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問題五:現今鑑價機構在融資、入股情境下,在專利權價值衡量看法上與主理人有何差異? 並提出建議為何?

1、 現有之相關鑑價方法未能真確評鑑出專利權價值之主要原因,部分係未考量專利權之運用情境,而傾向於給予專利權單一價值所致。專利權之價值衡量重點應與運用情境有相當大的關係,三種情境下變數及參數估計應有不同的觀點。進行專利權鑑價時,如果能加以了解個別運作情境下專利價值之衡量重點,搭配現今既有之鑑價理論,較能反應出不同運用情境下專利權之價值,讓專利鑑價發揮實益。
2、 在專利權與商品間的關係複雜,層次甚多,吾人整理融資、入股及訴訟的過程中的主要影響因子,共有18項重要因子影響其價值實現,可分為六大構面。(詳細因子,請見內文)
3、 在專利權融資、入股及訴訟情境下,其必要考量之價值因子不同,且其重要性程度優先順序亦不同。
(1) 專利權融資之必要考量因子依序為:「事業化潛力、收益及風險」、「產權狀態」、「法律地位穩固程度」、「該技術對該產品的關鍵程度」、「技術實力及未來經濟年限長短」、「在企業中之定位」及「技術的完成度」。主要係基於授信5P中之客戶還款能力、擔保品處分及還款意願的考量。
(2) 專利權入股之必要考量因子依序為:「事業化潛力、收益及風險」、「該技術對該產品的關鍵程度」、「法律地位穩固程度」及「技術實力及未來經濟年限長短」。較著重於技術及商品化收益。
(3) 提起專利權訴訟之必要考量因子依序為:「Claims是否能排除競爭者」、「該技術對該產品的關鍵程度」。較著重於法律上勝訴的難易度及該專利權對商品的關鍵性。
(4) 「技術對該產品的關鍵程度」為各情境下之共通因子 。
4、 在融資、入股情下,鑑價機構對專利價值因子之認知與主理機構(銀行、創投業者等)不同。因此在鑑價之前應特別針對這些不同點加以溝通,較能幫助主理人與智財服務業間在價值認定上達成共識。
(1) 融資情境下「該專利權在融資企業中之定位」,主理人給予相當高的重視,認為企業越重視該專利權,越能提高其還款意願,然而鑑價機構對其評價較低。「Claims是否能排除競爭者」及「受侵權時,採取法律行為的難度」兩法律構面因子,主理人對其重視程度明顯較代理人為高,因為銀行所握有的擔保品係專利權之權利質權,若侵權者能輕易by pass,則對該專利權之價值將有大幅影響,此部分尚未明顯成為鑑價機構之考量。
(2) 入股情境下,「法律地位穩固程度」與「受侵權時,採取法律行為的難度」等法律構面的因子,鑑價機構對其關注程度明顯較主理人為低,而「產權狀態」因子亦為鑑價機構與主理人有明顯差異之因子。 / Patent-based financing, patent-based investing and patent litigation are the important applications of patents. Patent valuation is usually the first step of corporate activities, in order to proceed the activities like buying stocks by patents.
The value of patents will be different under the diverse conditions of applications. However, the concept is neglected in the patent valuation process. It still emphasizes on single value pursuit. This results in the limited effects in the end.
This research focuses on the effects of different patent application types, by analyzing the points of view of related parties when valuing patents. Therefore, the objects of the research were to answer the questions as the follows:
1、 What are the theorem and limitation of existing patent valuation?
2、 Will different applications affect value factors?
3、 What are the different key factors of value under patent-based financing, patent-based investing and patent litigation?
4、 Following the question 3, what is the difference of key factors’ importance?
5、 What is the difference of views between principal and valuation agents under patent-based financing and patent-based investing?

At last, the research concluded that:
1、 Patent application types do really affect patent value. There should be different parameters and variables under the three application types.
2、 There are 18 key factors, constructed to 6 angles, affecting patent valuation. The 18 key factors are listed in the text.
3、 Patent application types do affect value factors, in constitute of essential factors and the priority of these essential factors. The differences are listed in the text.
4、 The different standpoints do affect the results of patent valuation. There are differences of views between principal and valuation agents under patent-based financing and patent-based investing. The differences are listed in the text.
Creators陳玉萍, Yu-Ping, Chen
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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