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Ovoce a zelenina ve výživě člověka. / Fruits and vegetables in food.PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the theme fruit and vegetable in human´s nutrition. The theoretical part describes the nutrition in general, its parts and vegetable and fruit. Methodical part creates question-form on this theme with evaluation.
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Analýza podnikatelského záměru inovativního způsobu produkce zeleniny / Business plan analysis of an innovative way how to produce vegetableDrška, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the feasibility of the business plan of the new model of production and distribution of vegetables. It is an idea to run a modern greenhouse farm on the roof of a hypermarket. In this greenhouse we grown intensively year-round vegetables as tomatoes or peppers and then sell it to the underlying hypermarket, where final consumers can buy it without any other intermediaries.
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Mikrobiologické parametre mliečno kvasených zelenínFialová, Tatiana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with fermented vegetables. Firstly, it reviews literature focused on consumption of vegetables and their composition. Later, it deals with lactic acid fermentation of various vegetables and their microbiological properties. The thesis then focuses on microorganisms in these products which are beneficial as well as harmful to human health. I touch upon strategies of eliminating harmful microorganisms in this food. The empirical part examines groups of microorganisms in samples of mass-produced fermented cabbage (sauerkraut), cucumber, kimchi and self-made pickled vegetables. For analysis, I used plate count cultivation method. The results indicate that there was a much higher count of microorganisms (including lactic acid bacteria) in self-made fermented vegetables (10
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Znalosti žáků vybraných základních škol o ovoci a zelenině a jejich významu pro lidské zdraví / Selected elementary schools pupils' knowledge of fruits and vegetables and their importance to human healthLišková, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the importance of fruits and vegetables from the point of view of human health. In the first part, the chapters deal with the division of fruits and vegetables into groups and the importance of specific fruits and vegetables. Other chapters deal with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are abundant in fruit and vegetables. The "Ovoce a zelenina do škol" project is also an integral part. In the last part of the theoretical part, thematic plans of elementary school Bratří Venclíků are discussed, specifically the topics related to fruits and vegetables. The practical part is based on the results of a quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire, which focused on pupils' knowledge of fruits and vegetables and their importance for human health. The research was carried out at two primary schools in Prague, namely Bratří Venclíků Primary School and Campanus Primary School. Some of the questions are focused on the popularity of fruit and vegetables among pupils, and some questions are in the form of tests about the knowledge of vitamins, minerals, fiber, alternative nutrition and other topics related to fruits and vegetables. The results show an average to below-average student knowledge of fruit and vegetables. In total, pupils chose 695 correct...
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Geografické aspekty ovocnářsko-zelinářského průmyslu: Česko v globálním kontextu / Geographical Aspects of Fruit and Vegetable Industry: Czechia in a Global ContextJárová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has two basic aims. The first aim is to analyze the global value chain of fruits and vegetables and the current international market with apples. The second aim is to analyze the value chain of apples in Czechia and measure its connection to global value chains. The research was carried out by analyzing secondary sources and basing on an own qualitative survey. This thesis is divided into two major parts. The first part deals with the global value chain (GVC) of fruits and vegetables. This chain is examined through five dimensions which are typical for GVC analysis: input-output structure, geographic scope, governance, institutional context and upgrading. The second part focuses only on one specific crop, apples. Firstly, it is studied at the global level, then the thesis concentrates only on the value chain of apples in Czechia.
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Zhodnocení vlivu organického hnojení na fyziologické procesy, hospodářské vlastnosti a nutriční hodnotu papriky (Capsicum annuum L., odr. 'Zorka')Poubová, Petra January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Struktura trhu s bioprodukcí v jižních Čechách / Structure of bioproduction market in South BohemiaHULANOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The intention of the diploma work was the choice of main sorts of bioproduction, charting of the structure of bioproduction in light of origin and detection of sold volume of chosen bio ? food stuff in the South Bohemia. The method - monitoring of the sale in terrain was chosen for charting of the structure of bioproduction. The bioproduction was found out in two types of markets ?markets and markets which are specialized for bio ? food stuff. In the South Bohemia there was chosen 15 markets and 15 markets which are specialized for bio ? food stuff. The structure of bio ? food stuff in light of origin (Czech/import) and in light of volume of sold production was found out in each market. The target bio ? food stuff were beef, grain, dairy products and fruit and vegetable. The data were found out from the packets of bio ? food stuff or through the interview with the chief of the market.
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Mezinárodní obchod s čerstvým ovocem a zeleninou / International trade with fresh fruit and vegetablesLaketić, Aleksandar January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of my Master´s thesis is to evaluate dynamic environment of international trade with fresh fruit and vegetables. In the first part of my thesis I analyzed importance of the production of fresh fruit and vegetables for economies of selected countries. Next I had described the trade flows and patterns. In the second part I made a characterization of payment terms and trade negotiations in the context of international trade with fresh fruit and vegetables. Furthermore I made an analysis of import and export rules and regulations of the EU. Based on this analysis I came to general conclusions on the trade policies of countries and communities. In the last part of my thesis I applied findings from the previous parts on the analysis of two cases. The first analyzed case is the situation of imports of Chinese pomelo to the EU, with regards to maximal residue levels of pesticides. Second analyzed case is the situation of South African citruses imported to the EU, with regards to the problematic of citrus black spots.
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Sledování intenzity fotosyntézy u vybrané skleníkové kulturySkaličková, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
The literary part of the thesis contains basic information on the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) hydroponic culture and the nutrient solution parameters for hydroponic culture of the tomato. A big part of the thesis is dedicated to the photosynthesis process, its phases and factors affecting the process. It also describes various methods of photosynthesis related parameters. The chapter titled methodics records the observed varieties and the conditions they were cultivated in. The devices used to measure as well as the experiment methodology are described in the thesis. The practical part of the thesis is dedicated to observing physiological characteristics of the tomato such as: the photosynthesis intensity, transpiration levels and the stomatal conductivity of gaps. All characteristics were measured at spot conditions of the plants.
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Kvalita ovoce a zeleniny na českém trhu / The Quality of Fruit and Vegetables on the Czech MarketRYSOVÁ, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work is to find out the attitudes of Czech consumers to the quality of fruit and vegetables on the Czech market. The quality of fruit and vegetables in sales formats is also investigated. The theoretical part includes general characteristics of fruits and vegetables, conventional and organic farming and other certification systems, production and consumption of fruit and vegetables and foreign trade. The work describes the quality of food and organic food, the quality of freshness fruit and vegetables and legislative requirements.The practical part examines during questionnaire survey how consumers perceive the quality of fruit and vegetables on the Czech market. In this section was conducted research in retail chains and specialized stores in České Budějovice and Vlašim. For the research were selected red apples, bananas, tomatoes and cucumbers. Shops have been awarded points and the winner is the shop which got least points. The practical part was concluded with a structured interview with the founder of the Food Bank in České Budějovice.
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