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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Juice Clarification Processes on Chemical Composition of Hard Cider

Ma, Sihui 11 July 2016 (has links)
Cider production volume has increased over 800% in the past 5 years in North America. This rapid growth of the cider industry coupled with traditional craft approach to cider making necessitates increased research on apple chemistry, processing, and fermentation strategies for cider production. A common problem in cider is the sulfur off-aromas production by yeast during fermentation. Fermentation of cloudy juice is often associated with sulfur off-aromas in white wine production; therefore, pre-fermentation juice clarification is an important and routine step in white winemaking practice. However, cider makers are often reluctant to clarify juice pre-fermentation due to beliefs that pre-fermentation juice clarification will reduce the concentration of yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) and polyphenols; thus, negatively impacting cider quality. In this study, different clarification methods were applied on York apple juice, and both raw and clarified juices were fermented into cider. The impact of pre-fermentation juice clarification treatments on the juice and finished cider chemistry was assessed by comparing the primary juice and cider chemistry, YAN concentration and amino acid composition in juice, polyphenol concentration and composition in juice and cider. Different clarification treatments affected the YAN concentration and amino acid composition differently. Polyphenol concentration in juice was decreased and individual polyphenol composition was different after the clarification (p<0.05), but these changes did not persist into the finished cider. The effect of pre-fermentation juice clarification on sensory properties of cider warrants further investigation. Future research should also include the development of appropriate analysis for polyphenol measurement in apple juice and cider. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

The Effect of Fungicide Residues and Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen on Fermentation Kinetics and H2S Production during Cider Fermentation

Boudreau, Thomas F. IV 06 July 2016 (has links)
The Virginia cider industry has grown rapidly in the past decade, and demands research-based recommendations for cider fermentation. This study evaluated relationships between the unique chemistry of apples and production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in cider fermentations. Yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) concentration and composition and residual fungicides influence H2S production by yeast during fermentation, but these factors have to date only been studied in wine grape fermentations. This study surveyed 12 Virginia-grown apple cultivars and found that the majority were severely deficient in YAN. The effects of three fungicides on cider fermentation were investigated; elemental sulfur, fludioxonil and fenbuconazole. Fenbuconazole adversely impacted fermentation kinetics. Sulfur and fludioxonil marginally impacted fermentation kinetics. Sulfur increased H2S production, but fludioxonil and fenbuconazole did not affect H2S production. There was no difference in fermentation kinetics and H2S between nitrogen sources arginine (approximating grape), asparagine (approximating apple) and ammonium (YAN supplement). Supplementation with methionine resulted in increased fermentation rate and decreased H2S production. The detrimental effects of fenbuconazole and beneficial effects of methionine were diminished with increasing total YAN. Contrary to previous findings, the most H2S was formed at 153 mg/L YAN which is above the generally recommended minimum to prevent H2S formation. These results indicate that apple juice chemistry may influence yeast metabolism during cider fermentation, in ways that have not been previously studied in grape fermentation. Our findings indicate the need for and contribute to the development of targeted fermentation management practices for cidermaking. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

Modest Differences in Juice Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen Concentration and Composition Influence Wine Chemistry and Impart Limited Sensory Differences in Virginia-grown Chardonel

Mershon, Megan E. 23 May 2024 (has links)
Nitrogen is requisite for yeast growth and metabolism during wine fermentation, and contributes to wine flavor development. Understanding how yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) impacts wine chemistry and sensory properties helps inform nitrogen management decisions in both the vineyard and winery. This study used Virginia-grown Chardonel, obtained from a multi-year viticulture study evaluating the impact of nitrogen fertilizer on grapevines. The objective of this work is to determine if vineyard treatments resulted in sufficient juice YAN profile differences to impart chemical and/or sensory differences in resulting wines. Grapes were combined from each field replication of six vineyard nitrogen treatments and pressed to generate six juice lots. Each juice was divided in two for triplicate fermentation using one of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae x bayanus yeast strains: EC1118 or QA23 to investigate the interactive effects of YAN and yeast strain. Juice and wine samples were frozen until chemical and UPLC-PDA amino acid analysis. Fermentation replications of each wine were combined, bottled, and stored at 4ºC for four months until evaluation via sensory sorting task with untrained panelists (n=63). Juice YAN concentrations ranged from 157-201mg N/L, a small variation in terms of commercial winemaking. Chemical differences between wines produced with the same juice but different yeast strains were larger in wines that had lower juice YAN concentrations. DISTATIS analysis of sorting results showed differences but no pattern in sensory perceptions of wines based on nitrogen profile or yeast strain. This range of nitrogen profiles shows limited impact of YAN profile on final wine quality. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Nitrogen is an essential nutrient in grape growing and winemaking. Grapevines use nitrogen as a nutrient to survive and produce grapes for making wine. In winemaking, yeast turn the sugar and nitrogen in grape juice into alcohol via fermentation, using nitrogen to grow and produce other compounds that contribute to the final flavor of the wine. Understanding how nitrogen qualities and quantities in grape juice impact final wine quality is important so vineyard managers can apply nitrogen fertilizer to meet their needs. This thesis evaluates how different nitrogen quantities and qualities in the initial juice and during white wine fermentation impact the chemical and sensory properties of a final wine product. A Chardonel vineyard is being maintained for a multi-year study where the vineyard is divided for grapes in different areas of the plot to receive one of six different nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Grapes were harvested from each treatment and pressed into juice. Each lot of juice was then split in two for fermentation by one of two yeast strains for a total of 12 wines. Wines were bottled and stored for four months until sensory evaluation. Samples of juice and wine were collected and frozen before chemical analysis for nitrogen and other standard wine industry parameters. For sensory analysis, consumers were asked to taste each wine then sort them into groups based on how similar the wines were perceived to be. Chemical differences were found between wines, but they did not translate into sensory differences. Vineyard managers and winemakers can be aware that in Virginia-grown Chardonel, with modest differences in nitrogen from the vineyard treatments, differences in juice and wine chemical parameters did not impact the final wine product.

Evaluation of Nitrogen Management Schemes in Cover Cropped Vineyards

Moss, James Russell 06 June 2016 (has links)
Vineyards in the Eastern United States are often prone to excessive vegetative growth. In order to suppress excessive vine vigor, many viticulturists have employed cover cropping strategies. Cover crops provide a myriad of agronomic benefits, however they are known to compete with the vine for water and nutrients. Due to the widespread use of cover crops in Eastern vineyards, many vineyards experience nitrogen (N) deficiencies in both the vegetative vine tissue and yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) in the juice. Soil applications of calcium nitrate and foliar applications of urea were assessed as a means of vineyard N amelioration at cover cropped sites comprised of Petit Manseng and Sauvignon blanc (Vitis vinifera L.). Perennial White and Crimson clover cover crops and foliar urea applications were also used in a Vidal blanc (Vitis spp.) vineyard. Treatments were imposed in the Sauvignon blanc vineyard for five years. The Petit Manseng and Vidal blanc vineyards were subjected to treatments for two years. Soil-applied N at bloom was most effective at increasing leaf petiole N at véraison, season-long chlorophyll content index (CCI), vine capacity and fruit yield. Fruit yield was increased due to more berries per cluster and greater berry weights. Increased rates of soil-applied N decreased the fruit weight:pruning weight ratio. Foliar-applied N after fruit set was most effective at increasing berry YAN. While most of the measured amino acids in fruit increased in concentration with the application of either soil or foliar N, foliar applications were more effective at increasing fruit amino acids. Clover cover crops offered little to no benefit as a N source in the two-year period of evaluation. None of the N management schemes negatively impacted canopy density, fruit zone light interception, or botrytis bunch rot incidence. The combination of both a soil-applied and foliar-applied N fertilizer may be the most effective means to increase both vine capacity and YAN in vineyards where vineyard floor cover crops are compromising vine N status. / Master of Science

Optimizing nitrogen fertilization practices under intensive vineyard cover cropping floor management systems

D'Attilio, DeAnna Rae 28 March 2014 (has links)
Under-trellis cover crops have become more prevalent in East Coast grape growing regions through either intentional planting or adoption of native vegetation, to minimize the potential for erosion and to help regulate grapevine size and vigor. These companion crops, however, have sometimes resulted in increased competition for soil nitrogen, leading to decreased vine nitrogen status and berry yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different nitrogen fertilization methods applied at varying doses and different times, on vine and berry nitrogen parameters of cover cropped grapevines. The research described herein involved Sauvignon blanc, Merlot, and Petit Manseng grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) subjected to different sets of nitrogen treatments, and was primarily conducted over two years. There were very few differences in pruning weights, canopy architecture, components of yield, and primary fruit chemistry amongst nitrogen treatments. Sauvignon blanc petiole nitrogen concentration, season-long chlorophyll content index (CCI) values, and berry YAN were most affected by the highest rate of soil nitrogen treatment (60 kg N/ha total split between two calcium nitrate applications at bloom and six weeks post bloom) and foliar fertilization (40 kg N/ha split over seven to nine urea applications); however, the foliar fertilization was most effective at increasing the concentration of certain individual amino acids. Petit Manseng berry YAN at harvest was increased in response to post-véraison foliar applications (10 kg N/ha split between two urea applications), corresponding to an increased concentration of nine amino acids. Merlot berry YAN, petiole nitrogen concentration, and season-long CCI values were most affected by a high rate of soil nitrogen treatment (60 kg N/ha total split between two calcium nitrate applications at bloom and six weeks post bloom) and establishing clover as the under-trellis cover crop. This study identified nitrogen treatments that improved berry nitrogen concentration and content in cover cropped sites. / Master of Science

Root restriction, under-trellis cover cropping, and rootstock modify vine size and berry composition of Cabernet Sauvignon

Hill, Brycen Thomas 02 March 2017 (has links)
Vineyards in the Mid-Atlantic often have large, vigorous vines that can be costly to manage and produce inadequate fruit for wine production. Dense canopies increase the incidence of fungal disease, require greater allocation of resources to manage, and inhibit fruit development. The primary objective of these studies was to determine effective vine-size modification treatments that would optimize fruit quality, while reducing labor and chemical control. Research factors included root manipulation, under-trellis ground cover, and rootstock. Treatment levels were root bag (RBG) or no root manipulation (NRM); under-trellis cover crop (CC) or herbicide strip (HERB); and one of three rootstocks: 101-14, Riparia Gloire, or 420-A. Effects of these treatments were measured in two experiments: Experiment I compared combinations of all three treatments, while Experiment II explored the individual effects of root restriction using root bags of varying volumes. Root restriction consistently demonstrated the ability to reduce vegetative growth and vine water status. In the first experiment fruit-zone photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was increased by 234% in RBG vines. Timed canopy management tasks indicated that RBG canopies required about half the labor time of NRM canopies. Anthocyanin concentration and total phenolic content were increased by 20% and 19% respectively in RBG fruit. CC increased fruit-zone PPFD by 62%, and increased soluble solids and color compounds. The 420-A rootstock reduced potassium uptake, resulting in lower must potassium concentration. Results demonstrated that these treatments significantly reduce vegetative growth in a humid climate, decrease management labor, and produce higher quality fruit. / Master of Science

Hierarchy of factors impacting grape berry mass at different scales and its direct and indirect effects on grape and wine composition / Hiérarchisation des facteurs impactant la masse de la baie de raisin à différentes échelles et leurs effets directs et indirects sur la composition du raisin et du vin

Triolo, Roberta 16 December 2016 (has links)
La masse de la baie est le résultat de l’effet intégré de plusieurs facteurs. La recherche a été dessinée afin d’étudier l’effet simultané des facteurs majeurs influençant la masse et la composition de la baie, de les hiérarchiser selon leur degré d’impact à des échelles différentes, de séparer leur effet direct et indirect sur la composition du raisin et de comparer le profil de vins élaborés à partir de petites et grosses baies. L’étude a été conduite sur deux sites expérimentaux, localisés dans les régions de Saint-Emilion (France) et Alcamo (Italie), pendant les années 2014 et 2015. Sur le premier site, les vignes sont plantées sur deux types de sols, tandis que sur le deuxième, deux traitements hydriques étaient appliqués. A l’échelle intra-parcellaire, l’état hydrique de la vigne représente le facteur le plus important, tandis que l’effet du nombre de pépins par baie n’est pas significatif. Des résultats opposés sont obtenus lorsque les relations sont étudiées à l’échelle de la grappe et de la plante. A large échelle, les facteurs impactent directement et indirectement la composition du raisin et les petites baies produisent des moûts et des vins plus concentrés. A l’inverse, à l’échelle de la grappe et de la plante, la masse de la baie n’influence pas la composition du raisin. Seule la concentration en anthocyanes est significativement liée à la masse à toutes les échelles. Cette relation est particulièrement évidente sous conditions hydriques limitantes. Un déficit hydrique augmente le ratio pellicule/pulpe, indépendamment de la masse de la baie. Petites et grosses baies d’une parcelle ayant une condition hydrique homogène, tendent à avoir un profil similaire. / Final berry mass is the result of the integrated effect of several factors. They also influence berry composition. The present work was designed to study the simultaneous effect of major factors influencing berry mass and composition, to hierarchize their impact at different scales, to distinguish their direct and indirect effect on berry composition and to compare the profile of wines made from large and small berries. The study was carried out simultaneously on two vineyards located in the Saint Emil ion (France) and Alcamo (Sicily) areas, during 2014 and 2015. On the first site, vines were planted on two soil types, while on the second site two different irrigation treatments were applied. Depending on the scale, some factors homogeneously impacted the berry mass and composition. At the intra-parcel scale, vine water status represented the most impacting factor, while berry seed number did not have significant effect. Opposite results were obtained when the investigation was carried out at the intra-bunch and intra-plant scales. At large scale, factors impacted directly and indirectly berry compounds and grape juices and wines produced from smaller berries were more concentrated. Neither at intra-bunch, nor at intra-plant scales, berry size effect on juice composition was significant. Only anthocyanin concentration was related to berry size at all scales. This fact was particularly obvious in berries produced under limited water conditions. Water deficit increased the skin to flesh ratio, independently of berry size. This means that small and large berries, produced from a single parcel with homogenous water uptake conditions, tend to have similar enological profiles.

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