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The Efficacy and Design of Coastal Protection Using Large Woody Debris

Those who frequent the coastline may be accustomed to seeing driftwood washed onshore, some of it having seemingly found a home there for many years, others having been freshly deposited during the last set of storms; However, if a passerby were to take a closer look at the driftwood on the coastline, they may notice that some of these logs – also known as Large Woody Debris (LWD) – are anchored in place, a practice which is generally used for the purpose of stabilizing the shoreline or reducing wave-induced flooding. Records of existing anchored LWD project sites date back to 1997 and anecdotal evidence suggests that the technique has been used since the mid-1900’s in coastal British Columbia (BC), Canada, and Washington State, USA. Now, with an increased demand for natural and nature-based solutions, the technique is again gaining popularity. Despite this, the design of anchored LWD has largely been based on anecdotal observations and experience, as well as a continuity of design practices from the river engineering field. To date, there is no known peer-reviewed literature on the design or efficacy of LWD protection systems in a coastal environment.
In 2019, the “Efficacy and Design of Coastal Protection using Large Woody Debris” research project was initiated to determine if LWD are effective at stabilizing the shoreline under wave action, if they are effective at reducing wave run-up, and if they are durable enough to meet engineering requirements for shore protection. In addition, the project aimed to determine the optimum configuration of LWD for design purposes. To meet these objectives, this study included the following work: (1) field studies of existing LWD installations, (2) experimental modeling of beach morphology with and without LWD structures, (3) experimental modeling of wave run-up with and without LWD structures, and (4) development of preliminary design guidance.
The first phase of the project included field investigations at 15 existing anchored LWD sites in coastal BC and Washington State. Site characteristics, design techniques, and durability indicators were examined and correlated to a new design life parameter: ‘Effective Life’. Six primary installation techniques were observed: Single, Multiple, Benched, Stacked, Matrix, and Groyne. Observed durability and/or performance issues included: missing LWD, erosion, arson, wood decay, and anchor corrosion/damage. The Effective Life of anchored LWD was found to be strongly correlated to the tidal range and the upper beach slope for all installation types, and the LWD placement elevation relative to the beach crest elevation for single, shore-parallel structures. The many noted durability issues and ineffectiveness as mitigating erosion indicates that existing design methods for anchored LWD have not generally been effective at providing coastal protection and meeting engineering design life requirements.
A comprehensive set of over 60 experimental tests were completed as part of the overall research program. Thirty-two (32) tests were analyzed as part of this study relating to the morphological response of a gravel beach with and without various LWD configurations. The tests were conducted within a wave flume at the National Research Council’s Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre (NRC-OCRE), at a large scale (5:1) based on site characteristics and LWD design characteristics made during the previous field investigations. Tests were also conducted to assess experiment repeatability, sensitivity to test duration, sensitivity to wave height, wave period, and relative water level, influence of regular waves, and influence of log roughness. The position of the most seaward LWD (whether considering distance or elevation) was found to be strongly linked to morphological response. A theoretical relationship was developed between LWD elevation and sediment volume change. Configurations which included LWD placement below the still water level, such as the Benched configuration, were found to be most effective at stabilizing the beach profile.
As part of the experimental modeling program, 24 tests were also conducted for the purpose of estimating the effect of LWD design configuration on wave run-up. In total, six different beach and LWD configurations were tested under a base set of four regular wave conditions. The study findings indicated that anchored LWD may increase wave run-up relative to a gravel beach with no structures. In particular, configurations with more logs tended to result in higher wave run-up. However, additional research is needed on the effect of LWD on wave run-up to confirm and expand these findings.
There are a number of potential engineering, ecological, social, and economic benefits associated with anchored LWD installations if designed, installed, and monitored appropriately for the site conditions and user needs. To realize these potential benefits, significant additional research is needed on the topic. One of the most significant barriers to usage is a lack of information on how to effectively anchor LWD structures. However, this research project provides a baseline for future comprehensive studies on the effect and design of coastal protection using LWD. The project provides preliminary design considerations for the usage of LWD as coastal protection and contributes to the growing body of literature on nature-based solutions.
Date16 December 2020
CreatorsWilson, Jessica
ContributorsNistor, Ioan, Mohammadian, ‪Abdolmajid, Cornett, Andrew
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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