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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a method to measure protein in red wines : a survey of protein, mannan and tannin in Pinot noir wines

Smith, Mark R. (Mark Robert) 24 August 2010 (has links)
A number of methods to isolate and quantify protein in Pinot noir wines were evaluated. The combination of precipitation by acetone containing 10% w/v trichloroacetic acid followed by quantification with the Bradford assay, reported in yeast invertase equivalents yielded the most accurate results when compared to micro-Kjeldahl analysis. The technique was validated by dialysis and proteolysis experiments and was used to assay protein in 57 Pinot noir wines. These wines were found to contain protein concentrations ranging from 49 to 102 mg/L. The mannan and tannin content of the wines was also measured, but no correlation between protein content and concentrations of these components was found. The presence of protein in red wines greater than 30 years old at concentrations typically found in white wines contradicts the notion that interactions with tannin severely reduce protein levels. / Graduation date: 2011

Field practices for adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change

Buesa Pueyo, Ignacio 19 July 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / Técnicas de cultivo para adaptar la viticultura mediterránea al cambio climático La viticultura mediterránea se está viendo afectada por el cambio climático, lo que amenaza la tipicidad del vino y, por tanto, la sostenibilidad de la vitivinicultura. Los principales factores que se prevé que afecten al cultivo de la vid son la escasez de agua, los incrementos térmicos y el aumento de la concentración de dióxido de carbono en el aire, lo que influirá en la vid: i) adelantando su fenología, disociando así la maduración tecnológica y fenólica de la uva y ii) incrementando las necesidades hídricas del viñedo. Éste trabajo pretende evaluar los efectos de diferentes técnicas de cultivo para la adaptación de la viticultura mediterránea al cambio climático. Se realizaron tres experimentos en Valencia (España) estudiando los efectos de: 1) el riego deficitario controlado; 2) la arquitectura de los sistemas de conducción y 3) el manejo del dosel vegetal. Las principales respuestas evaluadas fueron la eficiencia en el uso del agua de los viñedos (EUA) y la composición de la uva. El experimento 1 se llevó a cabo durante tres campañas en un viñedo de Moscatel de Alejandría/161-49C regado por goteo con el objetivo de definir la estrategia de riego más sostenible para uva blanca en el levante español. Para ello, se ensayaron cuatro tratamientos: (i) Testigo, regado al 100% de la evapotranspiración del cultivo (ETc) durante toda la campaña; (ii) riego deficitario sostenido (SDI), regado al 50% del Testigo; (iii) déficit temprano (ED), donde se restringió el riego antes del envero, seguido de un 100% de ETc; y (iv) déficit tardío (LD), regado como el Testigo hasta el envero y posteriormente al 25% de la ETc hasta la vendimia. La producción en el ED y el LD se redujo en un 25 y 15% respectivamente en comparación a la del Testigo, mientras que la producción del SDI no difirió significativamente del Testigo ni de los tratamientos de ED y LD. Todos los tratamientos con riego deficitario mostraron efectos acumulativos en la productividad de las cepas como consecuencia de la reducción del número de racimos por sarmiento y del tamaño del racimo debido al menor tamaño de la baya. El experimento 2 pone de manifiesto que la respuesta a la minimización de la radiación interceptada por el dosel vegetal es dependiente de la variedad y que reducir la carga de radiación en viñedos de clima mediterráneo podría tener efectos positivos en la EUA de la vid. La efectividad de la técnica de LLR parece depender de sus efectos sobre la relación área foliar/producción y el estado hídrico de la vid, la capacidad fotosintética compensatoria de la variedad y de las condiciones ambientales. Por consiguiente, en viñedos de baja vigorosidad, una defoliación severa puede no ser aconsejable para adaptar las variedades Bobal y Tempranillo al calentamiento global debido a los efectos perjudiciales sobre la calidad del vino tinto. Por el contrario, los resultados de los experimentos de riego deficitario y de orientación de las filas de espaldera proporcionan nuevos hallazgos en la EUA como posibles técnicas para paliar la escasez de agua en el viñedo. Por lo tanto, las técnicas de campo estudiadas resultan eficaces en adaptar la viticultura mediterránea al cambio climático en cuanto al estrés hídrico. Sin embargo, sus efectos en términos de mitigación del estrés térmico no fueron del todo positivos. Por tanto, es necesario realizar más investigaciones para determinar la viabilidad de emplear otras prácticas de campo, distintas al LLR, para equilibrar la madurez glúcida y fenólica de la uva. / Field practices for adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change Mediterranean viticulture is being affected by climate change, which threatens wine typicity and, therefore, the whole viticulture sustainability. The main factors expected to affect grapevine cultivation are water scarcity, warm air temperature and the increase in the air carbon dioxide concentration, and impact of these factors will be mainly the: i) advancing of grapevine phenology, thereby decoupling berry technological and phenolic composition and ii) increasing vine water requirements. This PhD Thesis aimed at evaluating the effects of different field practices to adapt Mediterranean grapevine cultivation to climate change. Three experiments were performed in Valencia (Spain) to assess the effects of 1) regulated deficit irrigation; 2) training systems architecture and; 3) canopy management. The main responses evaluated were vineyard water-use efficiency (WUE) and grape composition. Experiment 1 was undertaken for three seasons in a drip-irrigated, cv. Muscat of Alexandria/161-49C vineyard to define the most sustainable irrigation strategy for white winegrapes in eastern Spain. For this, four treatments were tested: (i) Control, irrigated at 100% of estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) for the entire season; (ii) sustained deficit irrigation (SDI), irrigated at 50% of Control; (iii) early deficit (ED), where pre-veraison irrigation was withheld, followed by 100% ETc; and (iv) late deficit (LD), irrigated as in the Control until veraison and thereafter at 25% ETc until harvest. Results showed that yield in ED and LD was reduced 25 and 15%, respectively, compared to that of the Control, while yield under SDI did not differ significantly from that of the Control and was similar to that of the ED and LD treatments. All the deficit irrigation treatments had some carry-over effects on vine performance due to a significant decrease in shoot fruitfulness and in cluster mass due to smaller berries. Experiment 2 highlights that the response to the minimizing of the radiation load intercepted by the canopy is cultivar-dependent and that decreasing the radiation load in the Mediterranean vineyards could have positive effects on the whole vine's WUE. The effectiveness of the LLR technique seemed to depend on its final impacts on leaf area-to-fruit ratio and vine water status, the cultivar's photosynthetic compensation capacity and the environmental conditions. Therefore, under low vigour vine conditions, severe defoliation might not be advisable for adapting Bobal and Tempranillo to global warming due to the detrimental effects on red wine quality. On the contrary, the results of deficit irrigation and row orientation experiments provided novel insights on WUE as possible techniques to alleviate vineyard water scarcity. Therefore, the field practices studied are effective in adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change in terms of water stress. On the other hand, the impacts of the studied techniques in terms of thermal stress alleviation were not fully positive. Hence, further research is needed to determine the possibility of using other field practices, besides LLR, to couple berry sugars and phenolic maturity. / Tècniques de cultiu per adaptar la viticultura mediterrània al canvi climàtic La viticultura mediterrània s'està veient afectada pel canvi climàtic, el que amenaça la tipicitat del vi i, per tant, la sostenibilitat de la vitivinicultura. Els principals factors que es preveu que afecten el cultiu de la vinya són l'escassetat d'aigua, els increments tèrmics i l'augment de la concentració de diòxid de carboni en l'aire, el que influirà en la vinya: i) avançant la seva fenologia, dissociant així la maduració tecnològica i fenòlica del raïm i ii) incrementant les necessitats hídriques de la vinya. Aquest treball pretén avaluar els efectes de diferents tècniques de cultiu per a l'adaptació de la viticultura mediterrània al canvi climàtic. Es van realitzar tres experiments a València (Espanya) estudiant els efectes de: 1) el reg deficitari controlat; 2) l'arquitectura dels sistemes de conducció i 3) el maneig del dosser vegetal. Les principals respostes avaluades van ser l'eficiència en l'ús de l'aigua de la vinya (EUA) i la composició del raïm. L'experiment 1 es va dur a terme durant tres campanyes en una vinya de Moscatell d'Alexandria/161-49C regat per goteig amb l'objectiu de definir l'estratègia de reg més sostenible per al raïm blanc en el llevant espanyol. A tal efecte, es van assajar quatre tractaments: (i) Control, regat al 100% de l'evapotranspiració del cultiu (ETc) durant tota la campanya; (ii) reg deficitari sostingut (SDI), regat al 50% del Contol; (iii) dèficit primerenc (ED), on es va restringir el reg abans del verol, seguit d'un 100% d'ETc; i (iv) dèficit tardà (LD), regat com el Control fins al verol i posteriorment al 25% de l'ETc fins a la verema. La producció en l'ED i el LD es va reduir en un 25 i 15% respectivament en comparació a la del Control, mentre que la producció del SDI no va diferir significativament del Control ni dels tractaments d'ED i LD. Tots els tractaments amb reg deficitari mostraren efectes acumulatius en la productivitat dels ceps, com a conseqüència de la reducció del nombre de raïms per sarment i del tamany del pomell a causa de la menor grandària de la baia. L'experiment 2 posa de manifest que la resposta a la minimització de la radiació interceptada pel dosser vegetal és dependent de la varietat i que reduir la càrrega de radiació en ceps de clima mediterrani podria tindre efectes positius en l'EUA de la vinya. L'efectivitat de la tècnica de LLR pareix dependre dels seus efectes sobre la relació àrea foliar/producció i l'estat hídric de la vinya, de la capacitat fotosintètica compensatòria de la varietat i de les condicions ambientals. Per consegüent, en vinyes de baixa vigorositat, una defoliació severa pot no ser recomanable per a adaptar les varietats Boval i Ull de llebre al calfament global, tenint en compte els efectes perjudicials sobre la qualitat del vi negre. Per contra, els resultats dels experiments de reg deficitari i d'orientació de les files d'espatlera proporcionen noves troballes en l'EUA com a possibles tècniques per pal·liar l'escassetat d'aigua a la vinya. Per tant, les tècniques de camp estudiades resulten eficaces a adaptar la viticultura mediterrània al canvi climàtic pel que fa a l'estrés hídric. No obstant, els seus efectes en termes de mitigació de l'estrés tèrmic no van ser del tot positius. Per tant, cal realitzar més investigacions per a determinar la viabilitat d'emprar altres pràctiques de camp, distintes al LLR, per a equilibrar la maduresa glúcida i fenòlica del raïm. / Buesa Pueyo, I. (2018). Field practices for adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107365 / Compendio

Caracterização físico-química e sensorial dos vinhos espumantes da serra gaúcha

Meneguzzo, Júlio 20 December 2010 (has links)
A influência da cultivar e da época de colheita na composição físico-química e na qualidade sensorial dos espumantes da Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul, elaborados pelo método Champenoise nas safras 2006 e 2007, foi avaliada. As cultivares utilizadas foram Riesling Itálico, Chardonnay e Pinot Noir. As uvas foram colhidas em duas épocas distintas: uma referente ao ponto de colheita definido como ideal (época 1) e outra oito dias após (época 2). Os mostos, os vinhos base e espumantes foram analisados quanto à composição básica conforme a metodologia oficial brasileira. Além disso, nos vinhos base e espumantes foram analisados os elementos minerais e compostos aromáticos, através de absorção atômica e cromatografia gasosa, respectivamente. Os espumantes foram avaliados sensorialmente, por uma equipe de degustadores qualificados. Os resultados das análises clássicas dos mostos e vinhos base diferenciaram cultivares e épocas de colheita, nas duas safras estudadas. O mosto de Chardonnay apresentou maior valor de grau º Brix e de álcool potencial. O Pinot Noir se diferenciou pela acidez mais elevada, enquanto que o Riesling Itálico apresentou menores grau Brix e acidez total. Os mostos das uvas colhidas na segunda época apresentaram maiores teores de açúcar, álcool potencial, pH e relação brix/acidez total, e menor acidez. Nos vinhos base, as cultivares Chardonnay e Riesling Itálico apresentaram, respectivamente, maior e menor teor alcoólico e os vinhos das uvas de colheita mais tardia apresentaram menor acidez total. Entretanto, nos vinhos espumantes as análises clássicas não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação às cultivares e épocas de colheita. Entre os elementos minerais dos vinhos base e dos espumantes correspondentes, o Zn foi único elemento que apresentou diferença significativa entre as cultivares sendo que os vinhos Chardonnay obtiveram os maiores teores. Os vinhos base provenientes das uvas com maior grau de maturação apresentaram, independente da cultivar, maiores níveis de K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Rb, Li e P e concentrações mais baixas em Cu e Zn. Quanto aos compostos voláteis, maiores quantidades de 2-fenil etanol e dietil succinato diferenciaram os vinhos da cultivar Chardonnay e maiores concentrações de hexanoato de etila e de acetato de isoamila diferenciaram os vinhos da cultivar Riesling Itálico. Já os vinhos Pinot Noir apresentaram teores de 2-metil-1-propanol e 2-metil-1-butanol significativamente superiores às outras variedades. Os vinhos obtidos de uvas colhidas na segunda época apresentaram menores teores de ácido butírico, diferenciando as duas épocas de colheita. Quanto à avaliação sensorial, a variedade Riesling Itálico apresentou maiores notas florais e a Chardonnay maior nota no frutado, tanto no aspecto olfativo quanto no gustativo. Já a Pinot Noir, maior nota vegetal, levedura e pão tostado. Na avaliação final os degustadores não fizeram distinção entre os espumantes Pinot Noir e os Chardonnay, preferindo estes aos de Riesling Itálico, nas duas safras estudadas. Na safra 2007 os degustadores preferiram os espumantes das uvas da primeira época de colheita, enquanto na safra 2006 não foi observada diferença entre as épocas de colheita. O presente trabalho contribuiu para a identificação dos principais constituintes e descritores que determinam a distinção e a tipicidade dos vinhos espumantes da Serra Gaúcha. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-05T16:36:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Julio Meneguzzo.pdf: 2072769 bytes, checksum: 3d08ddab08ef5d3acf5e35ed8d16ab59 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-05T16:36:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Julio Meneguzzo.pdf: 2072769 bytes, checksum: 3d08ddab08ef5d3acf5e35ed8d16ab59 (MD5) / The influence of cultivar and harvest date on physico chemical composition and sensory quality of sparkling wines from Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul, produced by the Champenoise method for crop years 2006 and 2007 were evaluated. The cultivars were Riesling Italico, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. The grapes were harvested at two different times: one related to the harvesting point defined as ideal (season 1) and another eight days after (time 2). Musts, base wines and sparkling wines were analyzed based on the basic composition as the official Brazilian methodology. In addition, the base wines and sparkling wines were analysed the mineral elements were analyzed and aromatic compounds by atomic absorption and gas chromatography, respectively. Sparkling wines have been evaluated by a team of qualified tasters. The results of the classical analysis of musts and base wines differentiated cultivars and harvest times in the two seasons studied. The Chardonnay must showed higher brix value and potential alcohol. The Pinot Noir has distinguished by higher acidity, while the Riesling Italico had lower Brix and total acidity. The musts of grapes harvested in the second season showed higher levels of sugar, potential alcohol, pH and the realation Brix/total acidity and lower acidity. In the base wine, the varieties Chardonnay and Riesling Itálico were respectively higher and lower alcohol content and wine grapes harvested later showed lower acidity. However, in the sparkling wines the classic analysis showed no significant differences in different cultivars and harvest times. Among the mineral elements of the base wines and sparkling wines corresponding Zn was the only element that showed a significant difference among cultivars is that Chardonnay wines had the highest levels. The base wine from grapes with a higher degree of maturity showed, regardless of cultivar, higher levels of K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Rb, Li and P and lower concentrations of Cu and Zn. As for the volatile compounds, larger amounts of 2-phenyl ethanol and diethyl succinate differentiated the wines of the cultivar Chardonnay, and higher concentrations of ethyl hexanoate and isoamyl acetate differentiated the wines of the cultivar Riesling Italico. Already Pinot Noir wines showed levels of 2-methyl-1-propanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol significantly higher than other varieties. The wines made from grapes harvested in the second period had lower levels of butyric acid, differentiating the two harvest seasons. As for the sensory evaluation, the variety Riesling Itálico showed higher floral notes and the Chardonnay with highest score on fruity in both the olfactory and the gustatory aspect. As for the Pinot Noir, highest notes aromatic for vegetable, yeast and toasted bread. In the final evaluation the panelists made no distinction between the sparkling wines Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, preferring these to Riesling Itálico, in the two harvests studied. In the season 2007 the tasters preferred the sparkling wines from the grapes of the first harvest season, while the harvest in 2006 there was no difference between harvest seasons. This work helped identify the main components and characteristics that determine the distinguish and tipicity of sparkling wines from the Serra Gaúcha.

Caracterização físico-química e sensorial dos vinhos espumantes da serra gaúcha

Meneguzzo, Júlio 20 December 2010 (has links)
A influência da cultivar e da época de colheita na composição físico-química e na qualidade sensorial dos espumantes da Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul, elaborados pelo método Champenoise nas safras 2006 e 2007, foi avaliada. As cultivares utilizadas foram Riesling Itálico, Chardonnay e Pinot Noir. As uvas foram colhidas em duas épocas distintas: uma referente ao ponto de colheita definido como ideal (época 1) e outra oito dias após (época 2). Os mostos, os vinhos base e espumantes foram analisados quanto à composição básica conforme a metodologia oficial brasileira. Além disso, nos vinhos base e espumantes foram analisados os elementos minerais e compostos aromáticos, através de absorção atômica e cromatografia gasosa, respectivamente. Os espumantes foram avaliados sensorialmente, por uma equipe de degustadores qualificados. Os resultados das análises clássicas dos mostos e vinhos base diferenciaram cultivares e épocas de colheita, nas duas safras estudadas. O mosto de Chardonnay apresentou maior valor de grau º Brix e de álcool potencial. O Pinot Noir se diferenciou pela acidez mais elevada, enquanto que o Riesling Itálico apresentou menores grau Brix e acidez total. Os mostos das uvas colhidas na segunda época apresentaram maiores teores de açúcar, álcool potencial, pH e relação brix/acidez total, e menor acidez. Nos vinhos base, as cultivares Chardonnay e Riesling Itálico apresentaram, respectivamente, maior e menor teor alcoólico e os vinhos das uvas de colheita mais tardia apresentaram menor acidez total. Entretanto, nos vinhos espumantes as análises clássicas não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação às cultivares e épocas de colheita. Entre os elementos minerais dos vinhos base e dos espumantes correspondentes, o Zn foi único elemento que apresentou diferença significativa entre as cultivares sendo que os vinhos Chardonnay obtiveram os maiores teores. Os vinhos base provenientes das uvas com maior grau de maturação apresentaram, independente da cultivar, maiores níveis de K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Rb, Li e P e concentrações mais baixas em Cu e Zn. Quanto aos compostos voláteis, maiores quantidades de 2-fenil etanol e dietil succinato diferenciaram os vinhos da cultivar Chardonnay e maiores concentrações de hexanoato de etila e de acetato de isoamila diferenciaram os vinhos da cultivar Riesling Itálico. Já os vinhos Pinot Noir apresentaram teores de 2-metil-1-propanol e 2-metil-1-butanol significativamente superiores às outras variedades. Os vinhos obtidos de uvas colhidas na segunda época apresentaram menores teores de ácido butírico, diferenciando as duas épocas de colheita. Quanto à avaliação sensorial, a variedade Riesling Itálico apresentou maiores notas florais e a Chardonnay maior nota no frutado, tanto no aspecto olfativo quanto no gustativo. Já a Pinot Noir, maior nota vegetal, levedura e pão tostado. Na avaliação final os degustadores não fizeram distinção entre os espumantes Pinot Noir e os Chardonnay, preferindo estes aos de Riesling Itálico, nas duas safras estudadas. Na safra 2007 os degustadores preferiram os espumantes das uvas da primeira época de colheita, enquanto na safra 2006 não foi observada diferença entre as épocas de colheita. O presente trabalho contribuiu para a identificação dos principais constituintes e descritores que determinam a distinção e a tipicidade dos vinhos espumantes da Serra Gaúcha. / The influence of cultivar and harvest date on physico chemical composition and sensory quality of sparkling wines from Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul, produced by the Champenoise method for crop years 2006 and 2007 were evaluated. The cultivars were Riesling Italico, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. The grapes were harvested at two different times: one related to the harvesting point defined as ideal (season 1) and another eight days after (time 2). Musts, base wines and sparkling wines were analyzed based on the basic composition as the official Brazilian methodology. In addition, the base wines and sparkling wines were analysed the mineral elements were analyzed and aromatic compounds by atomic absorption and gas chromatography, respectively. Sparkling wines have been evaluated by a team of qualified tasters. The results of the classical analysis of musts and base wines differentiated cultivars and harvest times in the two seasons studied. The Chardonnay must showed higher brix value and potential alcohol. The Pinot Noir has distinguished by higher acidity, while the Riesling Italico had lower Brix and total acidity. The musts of grapes harvested in the second season showed higher levels of sugar, potential alcohol, pH and the realation Brix/total acidity and lower acidity. In the base wine, the varieties Chardonnay and Riesling Itálico were respectively higher and lower alcohol content and wine grapes harvested later showed lower acidity. However, in the sparkling wines the classic analysis showed no significant differences in different cultivars and harvest times. Among the mineral elements of the base wines and sparkling wines corresponding Zn was the only element that showed a significant difference among cultivars is that Chardonnay wines had the highest levels. The base wine from grapes with a higher degree of maturity showed, regardless of cultivar, higher levels of K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Rb, Li and P and lower concentrations of Cu and Zn. As for the volatile compounds, larger amounts of 2-phenyl ethanol and diethyl succinate differentiated the wines of the cultivar Chardonnay, and higher concentrations of ethyl hexanoate and isoamyl acetate differentiated the wines of the cultivar Riesling Italico. Already Pinot Noir wines showed levels of 2-methyl-1-propanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol significantly higher than other varieties. The wines made from grapes harvested in the second period had lower levels of butyric acid, differentiating the two harvest seasons. As for the sensory evaluation, the variety Riesling Itálico showed higher floral notes and the Chardonnay with highest score on fruity in both the olfactory and the gustatory aspect. As for the Pinot Noir, highest notes aromatic for vegetable, yeast and toasted bread. In the final evaluation the panelists made no distinction between the sparkling wines Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, preferring these to Riesling Itálico, in the two harvests studied. In the season 2007 the tasters preferred the sparkling wines from the grapes of the first harvest season, while the harvest in 2006 there was no difference between harvest seasons. This work helped identify the main components and characteristics that determine the distinguish and tipicity of sparkling wines from the Serra Gaúcha.

Hierarchy of factors impacting grape berry mass at different scales and its direct and indirect effects on grape and wine composition / Hiérarchisation des facteurs impactant la masse de la baie de raisin à différentes échelles et leurs effets directs et indirects sur la composition du raisin et du vin

Triolo, Roberta 16 December 2016 (has links)
La masse de la baie est le résultat de l’effet intégré de plusieurs facteurs. La recherche a été dessinée afin d’étudier l’effet simultané des facteurs majeurs influençant la masse et la composition de la baie, de les hiérarchiser selon leur degré d’impact à des échelles différentes, de séparer leur effet direct et indirect sur la composition du raisin et de comparer le profil de vins élaborés à partir de petites et grosses baies. L’étude a été conduite sur deux sites expérimentaux, localisés dans les régions de Saint-Emilion (France) et Alcamo (Italie), pendant les années 2014 et 2015. Sur le premier site, les vignes sont plantées sur deux types de sols, tandis que sur le deuxième, deux traitements hydriques étaient appliqués. A l’échelle intra-parcellaire, l’état hydrique de la vigne représente le facteur le plus important, tandis que l’effet du nombre de pépins par baie n’est pas significatif. Des résultats opposés sont obtenus lorsque les relations sont étudiées à l’échelle de la grappe et de la plante. A large échelle, les facteurs impactent directement et indirectement la composition du raisin et les petites baies produisent des moûts et des vins plus concentrés. A l’inverse, à l’échelle de la grappe et de la plante, la masse de la baie n’influence pas la composition du raisin. Seule la concentration en anthocyanes est significativement liée à la masse à toutes les échelles. Cette relation est particulièrement évidente sous conditions hydriques limitantes. Un déficit hydrique augmente le ratio pellicule/pulpe, indépendamment de la masse de la baie. Petites et grosses baies d’une parcelle ayant une condition hydrique homogène, tendent à avoir un profil similaire. / Final berry mass is the result of the integrated effect of several factors. They also influence berry composition. The present work was designed to study the simultaneous effect of major factors influencing berry mass and composition, to hierarchize their impact at different scales, to distinguish their direct and indirect effect on berry composition and to compare the profile of wines made from large and small berries. The study was carried out simultaneously on two vineyards located in the Saint Emil ion (France) and Alcamo (Sicily) areas, during 2014 and 2015. On the first site, vines were planted on two soil types, while on the second site two different irrigation treatments were applied. Depending on the scale, some factors homogeneously impacted the berry mass and composition. At the intra-parcel scale, vine water status represented the most impacting factor, while berry seed number did not have significant effect. Opposite results were obtained when the investigation was carried out at the intra-bunch and intra-plant scales. At large scale, factors impacted directly and indirectly berry compounds and grape juices and wines produced from smaller berries were more concentrated. Neither at intra-bunch, nor at intra-plant scales, berry size effect on juice composition was significant. Only anthocyanin concentration was related to berry size at all scales. This fact was particularly obvious in berries produced under limited water conditions. Water deficit increased the skin to flesh ratio, independently of berry size. This means that small and large berries, produced from a single parcel with homogenous water uptake conditions, tend to have similar enological profiles.

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