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施洛德與梅克爾政府時期德國之中國外交政策比較 / The comparison of China's foreign policy in Germany during the reign of Schröder and that of Merkel

1990年代中期起,德國與中國均擺脫冷戰之羈絆而大步躍上國際舞台。德國統一後,國家實力大幅提升,並亟欲謀求與其身分相襯之國際地位。今年是柏林圍牆倒塌廿週年,據媒體報導,資料顯示,當時英國首相及法國總統還相當擔心德國統一後,強盛的德國會不會對世界帶來另一場世界的災難。而德國現任的總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)自執政後,數年來已多次被知名媒體評選為全球最有影響力、權力的女性排行榜的首位,可見在她的領導下,德國的國力正逐漸恢復昔日的榮光。
柯爾(Helmut Kohl)政府時代,基於清楚認知亞洲,特別是中國在未來世界發展中的重要性,德國在歐盟國家中首先醞釀和率先制訂新的亞洲政策,以實現德國在這一地區追求現實利益和戰略目標。施洛德(Gerhard Schröder)自1998年打敗柯爾接續執政後,任內6度訪問中國,對推動德中關係不遺餘力,將德國對中國的外交關係推上史無前例的新台階,被中國媒體稱為中國人民的老朋友、最受中國人歡迎的德國友人。德國的對中國外交政策已經出現新的微妙變化:致力於在中國推廣政治民主化、建設中國成為法治國家、經濟繁榮進步以使德國能從中國獲得經濟利益,成為當時德國政府的目標。
梅克爾(Angela Merkel)2005年接替施洛德政府執政以來,其對中國外交政策較前任施洛德政府時期再做出重大調整。從德國對中國貿易逆差、軍售問題到智慧財產權再到人權對話等領域,中國不斷感受到來自德國的壓力。尤以梅氏執政初期,德中兩國外交關係就因梅克爾在總理府接見達賴而引發喧然大波,後風波暫告平息,兩國關係才稍有回暖跡象。但要回到施洛德時代德、中兩國水乳般交融已不可能。但面對中國強大的經濟發展能力及廣大的市場,梅克爾政府對中國的外交政策,在不影響德國「貿易立國」宗旨的原則,另在世界「一超多強」格局的現有世界體系結構下,德國與中國之間保持這樣一種「經濟掛帥,政治跟進」的關係格局仍將是一個長期的現象。
發展德中良好關係符合德國的經濟利益。德國是中國在歐洲最大的貿易夥伴、是對中國技術轉讓最多的歐洲國家、是向中國提供政府貸款和無償贈款最多的歐洲國家,基於經濟利益,德國不會亦不願看見德國與中國雙邊關係出現僵局。 / From mid of 1990s, Germany and China both try to break apart from the restrain of the cold war. After the unity of German, its national power rises tremendously and hesitates to reach a matching international reputation. This year is the twenty anniversaries after the collapse of Berlin Wall. From the media report and statistic, the British prime minister and French president were worried if the unitized German would bring another worldwide disaster. Since the current prime minster of Germany, Angela Merkel, sworn in office, she has been rated as the most influential and powerful woman in the world. It could be said that under her leadership, Germany is recovering its past glory.
This year is also the twenty year anniversary of the“Tiananmen Square protests of 1989”in mainland China, after that event, China was isolated from the international community; then, the highest leader of China pushed the reform of free market economy with unmatched vision and determination, and gave China the chance to become one of the G2 of Today. This force the only surviving super-power of the cold war, the United States, without any choice but to seek support and cooperation from China on many international issues, and it can be said that China’s influence in the international politics and economic cannot be denied or overlooked.
As a result, the powerful Germany of the western world, facing the rising influential China, is challenged with the unavoidable task to plan and execute their diplomatic policies to mainland china in order to benefit the German, and secure their voice and influence in international affair- a privilege that German is not willing to yield ground.
During the rule of Helmut Kohl government, German knew that the development of Asia, especially, China, would play a very important role in the future. Germany was the first country of the European union to make new Asia policy in order to realize the interest and strategic goal of Germany in this region. Since Gerhard Schröder defeated Helmut Kohl to gain office, he visited China six times in his term, and gave no reserve in developing Germany China relation, and pushed the diplomatic relation between China and Germany to a unprecedented level, and he was called by the Chinese media as an old friend to the Chinese people, and as “the most popular German friend of the Chinese people”. There are new subtle changes in Germany’s China policy: focusing on developing democracy in China, building China as a country with laws, facilitate economic growth of China for German to gain economic benefits. All of that was the goal for the German government.
After Angela Merkel took charge from 2005, she made great adjustment toward German’s policies to China. Comparing to previous prime minister, she pressed hard on the trade deficit of German China trade, weapon trade, intellectual property rights and human rights. China never stop feeling the pressure from German. Especially in the earlier days, when Merkel’s term begun, the diplomatic relation between German and China turned sour when Merkel met Dalai Lama. Even though the argument got temporary ease, and the relation between two countries turns better, it is almost impossible to return the point when Schröder taking charge when the relation of two counties used to reach the peak. However, in front of Chinese strong economy development and its wild market, Merkel adapts the principle which not influences Germany trade as well as interacts with other countries. These days ‘economy weighs more than politics will still continue for long term.
Developing a good relationship with China is beneficial for German. German is the largest partner of European countries for mainland China. Actually, it is the country that China transfers technical skills most. Also, it is the country that Chinese government provides loan and un-paid donation most. For the above reason, Germany government will not expect the relationship with China to turn bad based on economy enefit.
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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