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Zdanění korporací v Rakousku a daňová reforma z roku 2005 / Austrian corporate income tax and tax reform 2005Bechyňová, Iveta January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá současným zdaněním korporací v Rakousku. První kapitola obsahuje charakteristiku daňového mixu Rakouska a analyzuje vývoj složené daňové kvóty. Druhá kapitola se věnuje konstrukci základu daně se zaměřením na tvorbu opravných položek a rezerv, odčitatelných položek v oblasti výzkumu, vývoje, investic do vzdělání a uplatnění daňové ztráty. Třetí kapitola pojednává o současných změnách, které do systému přinesla reforma z roku 2005. Těžištěm této kapitoly jsou dvě oblasti zdanění korporací, a to zdanění skupin a snížení statutární sazby daně ze zisku korporací. Čtvrtá kapitola posuzuje vliv daňové reformy na konkurenceschopnost Rakouska v oblasti zdanění korporací a na atraktivitu této země z pohledu nadnárodních korporací. I přes některé nedostatky korporativního zdanění si Rakousko udrželo konkurenceschopnost a zvýšilo svoji atraktivitu pro nadnárodní korporace a investory.
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Průzkum současné výroby a návrh jejího rozšíření v oblasti stavbně truhlářských výrobkůZdařil, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Vybrané bankovní produkty a jejich vliv na výsledek hospodaření bankyNevrklová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Zálohy na podíl na zisku v kapitálových obchodních korporacích / Advance payments of the share in the profit of limited companiesBastlová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Advance Payments of the Share in the Profit of Limited Companies Abstract This thesis deals with advance payments of the share in the profit concerning the limited companies. Its aim is to analyse in more detail this for practice relatively new legal institute, to deal with its relatively brief regulation in the Business Corporations Act, and to offer possible solutions to some still doctrinally unfinished issues. It also attempts to outline the wider context of the current legislation of advances of the share in the profit, especially their historical development, relevant European law and also some foreign legal regulations. The amendment to the Business Corporation Act, which is currently under consideration, is reflected as well. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part defines conceptually advances in civil law and advances of the share in the profit. The regulation of advances of the share in the profit and its historical development is introduced, and the possibilities of using this institute are listed. In the second part, the particular conditions for the paying of advances of the share in the profit are analysed in detail. Among other things, the issue of time applicability of the interim financial statements is also examined, together with its possible replacement by an ordinary...
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Rozdělení a výplata zisku v akciové společnosti a zálohy na něj / Distribution and payment of profit in joint stock company and advance paymentPotůček, Petr January 2020 (has links)
Distribution and payment of profit in joint stock company and advance payment Abstract Although the theme of this diploma thesis may seem traditional, its topicality results from the ongoing expert debate of legal doctrine and the recent legislative activity, resulting into the adoption of Act No. 33/2020 Coll. that will change the legal environment in which the distribution, payment of profits and advances on it occur. This thesis aims to map selected problematic issues and to analyze them, considering expert opinions of legal doctrine, domestic jurisprudence and to some extent as well the foreign legal regulation. To achieve this goal, the legislation on which ground problematic questions arise is also considered. This thesis is divided into five chapters, the last three of which can be described as crucial. The first chapter lays out the conceptual definition of profit, dividends, and royalties, as well as the comparison between the right to profit and the right to a share in profit while not leaving aside equity and other own resources. The following chapter deals with the different types of profit-related shares in relation to their classification as preferred shares, shares with a different share of profit, a fixed share or shares with a subordinate share of profit. This chapter also comments on...
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Manipulace s vykazováním zisku / Earnings managementOngaľová, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the manipulation of earnings reporting aka earnings management. The initial focus of the thesis is on the earnings management motivations and two ways how to achieve that. Firstly, earnings can be influenced by the management decisions to carry out some transactions without any economic sense. Secondly, there are creative accounting processes to manipulate earnings in required way, what we mainly pay attention to in the thesis. The theoretical part referring to particular earnings management techniques and the quality of earnings is followed by the practical part analyzing earnings management of the most famous companies regarding accounting scandals in history using specific measures. There are model examples to demonstrate these specific quality earnings measures based on the relation between income, accruals and operating cash flow stated before analyze itself.
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Právo společníka na podíl na zisku v jednotlivých formách obchodních společností / The right of a company member to the share of profits in individual types of business companyKusáková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The full title of my Master's degree thesis is Partner's Profit Sharing Right in Various Forms of Companies The aim of my thesis is to analyse the existing regulation governing the right to a share in profits in various kinds of companies, compare it with the amended law, which is already relevant, but still not in force. In the legal regulation concerning the profit sharing right there are still many questions that have not been described and solved in legal literature. There are also some issues that have been already solved by authors, but there are different expert's opinions on such issues. In my thesis I have attempted to compare all these opinions with the wording of the law. The thesis consists of twelve main chapters, including an introduction and conclusion of my thesis. Chapter One, Profit Sharing Right to Profit Share - basic definition deals with the meaning and importance of the profit sharing right. Chapter Two "Legal Sources" defines statutes and other legal sources to which the thesis refers. It specifies main acts important...
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Oceňování koncernů / Multibusiness enterprise valuationBuus, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Oceňování koncernů má oproti oceňování samostatných podniků řadu specifik, mimo jiné možnosti transferů zisku, efekty propojení na náklady kapitálu, synergie, atd. Disertační práce řeší zejména dilema mezi dvěma vyhraněnými použitelnými postupy ocenění koncernu - po částech či v celku a shrnuje řadu poznatků v oblasti koncernů, diskontů za neobchodovatelnost, atd.
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Zhodnocení hospodaření vybraných příspěvkových organizací / Economic evaluation of the selected funded organizationKupková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the economic evaluation of the selected funded organizations (Seniors Home Vidim and Seniors Home Mšeno) in the years 2010 to 2014. The aim is to evaluate the economic of selected funded organizations, each other compare their operations and make recommendations to improve their economic situation.
House for seniors Vidim is being set up by Central Bohemia regional office and provides all day care to their clients. The founder of House for seniors Mšeno is town Mšeno and provider of more services (house for seniors, day care and social activation services for seniors and persons with disabilities). Based on the results of this work as efficiently managing organization sems House for seniors Mšeno. To improve economic situation of House for seniors Mšeno is being offer to extend of porfolio offered sevices.
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Účetní závěrka ve zvolené organizaci / Financial Statements in selected organizationProcházková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the financial statements. The theoretical part is focused on general characteristics of the financial statements, that is what is meant the financial statements, what kinds of financial statements exist, in which extent could be the financial statements does and with which legal adjustment is connected. Next part is focused on the operations that previous the closing books (closing of accounts), which include especially stocktaking of property and liabiities, reserves creation, exchange differences, accruals and deferrals expenses and revenues, decrease in value of assets, the computation of current and deferred taxes of the income tax and closing of accounts books. The theoretical part is next focused on the financial statements and the characteristics of the individual financial statements such as balance sheet, profit and loss statement, appendix, cash flow statements and changes in equity. Afterwards is focused on other obligations associated with the financial statements, such as audit, the annual report, makes financial statement public and archiving of various documents.
The analytical part uses theoretical knowledge for evaluation of the process of financial statements in selected organization. On the basis of this evaluation it was found failings, that helped suggested various recommendations to improvement the process of accounts in selected organization and a more faithful representation of accounting reality.
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