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Strategy & Decision Making — Lesson From The Collaboration of Two Companies in DRAM Business / 從二家公司的DRAM跨國合作談“策略與決策”王俊良 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 / This thesis plans to discuss the subjects in advance semiconductor industry strategy and decision making. The character of the advance semiconductor industry is changeable drastically. What’s the optimal strategy and how to make a prompt decision in this kind of changeable situation ? It’s a challenge for the people who should be responsible for that. Here the author would like to take T company / W company DRAM collaboration real case as example to discuss the subject of strategy and decision making.
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TFT-LCD optimal production decision-example for panel of middle and small / TFT-LCD最適化生產決策-以中小尺寸面板為例Mark Huang, 黃信勳 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 /
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新產品研發管理模式探討─產品經理觀點的個案研究葉瓊章 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 /
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Construction of Knowledge Management System from The Viewpoint of Business Process Flow / 從企業流程角度建構知識管理系統-以晶圓代工製造為例吳宗聖 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 /
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The Case Study of The Virtual Fab in tsmc / 台積電虛擬工廠的案例研討Hsien Chung Yu, 余憲忠 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 / Due to the short life cycle time of electronics device, and the product technology push by its generation transition from the current 0.35um->0.25um->0.18um->0.15 um->0.13um and below are upgraded fast for the lowest cost and function consideration. The IC manufacturing Foundry and IDM companies complete each other for the technology development roadmap. If the company can provide the new technology in time and the sufficient capacity plan ahead of the demand, also could provide the lowest cost and quick response service, it will become the winner finally.
The paper is to describe the historical experience of tsmc vision deploy. From 1995 to 1996, the competitors such as IDM and pure Foundry - Charter of Singapore continuously share the existing market, the newly entrant like UMC started in the business. They caused the highly competition situation and forced tsmc to raise the “virtual fab” strategy. Because there are lots of uncertainty of Foundry business, the enterprise needs to initiate the new Vision deploy for change and implement the creative strategy before facing the crisis.
The deploy of the vision in the IC industry, which starts from the stages of conceptual to embodiment, it takes a long run to prove the strategy before we could examine the direction of strategy, workable or not. In this paper, this topic which is related to the implementation of tsmc virtual fab is selected, and further describe from the concept initiation to results orientation within this creative model. And also illustrate with other industry strategy (such as ECR strategy of P&G) in practical points of view through benchmark.
key word: Virtual Fab、Efficient Consumer Response
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Evolution of Technology Innovation:A Case Study and Process Simulation in Taiwan Imaging Capture Industries / 技術創新體系之演進─我國影像擷取產業之案例與流程模擬Shih-Wen Yeh, 葉世文 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 / In this study, we try to explore the mechanisms of innovation system. We explore the effect of knowledge capital flows and innovation activities upon business and indutry from a firm-level viewpoint. By constructing an innovation system dynamic model and simulation system, we can simulate, analyse, and discuss the possibility of the model to support appreciative theory.
This study use Taiwan scanner industry as an example, with the discussion of what kinds of technology can be transferred and what kinds of technology can be acquired, when the industry transition starts. This is represanted in the process of Taiwan scanner businesses entering digital camera industry. We try to examine how do innovation system of Taiwan scanner industry can be exploit to satisfly the needs of digital camera development. Through industrial data collection and interviews with industrial experts, we try to understand the correlative degree of relevance between the technology evolution of the two industries. We explore the effect of external knowledge flow in and internal knowledge tranfer upon new product development process. In the case, we also provide a process-oriented innovaton system model to discuss continous and discontinous innovation.
誌 謝 辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1、背景與緣起: 1
1.2、研究議題: 2
1.3、研究目的: 2
1.4、案例選擇: 3
1.5、研究方法: 4
第二章、文獻探討 6
2.1、創新系統 6
2.1.1、創新系統介紹 6
2.1.2、技術移轉架構 9
2.2、創新的相關活動 13
2.2.1、組織學習與產品開發 13
2.2.2、產品改良與進化 14
2.2.3、產品多樣化的競爭 19
2.3、創新系統模擬 22
2.3.1、知識對組織成長的影響 22
2.3.2、產品多樣化對組織的影響 23
2.3.3、系統模型建構 25
2.3.4、創新系統模擬 26
第三章、研究方法 29
3.1、流程模式建構方法 29
3.1.1、研究流程架構 29
3.1.2、資料蒐集 30
3.2、創新系統流程模式 31
3.2.1、定義影響因素 31
3.2.2、選擇評估指標 32
3.2.3、流程模式建構與執行 33
3.3、建構模式的工具 34
3.3.1、工具的功能需求 34
3.3.2、應用工具的簡介 34
3.3.3、程序模組的應用 37
3.4、模式之系統建構方法 38
3.4.1、系統相關要素之關聯性 38
3.4.2、系統資料之處理流程 40
3.4.3、模式實際系統建置 41
第四章、產業技術創新與擴散 42
4.1、台灣掃描器案例背景研究 42
4.1.1、台灣掃描器市場現況分析 42
4.1.2、掃描器產品演進與多樣化 44
4.2、數位相機產業概況 46
4.2.1數位相機全球成長狀況 46
4.2.2 國內數位相機廠商概況 47
4.2.3 數位相機技術發展概況 53
4.2.4國內掃描器廠商數位相機技術發展情況 58
第五章、模式建構與執行 66
5.1、模式概念建構 66
5.1.1、模式在產業層次的假設 66
5.1.2、模式在公司層次的假設 67
5.1.3、模式的發展模式限制 70
5.1.4、模式使用的變數 72
5.1.5、模式輸出的資料 73
5.2、架構系統模組 74
5.2.1、系統模組的架構 74
5.2.2、系統模組之內部機制 75
5.2.3、系統模組機制之建構 78
5.3、系統實際架構與執行 81
5.3.1、模擬變數初值設定 81
5.3.2、系統模式的執行與操作 84
第六章、結果分析與討論 87
6.1、模式機制檢驗方式 87
6.2、企業互動機制檢驗 87
6.3、掃描器產業的模擬 96
6.4、數位相機產業的模擬 105
6.5、產業演化比較 107
第七章、結論與建議 113
7.1、結論 113
7.2、模式的延展 115
7.3、後續研究 116
第八章、參考文獻 117
附錄一、訪談紀錄 123
附錄二、力捷、鴻友、全友專利申請概況 124
附錄三 PASTA工具介紹 126
A.1工具的組成元件與環境 126
A.2作業流程模式 129
附錄四、數位相機產業模擬結果繪圖 131
附錄五、程式表列 134
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A Case Study on Taiwan Automotive Parts Industry─Strategies of Crash Parts Suppliers / 台灣汽車零組件業售後服務市場個案研究─以碰撞件製造廠商為例Lin Hsih-Shiu, 林世修 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 /
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A study of knowledge flow in the product development and manufacture improvement experimentation process / 產品開發與製程改善實驗之知識流動探討Yi-Ping Ku, 古宜平 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 / This research to explores the knowledge flow process of product development and manufacture improvement experimentation processes. The knowledge flow patterns are analyzed using the organization structure and explanations are provided to describe the knowledge types, and the dynamics of knowledge transfer between individual and organization.
This study generates a structured patterns of knowledge source and the knowledge flows, in light of improving the design of technology industry’s knowledge management practices. The results of this study are to preserve and enhance the origination of organizational knowledge while continuously create and utilize new knowledge during the process.
Abstract ii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vii
表 目 錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景說明 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3問題描述 3
1.4研究步驟及方法 3
1.5論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1產品開發與製程改善實驗 5
2.1.1產品開發與實驗設計 5
2.1.2實驗結果與知識轉移 8
2.1.3影響產品開發知識獲取之因素 10
2.2 知識流動 11
2.2.1知識管理流程 11
2.2.2知識創造過程 13
2.2.3知識擴散與流動 14
2.3產品開發與製程改善實驗之知識流動 17
第三章 製程改善個案 19
3.1 3M-TAIWAN公司沿革 19
3.2案例背景 19
3.3個案一(膠帶塗佈改善專案) 20
3.3.1第一階段 --- 專案開始之初期準備 20
3.3.2第二階段 --- 建立專案小組的共識與共同語言 21
3.3.3第三階段 --- 進行各項原因分析之實驗 22
3.3.4第四階段 --- 尋求可行之改善實驗方式並分享知識 24
3.3.5第五階段 --- 驗證改善實驗結果是否與預期相同 25
3.3.6第六階段 --- 進行標準化並尋求下一階段之改善目標 25
3.3.7 案例討論 25
3.4個案二(電信連接端子包裝計數器精準度改善專案) 28
3.4.1案例背景說明 28
3.4.2第一階段之改善 --- 由人工計數更改為秤重計數 28
3.4.3第二階段之改善 --- 購買自動化設備 29
3.4.4第三階段之改善 --- 重新尋找設備之問題改善設備 29
3.4.5 案例討論 31
3.5個案三(無線網路設備測試程式改善專案) 32
3.5.1案例背景說明目的 32
3.5.2第一階段 --- 概念形成﹝有效工作距離與Tx-Rx有關﹞ 33
3.5.3第二階段 --- 產品實際驗證 33
3.5.4第三階段 --- 取得客戶資訊 37
3.5.5第四階段 --- 客戶退貨 37
3.5.6第五階段 --- 資訊整合與重整分析 40
3.5.7案例討論 41
第四章 產品開發案例 44
4.1 A科技股份有限公司沿革 44
4.2無線網路產品的發展方向 44
4.3個案四(無線網路基地台開發專案) 45
4.3.1第一階段 --- 產品規劃之安排 45
4.3.2第二階段 --- 策略合作取得AP之生產能力 46
4.3.3第三階段 --- 透過不同晶片供應商完成USB之開發 47
4.4個案討論 47
第五章 產品開發與製程改善實驗之知識流動 49
5.1製程改善實驗之知識活動 49
5.2產品開發之知識流動 50
5.3產品開發與製程改善實驗之知識活動 52
第六章、結論與建議 54
6.1、結論 54
6.2討論與後續研究 57
參考文獻 59
中文文獻 62
參考網站 63
作者個人背景資料 64
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Technology Diffusion and Diversification :A Sstudy of Evolution and Transition of Taiwan Imaging Capture Industrial / 企業技術擴散與多角化--台灣影像輸入技術演化與轉化之探討SU CHAO-CHI, 蘇紹琦 January 2001 (has links)
碩士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 / Technology Diffusion and Diversification:
A Study of Evolution and Transition of Taiwan Imaging Capture Industries
Student:Chao-Chi Su Advisor:Dr. Yee-Yeen Chu
National Tsing Hua University
Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management
This research explored the technology development and diversification of Taiwan’s scanner manufactures from evolution / theory view point。This study collected the industrial information and data to observe the effects of technology evolution、technology transition and diversification。 Based on the observed evolution any paths of knowledge and technology, we try to made the connec -tion of technology transition and diversification 。Furthermore,the study explores dynamic mechanism of technology transition that those case companies adopted in the process of diversification 。
At the level of firm technology evolution,there are three processes knowledge evolution,transition,and transfer。At the level of industrial technology evolution,there are technology development 、application and expansion。The technology application refers to the collecting of unique applications on products as well as process technologies。At the level of business diversification the above dimensions provide inputs to the growth of products and processes as well as the emerging and growth of diversified business these three dimensions in-combination provide the drive and mechanisms for future co-evolution in the knowledge,technology,and business diversification。
Key Words:Diversification﹑Technology Evolution﹑Technology Transition﹑ Technology Transfer。
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Physical Workload Evaluation Model Based on Physiological Measurement / 體能工作負荷評估模式─以生理衡量為基礎Hsin-Chieh Wu, 吳欣潔 January 2001 (has links)
博士 / 國立清華大學 / 工業工程與工程管理學系 / 89 / In order to prevent workers from injures related to physical overload and overexertion, the study proposes a physical workload evaluation model based on physiological measurement. There are three focuses of this study work. The first is to establish a VO2max prediction model for young adults in Taiwan. The second is to propose a methodology to determine the maximum acceptable work time (MAWT) for high-intensity work. The third is to verify whether or not the obtained relationship between workload and maximum acceptable work duration (MAWD) is in consistent with those of other literatures. Total 30 young adults participated in this study. Two levels of high-intensity and four levels of light and moderate workloads were simulated by a bicycle ergometer for performing experiments.
The achievements include: establishing a VO2max prediction model with non-exercise predictors (i.e., gender, age, and Body Mass Index); finding the exponential decreasing relationship between MAWT and relative oxygen uptake as well as relative heart rate under high-intensity work; verifying the obtained relationship between workload and MAWD is in consistent with those of other literatures. For example, the results suggest that when the workload is at 34%VO2max, 8 hours is the upper limit for working. It is similar to other literature’s suggestion that workload at 33%VO2max is the upper limit for an 8-hour workday. And then, the standard operation procedure of the workload evaluation model with the concept of PDCA cycle was explained, and some limitations to this study were also given. It is believed that this paper provides useful information to evaluate the physical workload for young adults in Taiwan.
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