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Efeito do treinamento aeróbio nas alterações sequenciais do miocárdio de SHR jovens: participação do sistema renina-angiotensina. / Effect of aerobic training on the time-course of cardiac changes in young SHR: involvement of the renin-angiotensin system.Costa, Tassia Santos Rodrigues da 25 July 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou identificar uma possível relação causa-efeito entre exercício, SRA, remodelamento cardíaco e função autonômica na redução da pressão arterial (PA) induzida pelo treinamento aeróbio (T) iniciado na fase pré-hipertensiva. SHR, com 4 semanas de idade, foram submetidos ao T (55% da capacidade física, 1h/dia, 5x/semana) ou mantidos sedentários (S) por 8 semanas. WKY serviram como controle temporal. Os parâmetros foram avaliados nas semanas 0, 1, 2, 4 e 8. Nossos dados indicam que o treinamento iniciado ainda na fase pré-hipertensiva, protege o coração reduzindo a expressão relativa de receptores AT1 e a hipertrofia cardíaca, reduz a FC basal e aumenta sua variabilidade por facilitar o componente vagal alterando o balanço simpato-vagal ao coração. Estas adaptações contribuem para retardar a instalação, reduzindo substancialmente os níveis pressóricos atingidos na fase crônica da hipertensão arterial. A oposição precoce aos efeitos deletérios da hipertensão pelo treinamento é fundamental para minimizar seus prejuízos estruturais e funcionais. / In the present dissertation, we identified a possible cause-effect relation between exercise training, SRA, cardiac remodeling and autonomic function during the establishment of essential hypertension. 4 weeks-old SHR were submitted to aerobic training (5x/week; 1hour/day; 55% of maximal exercise capacity). Factors were assessed on weeks 0,1,2,4 and 8. Exercise training was able to attenuate increase AP, vascular sympathetic activity, cardiac remodeling and cardiac AT1 protein expression; to intensify decrease HR; to increase HR variance and cardiac vagal activity. Our data indicate that aerobic training, during pre-hypertensive phases, attenuates cardiac remodeling associated with decrease of AP, cardiac AT1 protein expression and autonomic dysfunction in SHR. Premature modulation of maladaptative effects of hypertension induced by aerobic tranining seem to be crucial to minimize long-term deleterious effects in cardiac structure and function.
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Efeito do treinamento aeróbio nas alterações sequenciais do miocárdio de SHR jovens: participação do sistema renina-angiotensina. / Effect of aerobic training on the time-course of cardiac changes in young SHR: involvement of the renin-angiotensin system.Tassia Santos Rodrigues da Costa 25 July 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou identificar uma possível relação causa-efeito entre exercício, SRA, remodelamento cardíaco e função autonômica na redução da pressão arterial (PA) induzida pelo treinamento aeróbio (T) iniciado na fase pré-hipertensiva. SHR, com 4 semanas de idade, foram submetidos ao T (55% da capacidade física, 1h/dia, 5x/semana) ou mantidos sedentários (S) por 8 semanas. WKY serviram como controle temporal. Os parâmetros foram avaliados nas semanas 0, 1, 2, 4 e 8. Nossos dados indicam que o treinamento iniciado ainda na fase pré-hipertensiva, protege o coração reduzindo a expressão relativa de receptores AT1 e a hipertrofia cardíaca, reduz a FC basal e aumenta sua variabilidade por facilitar o componente vagal alterando o balanço simpato-vagal ao coração. Estas adaptações contribuem para retardar a instalação, reduzindo substancialmente os níveis pressóricos atingidos na fase crônica da hipertensão arterial. A oposição precoce aos efeitos deletérios da hipertensão pelo treinamento é fundamental para minimizar seus prejuízos estruturais e funcionais. / In the present dissertation, we identified a possible cause-effect relation between exercise training, SRA, cardiac remodeling and autonomic function during the establishment of essential hypertension. 4 weeks-old SHR were submitted to aerobic training (5x/week; 1hour/day; 55% of maximal exercise capacity). Factors were assessed on weeks 0,1,2,4 and 8. Exercise training was able to attenuate increase AP, vascular sympathetic activity, cardiac remodeling and cardiac AT1 protein expression; to intensify decrease HR; to increase HR variance and cardiac vagal activity. Our data indicate that aerobic training, during pre-hypertensive phases, attenuates cardiac remodeling associated with decrease of AP, cardiac AT1 protein expression and autonomic dysfunction in SHR. Premature modulation of maladaptative effects of hypertension induced by aerobic tranining seem to be crucial to minimize long-term deleterious effects in cardiac structure and function.
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Evolução temporal do controle autonômico e respostas cardiovasculares associadas em SHR jovens submetidos ao treinamento aérobio. / Temporal evolution of autonomic control and cardiovascular responses associated in young SHR submitted of aerobic training.Ruggeri, Adriana 23 November 2016 (has links)
É hipótese que (treinamento) T iniciado na fase pré-hipertensiva possa reduzir a atividade simpática e aumentar a vagal ao coração, melhorando a regulação autonômica nos SHR. Investigamos em SHR e WKY jovens (29 dias) os efeitos do T sobre parâmetros hemodinâmicos, funcionamento dos barorreceptores arteriais, tônus simpático e vagal ao coração e variabilidades, e expressão de neurônios pré-ganglionares vagais (Colina Acetil Transferase, ChAT) nos núcleos dorsal motor do vago (DMV) e ambíguo (NA). Ratos T ou sedentários (S) foram canulados nas semanas 0, 1, 2, 4 e 8, para registros funcionais e remoção dos encéfalos para a quantificação (peroxidade e estereologia). A participação dos aferentes periféricos na modulação dos efeitos do T foi avaliada com a desnervação sinoaórtica (SAD). Os efeitos do T são modulados por baro- e quimiorreceptores. O T precoce corrige a disfunção baroreflexa, reduz a hipertonia simpática, mantém parcialmente a tonicidade de neurônios colinérgicos, aumentando a modulação vagal ao coração e melhorando controle autonômico da circulação. / We hypothesized that aerobic training (T) starting at the pre-hypertensive phase reduces not only the sympathetic activity, but increases vagal outflow to the heart, thus improving autonomic cardiovascular control. We investigated in young SHR and WKY the T-induced effects on hemodynamic parameters, activation of arterial baroreceptor, sympathetic and vagal tone to the heart, and the expression of pre-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons (Choline acetyl transferase, ChAT) in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) and nucleus ambiguous (NA). Rats (29 days) were T or sedentary (S) and cannulated at weeks 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8. After functional recordings, brains were harvested for quantification of neurons (peroxidase and stereology). The peripheral afferents was evaluated in sinoaortic denervation (SAD). SAD abrogated the improvement of baroreflex control and resting bradycardia in intact SHR-T. T-induced effects were modulated by arterial baro- and chemoreceptors. When started at the pre-hypertensive phase, T corrects baroreflex dysfunction, reduces sympathetic hyperactivity, maintain the tonicity of pre-ganglionic cholinergic neurons thus increasing vagal outflow to the heart and allowing a better autonomic control of the circulation.
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How Do Young and Old Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Respond to Antihypertensive Therapy? Comparative Studies on the Effects of Combined Captopril and Nifedipine TreatmentRassler, Beate, Hawlitschek, Christina, Brendel, Julia, Zimmer, Heinz-Gerd 09 January 2025 (has links)
Numerous studies on the effects of antihypertensive treatment in young spontaneously
hypertensive rats (SHRs) have shown that early-onset therapy may effectively reduce their blood
pressure (BP) even to normotensive values. In contrast, only a few studies investigated the effects of
treatment started at an advanced age. These studies revealed that antihypertensive effects are lower
in adult or even in senescent SHRs compared with young SHRs. Even more, prevention of cardiac
sequelae of hypertension such as hypertrophy and fibrosis is less effective when treatment starts
late in life. Because, in patients, combination therapies with calcium antagonists are favored, we
studied the efficacy of a combination therapy with captopril and nifedipine in young and old SHRs.
We directly compared the treatment effects on BP as well as on cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling
between these two animal cohorts. With antihypertensive treatment, significantly lower BP values
were achieved in young SHRs despite a shorter treatment period compared with old SHRs. Although
treatment effects on cardiac hypertrophy were greater in old than in young SHRs, cardiac fibrosis
was significantly attenuated only in young but not in old SHRs. The results emphasize the value of
antihypertensive therapy and particularly accentuate the importance of an early-onset therapy. With
respect to problems such as late diagnosis and poor therapy adherence, these results may have great
importance for the treatment of human hypertension.
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