes to be sourced
from the North Anatolian Fault System and the Seyfe Fault Zone located 110
km and 80 km, respectively, owing the ground material conditions beneath
the city of Ankara. This point has to be taken out in constructions and site
selection solution.
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Animals At Burgaz In The Classical Period From The Evidence Of Faunal RemainsAydin, Mahmut No 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
For this thesis the animal bones collected from the archaeological excavations at the ancient site of Burgaz have been analyzed for the study of animal exploitation, human diet, social differentiation and the environment of Burgaz and Datç / a during the Classical Period. Comparison of the results with evidence from other sites to determine the extent to which there might have been local trends in animal husbandry.
Because this kind of a research is not common among archaeologists specialising in the classical period the methodology and each process of the laboratory work has been set out.
Burgaz/Datç / a is a coastal settlement but sea products do not have an important place in the human diet of the Datç / a Burgaz inhabitants. After analysis of the Burgaz bones it was determined that domestic cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, donkey and dog were present alongside wild goat, wild pig, fallow deer, red deer, roe deer, badger and birds as well as fish and shellfish from the sea.
More than half of the bones that were identified, 220 of 430, come from floor filling levels beneath floors. It was understood that these bones were in filling materials that were brought from dump site(s). Among these bones were some worked cattle bones which have close parallels with Roman period finds at Sagalassos.
Because of most of identified bones come from filling levels beneath floors it was not possible to reach definite conclusions about social hierarchy at ancient Burgaz.
Sheep/goat and cattle were kept for their secondary products, such as milk, wool and power. They were slaughtered in their old age by experienced people and played an important place in diet of the Burgaz inhabitants. Pigs, on the other hand, were slaughtered when young.
From the wild species found in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods it can be said that the Datç / a environment was diverse enough to accommodate a range of wild animals whose habitat indicates the existence of forested areas (with large leafed and coniferous trees) as well as of meadows and grasslands.
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Development Of A Ventilation Model For The G Field Of Cayirhan Coal MineInan, Cem 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ventilation problems raised with the beginning of underground mining. In underground mining, to provide safe and healthy working conditions, ventilation should be designed properly. Especially in the planning stage of the project, to design ventilation properly is very important.
The latest upgrade of the popular ventilation simulation program, known as VnetPC 2000, has been applied for the ventilation design.
In this study simulation is conducted to both auxiliary and main ventilation at Ç / ayirhan G Field.
Information describing the geometry of a ventilation network, airway characteristics and locations, characteristics of different fans were prepared as an input.
The output includes predicted airflows, frictional pressure drops, air power, losses in airway and fan operating points for different trials.
After different trials it has been found that for auxiliary ventilation, where minimum required amount of air is 6 m3/s, ENGART, 30A 40SCV/60HR model fan which is the most economical one was selected.
For main ventilation system, 5 fans which provide airflow more than minimum requirement were chosen. Among them the most economical one, that is ALPHAIR-5400VAX2100 HB, was selected for the mine.
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Estudo do melhoramento do solo utilizando resíduos gerados na cadeia produtiva da cana-de-açúcar: uma avaliação da matéria orgânica do solo empregando técnicas espectroscópicas / Study of soil amendment under sugar mill waste: an organic matter assessment with spectroscopic techniquesCarvalho, Camila Miranda 12 May 2015 (has links)
Em face ao bom desempenho da agricultura brasileira, cresce também a responsabilidade por uma produção sustentável. Particularmente, o sistema produtivo da cana-de-açúcar vem se adaptando a uma produção sem queima, e busca formas alternativas de manejo dos resíduos da produção que sejam sustentáveis tanto economicamente, quanto ambientalmente. Neste trabalho apresentamos resultados dos tratamentos de solo agriculturável com resíduos de i) cinzas de bagaço de cana aplicado em cobertura e ii) torta de filtro na entrelinha da cultura, em diferentes doses. Avaliamos o impacto desses tratamentos no conteúdo de carbono e na matéria orgânica do solo. Para determinar se os tratamentos podem ser considerados sequestradores de carbono e ambientalmente sustentáveis nos detemos na preservação seletiva como mecanismo de retenção da matéria orgânica do solo, a qual leva a acumulação de componentes orgânicos químicos mais recalcitrantes. Utilizamos as técnicas espectroscópicas de fluorescência de luz UV-Visível, espectroscopia de fluorescência matriz excitação-emissão para avaliar a fração de ácido húmico do solo e o aumento da recalcitrância química, a fluorescência induzida por laser (FIL) para observar a matéria orgânica como um todo e a espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) utilizada como uma nova ferramenta para avaliar o conteúdo de carbono do solo. No tratamento de solo com adição de cinza de bagaço de cana tivemos potencial de estoque de carbono na dose 40 t/ha. Quanto a torta de filtro, o carbono total do solo aumenta menos significativamente que na cinza, mas não houve potencial de estoque de carbono. Na fração ácido húmico não observamos modificação do grau de humificação do solo com os tratamentos, mesmo a torta sendo um produto rico em matéria orgânica, porém houve um aumento de grupos carbonílicos, que estão associados ao aumento das interações intermoleculares favorecendo por exemplo a complexação do ácido húmico com metais. Nossos resultados de fluorescência induzida por laser apontam que a cinza possivelmente ofereceu melhora nas condições de crescimento da cultura havendo aumento de grupos alifáticos na MOS. Concluímos portanto, que não houve impacto negativo para o estoque de carbono no solo e qualidade da matéria sob tratamento de adição de cinza de bagaço de cana e torta de filtro. / Given the good performance of Brazilian agriculture, grows the responsibility for sustainable production. Particularly, the sugarcane production system has been adapting to a production without burning, and seeks alternative forms of waste management in production that are both economically and environmentally sustainable. We present results of arable soil treatments with i) sugarcane bagasse ash applied in coverage soil and ii) filter cake applied between the lines of culture in different doses. We assess the impact of these treatments on the content and quality of soil organic matter and carbon sequestration capacity. To determine if treatments can be considered environmentally sustainable and carbon sequestration we embrace the selective preservation as a retention mechanism of soil organic matter, which leads to accumulation of chemical organic compounds recalcitrant. We use bidimensional fluorescence UV-Visible spectroscopy and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix to assess the fraction of soil humic acid, the laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) for observing the whole organic matter and laser breakdown induced spectroscopy (LIBS) used as a new tool to assess the soil carbon content. The soil treatment with sugarcane bagasse ash had increased carbon stock in dose 40 t / ha. In humic acid fraction did not observe any change in the degree of humification treatment with AML, but there was an increase of carbonyl groups, which are associated with increased intermolecular interactions and enhancing the complexation of metals with humic acid. Our results suggest a possible improvement in crop growth conditions with an increase of aliphatic groups in MOS. The filter cake is no carbon content recorded, also did not observe any impact on soil organic matter with the incorporation of filter cake although this is a product rich in organic matter. In this context, we conclude that there was no negative impact on the carbon stock and quality of soil organic matter under treatment addition of sugarcane bagasse ash and filter cake.
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Numerical And Experimental Analysis Of Dissipative Silencer Coupled With Quarter Wave TubeDincer, Ayse 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The study deals with investigation of acoustical characteristics of a hybrid silencer made up of a dissipative silencer and a quarter wave tube resonator. The theoretical and experimental analyses are performed to define acoustic characteristics of a simple expansion chamber and reactive perforated silencer, while the numerical and experimental solutions are presented for dissipative perforated silencer. Furthermore, the experiments and numerical solutions are extended to the hybrid silencer to find the effect of quarter wave tube resonator on the silencer performance. The experimental results of dissipative silencer are verified with theoretical solutions. The empirical expressions for acoustic impedance of perforation and filling material are presented in this study for use in a three-dimensional boundary element method (BEM). Besides, an experimental setup is also established to find the characteristic impedance and wavenumber of absorbing material to import BEM solution when the empirical expression cannot be used. The results found with BEM are compared by analytical and experimental results favorably.
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Estudo do melhoramento do solo utilizando resíduos gerados na cadeia produtiva da cana-de-açúcar: uma avaliação da matéria orgânica do solo empregando técnicas espectroscópicas / Study of soil amendment under sugar mill waste: an organic matter assessment with spectroscopic techniquesCamila Miranda Carvalho 12 May 2015 (has links)
Em face ao bom desempenho da agricultura brasileira, cresce também a responsabilidade por uma produção sustentável. Particularmente, o sistema produtivo da cana-de-açúcar vem se adaptando a uma produção sem queima, e busca formas alternativas de manejo dos resíduos da produção que sejam sustentáveis tanto economicamente, quanto ambientalmente. Neste trabalho apresentamos resultados dos tratamentos de solo agriculturável com resíduos de i) cinzas de bagaço de cana aplicado em cobertura e ii) torta de filtro na entrelinha da cultura, em diferentes doses. Avaliamos o impacto desses tratamentos no conteúdo de carbono e na matéria orgânica do solo. Para determinar se os tratamentos podem ser considerados sequestradores de carbono e ambientalmente sustentáveis nos detemos na preservação seletiva como mecanismo de retenção da matéria orgânica do solo, a qual leva a acumulação de componentes orgânicos químicos mais recalcitrantes. Utilizamos as técnicas espectroscópicas de fluorescência de luz UV-Visível, espectroscopia de fluorescência matriz excitação-emissão para avaliar a fração de ácido húmico do solo e o aumento da recalcitrância química, a fluorescência induzida por laser (FIL) para observar a matéria orgânica como um todo e a espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) utilizada como uma nova ferramenta para avaliar o conteúdo de carbono do solo. No tratamento de solo com adição de cinza de bagaço de cana tivemos potencial de estoque de carbono na dose 40 t/ha. Quanto a torta de filtro, o carbono total do solo aumenta menos significativamente que na cinza, mas não houve potencial de estoque de carbono. Na fração ácido húmico não observamos modificação do grau de humificação do solo com os tratamentos, mesmo a torta sendo um produto rico em matéria orgânica, porém houve um aumento de grupos carbonílicos, que estão associados ao aumento das interações intermoleculares favorecendo por exemplo a complexação do ácido húmico com metais. Nossos resultados de fluorescência induzida por laser apontam que a cinza possivelmente ofereceu melhora nas condições de crescimento da cultura havendo aumento de grupos alifáticos na MOS. Concluímos portanto, que não houve impacto negativo para o estoque de carbono no solo e qualidade da matéria sob tratamento de adição de cinza de bagaço de cana e torta de filtro. / Given the good performance of Brazilian agriculture, grows the responsibility for sustainable production. Particularly, the sugarcane production system has been adapting to a production without burning, and seeks alternative forms of waste management in production that are both economically and environmentally sustainable. We present results of arable soil treatments with i) sugarcane bagasse ash applied in coverage soil and ii) filter cake applied between the lines of culture in different doses. We assess the impact of these treatments on the content and quality of soil organic matter and carbon sequestration capacity. To determine if treatments can be considered environmentally sustainable and carbon sequestration we embrace the selective preservation as a retention mechanism of soil organic matter, which leads to accumulation of chemical organic compounds recalcitrant. We use bidimensional fluorescence UV-Visible spectroscopy and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix to assess the fraction of soil humic acid, the laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) for observing the whole organic matter and laser breakdown induced spectroscopy (LIBS) used as a new tool to assess the soil carbon content. The soil treatment with sugarcane bagasse ash had increased carbon stock in dose 40 t / ha. In humic acid fraction did not observe any change in the degree of humification treatment with AML, but there was an increase of carbonyl groups, which are associated with increased intermolecular interactions and enhancing the complexation of metals with humic acid. Our results suggest a possible improvement in crop growth conditions with an increase of aliphatic groups in MOS. The filter cake is no carbon content recorded, also did not observe any impact on soil organic matter with the incorporation of filter cake although this is a product rich in organic matter. In this context, we conclude that there was no negative impact on the carbon stock and quality of soil organic matter under treatment addition of sugarcane bagasse ash and filter cake.
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Estudo da degradação do dietil ftalato por processo eletroquímico com ânodo dimensionalmente estável em sistemas aquosos / Study of the degradation of diethyl phthalate by electrochemical process with anode dimensionally stable in aqueous systemsMedina, Ana Maria Barbosa 25 April 2016 (has links)
Os ésteres de ftalato (PAEs) são compostos produzidos em grandes quantidades, amplamente utilizados industrialmente como agentes plastificantes. Seus resíduos são lixiviados pela água tornando-se poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) no meio ambiente aquoso, além de apresentar características de interferência endócrina. O dietil ftalato (DEP) é frequentemente encontrado nas amostras ambientais, pois possui elevada solubilidade na água e pode ser gerado durante a degradação de outros PAEs. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a degradação do dietil ftalato em meio aquoso por método eletroquímico utilizando um ânodo dimensionalmente estável (ADE) comercial representado como Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 em uma célula do tipo filtro-prensa. As eletrólises foram de 120 minutos contendo uma concentração inicial de 100,3 mg L-1 de DEP, pH inicial igual a 3, a temperatura em 25 °C e vazão em 250 mL min-1. Os experimentos foram feitos utilizando planejamento fatorial do tipo 32 com duas réplicas no ponto central, apresentando como variáveis independentes a densidade de corrente (10, 25 e 40 mA cm-2) e o logaritmo em base 10 da forca iônica do eletrólito suporte, NaCl e Na2SO4 (µ = 0,05, 0,15 e 0,5 mol L-1), com o intuito de estudar o efeito da densidade de corrente, concentração e natureza do eletrólito para determinar a melhor condição de degradação do dietil ftalato. O monitoramento da concentração do DEP foi feito com cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e a mineralização foi acompanhada pelas análises de carbono orgânico total (COT). Foram obtidas maiores porcentagens de remoção e mineralização com uso das maiores densidades de corrente e na presença de altas concentrações de NaCl em comparação com Na2SO4. Dessa maneira, se obteve remoção de 63,2 % e mineralização de 63,9 % em solução 0,5 mol L-1 NaCl e densidade de corrente de 40 mA cm-2, enquanto que para Na2SO4 (µ = 0,5 mol L-1) e 40 mA cm-2 foi removido 51,3 % e mineralizado 53,0 % de DEP. O mecanismo de degradação de DEP foi determinado em meio de NaCl e Na2SO4, através de CLAE-MS nas condições citadas anteriormente, identificando-se os íons moleculares de m/z 149 e 177 em ambos eletrólitos, correspondentes ao anidrido ftálico protonado e ao aduto do anidrido ftálico com C(2)H(5)(+) respectivamente, íons característicos da fragmentação do DEP, além do íon m/z 239 em Na2SO4 correspondente ao dietil 3-hidroxiftalato. A degradação do DEP acontece através da cadeia alifática. / Phthalate esters (PAEs) are compounds produced in large amounts industrially widely used as plasticizers. Their waste are leached by water becoming persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the aqueous environment, besides having endocrine disrupting characteristics. Diethyl phthalate (DEP) is frequently found in environmental samples, it has high solubility in water and can be generated during the degradation of other PAEs. This work studied the degradation of diethyl phthalate in aqueous media by electrochemical method using a commercial dimensionally stable anode (ADE) represented as Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 in a filter-press flow cell. The electrolysis were carried out during 120 minutes containing an initial concentration of 100.3 mg L-1 DEP, initial pH = 3, temperature at 25 °C and flow rate of 250 ml min-1. The experiments were performed using factorial design 32 with two replicas at the midpoint, with as independent variables the current density (10, 25 and 40 mA cm-2) and the logarithm base 10 of the ionic strength of the electrolyte, NaCl and Na2SO4 (µ = 0.05, 0.15 and 0.5 mol L-1), in order to study the effect of current density, concentration and nature of the electrolyte to determine the best diethyl phthalate degradation condition. The monitoring of DEP concentration was made by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the mineralization was accompanied by total organic carbon (TOC) analysis. They obtained higher percentages of removal and mineralization with the use of higher current densities and in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl in comparison with Na2SO4. Thus, there was obtained the removal of 63.2 % and 63.9 % mineralization in 0.5 mol L-1 NaCl and current density of 40 mA cm-2, whereas for Na2SO4 (µ = 0.5 mol L-1) and 40 mA cm-2 was removed 51.3 % and 53.0% mineralized DEP. The DEP degradation mechanism was determined in NaCl and Na2SO4, by HPLC-MS under the conditions mentioned above, identifying the molecular ion of m/z 149 and 177 on both electrolytes, corresponding to protonated phthalic anhydride and an adduct of phthalic anhydride with C(2)H(5)(+), respectively, characteristic ions of DEP fragmentation, besides the ion m/z 239 over Na2SO4 corresponding to diethyl 3-hydroxyphthalate. The DEP degradation takes place through the aliphatic chain.
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Estudo da degradação do dietil ftalato por processo eletroquímico com ânodo dimensionalmente estável em sistemas aquosos / Study of the degradation of diethyl phthalate by electrochemical process with anode dimensionally stable in aqueous systemsAna Maria Barbosa Medina 25 April 2016 (has links)
Os ésteres de ftalato (PAEs) são compostos produzidos em grandes quantidades, amplamente utilizados industrialmente como agentes plastificantes. Seus resíduos são lixiviados pela água tornando-se poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) no meio ambiente aquoso, além de apresentar características de interferência endócrina. O dietil ftalato (DEP) é frequentemente encontrado nas amostras ambientais, pois possui elevada solubilidade na água e pode ser gerado durante a degradação de outros PAEs. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a degradação do dietil ftalato em meio aquoso por método eletroquímico utilizando um ânodo dimensionalmente estável (ADE) comercial representado como Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 em uma célula do tipo filtro-prensa. As eletrólises foram de 120 minutos contendo uma concentração inicial de 100,3 mg L-1 de DEP, pH inicial igual a 3, a temperatura em 25 °C e vazão em 250 mL min-1. Os experimentos foram feitos utilizando planejamento fatorial do tipo 32 com duas réplicas no ponto central, apresentando como variáveis independentes a densidade de corrente (10, 25 e 40 mA cm-2) e o logaritmo em base 10 da forca iônica do eletrólito suporte, NaCl e Na2SO4 (µ = 0,05, 0,15 e 0,5 mol L-1), com o intuito de estudar o efeito da densidade de corrente, concentração e natureza do eletrólito para determinar a melhor condição de degradação do dietil ftalato. O monitoramento da concentração do DEP foi feito com cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e a mineralização foi acompanhada pelas análises de carbono orgânico total (COT). Foram obtidas maiores porcentagens de remoção e mineralização com uso das maiores densidades de corrente e na presença de altas concentrações de NaCl em comparação com Na2SO4. Dessa maneira, se obteve remoção de 63,2 % e mineralização de 63,9 % em solução 0,5 mol L-1 NaCl e densidade de corrente de 40 mA cm-2, enquanto que para Na2SO4 (µ = 0,5 mol L-1) e 40 mA cm-2 foi removido 51,3 % e mineralizado 53,0 % de DEP. O mecanismo de degradação de DEP foi determinado em meio de NaCl e Na2SO4, através de CLAE-MS nas condições citadas anteriormente, identificando-se os íons moleculares de m/z 149 e 177 em ambos eletrólitos, correspondentes ao anidrido ftálico protonado e ao aduto do anidrido ftálico com C(2)H(5)(+) respectivamente, íons característicos da fragmentação do DEP, além do íon m/z 239 em Na2SO4 correspondente ao dietil 3-hidroxiftalato. A degradação do DEP acontece através da cadeia alifática. / Phthalate esters (PAEs) are compounds produced in large amounts industrially widely used as plasticizers. Their waste are leached by water becoming persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the aqueous environment, besides having endocrine disrupting characteristics. Diethyl phthalate (DEP) is frequently found in environmental samples, it has high solubility in water and can be generated during the degradation of other PAEs. This work studied the degradation of diethyl phthalate in aqueous media by electrochemical method using a commercial dimensionally stable anode (ADE) represented as Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 in a filter-press flow cell. The electrolysis were carried out during 120 minutes containing an initial concentration of 100.3 mg L-1 DEP, initial pH = 3, temperature at 25 °C and flow rate of 250 ml min-1. The experiments were performed using factorial design 32 with two replicas at the midpoint, with as independent variables the current density (10, 25 and 40 mA cm-2) and the logarithm base 10 of the ionic strength of the electrolyte, NaCl and Na2SO4 (µ = 0.05, 0.15 and 0.5 mol L-1), in order to study the effect of current density, concentration and nature of the electrolyte to determine the best diethyl phthalate degradation condition. The monitoring of DEP concentration was made by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the mineralization was accompanied by total organic carbon (TOC) analysis. They obtained higher percentages of removal and mineralization with the use of higher current densities and in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl in comparison with Na2SO4. Thus, there was obtained the removal of 63.2 % and 63.9 % mineralization in 0.5 mol L-1 NaCl and current density of 40 mA cm-2, whereas for Na2SO4 (µ = 0.5 mol L-1) and 40 mA cm-2 was removed 51.3 % and 53.0% mineralized DEP. The DEP degradation mechanism was determined in NaCl and Na2SO4, by HPLC-MS under the conditions mentioned above, identifying the molecular ion of m/z 149 and 177 on both electrolytes, corresponding to protonated phthalic anhydride and an adduct of phthalic anhydride with C(2)H(5)(+), respectively, characteristic ions of DEP fragmentation, besides the ion m/z 239 over Na2SO4 corresponding to diethyl 3-hydroxyphthalate. The DEP degradation takes place through the aliphatic chain.
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Nickel Resource Estimation And Reconciliation At Turkmencardagi Laterite DepositsGencturk, Bilgehan 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years nickel is mostly produced from lateritic ore deposits such as nontronite, limonite, etc. Resource estimation is difficult for laterite deposits as they have a weak and heterogeneous form. 3D modeling software are rather suitable for deposits having tabular or vein type ores. In this study the most appropriate estimation technique for resource estimation of nickel laterite deposits was investigated.
One of the known nickel laterite deposits in Turkey is located at Tü / rkmenç / ardagi - Gö / rdes region. Since the nickel (Ni) grade recovered from drilling studies seem to be very low, a reconciliation pit having dimensions of 40 m x 40 m x 15 m in x-y-z directions was planned by Meta Nikel Kobalt Mining Company (META), the license owner of the mine, to produce nickel ore.
13 core drilling and 13 reverse circulation drilling (RC) and 26 column samplings adjacent to each drillholes were located in this area. Those three sampling results were compared to each other and as well as the actual production values obtained from reconciliation pit. On the other side 3D computer modeling was also used to model the nickel resource in Tü / rkmenç / ardagi - Gö / rdes laterites. The results obtained from both inverse distance weighting and kriging methods were compared to the results of actual production to find out the applicability of 3D modeling to laterite deposits.
Modeling results showed that Ni grade of the reconciliation pit in Tü / rkmenç / ardagi - Gö / rdes, considering 0.5% Ni cut-off value, by using drillholes data, inverse distance weighting method estimates 622 tonnes with 0.553% Ni and kriging method estimates 749 tonnes with 0.527% Ni. The actual production pit results provided 4,882 tonnes of nickel ore with 0.649% Ni grade. These results show that grade values seem to be acceptable but in terms of tonnage, there are significant differences between theoretical estimated values and production values.
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Albostan, Duygu 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to investigate and discuss the conceptual and operational contexts of innovative approaches in the design of multi residential housing in Turkey over three selected cases. Flexibility, as an inclusive concept that encompasses adaptability and typological variety, is used to structure the framework of the discussion. The inquiry is based on the idea that flexibility and the associated concepts can be used to develop, in N. John Habraken&rsquo / s words, &ldquo / a new and challenging kind of architecture&rdquo / in the context of multi residential housing.
The housing blocks designed by Ahmet Gü / lgö / nen in Eryaman 3rd Stage, and those designed by Tuncay Ç / avdar in the same stage, and Levent Loft 1 project designed by Tabanlioglu Architects are selected as cases. These projects advocate flexibility and also exemplify an innovative approach to design. The thesis introduces a conceptual framework that allows dealing with flexibility in the housing context, and then evaluates the selected cases by means of this conceptual framework.
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