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立法委員應用Facebook的行為在選舉期與會期間的探索 / A comparative study of campaign and non-campaign Facebook strategies: The case of Taiwan’s Legislators

資訊科技的日新月異,讓政府與民眾之間的關係有了改變,在Web 2.0的網路應用模式興起之下,不但讓社會互動的內涵拓展到網路世界當中,也改變了日常生活、媒體環境,甚至進入了民主政治運作的機制當中,扮演重要的角色。順應這股潮流,各國政府無不積極推動相關的機制,期望讓民眾有更親切,多元的參與途徑,以達成更好的治理。
然而,不論國內外對於政府結合Web 2.0的研究上,主要都聚焦於公共服務的提供,並沒有更進一步探討「政府」與「民眾」關係的內涵,事實上,這種雙向關係的建立是社群網站之所以能進入民眾生活的重要的核心概念,也是政府結合社群網站提供服務應該關注的焦點。因此,本研究從深化治理關係的角度出發,比較立法委員在選舉期間和會期間運用Facebook與民眾溝通、互動的行為,一方面希望探索政治人物所應用的網路科技是否含有治理的功用,突破以往網路選戰的囹圄;另一方面,也希望了解在政府各單位提供的電子參與機制之外,能不能透過更接近民眾日常生活的Facebook建立治理關係,讓電子參與的理念可以藉由不同的途徑所達成。
研究結果發現,立法委員在Facebook在選舉期間和會期間主要應用的策略都是「政治資訊」和「生活分享」兩項,不同於過去競選期間以攻擊對手最為主要應用的策略,立法委員在Facebook上有明顯的策略轉向,可能與Facebook社交的特性有關。另一方面,立法委員所應用的Facebook不論在選舉期間或會期,在電子參與上都達到不錯的比率,但是大部分溝通能以單向的資訊傳播為主,與民眾的雙向互動較為稀少。從分析結果來看,立法委員應用Facebook除了地區之外,並沒有明顯的差異。整體而言,立法委員的Facebook有成為電子參與新途徑的潛力,但是要達成雙向、穩定、長期的治理關係,落實電子參與的理念仍需要繼續努力。 / Facebook, the most popular social media in the world, has changed ways of citizen involvement in governance. Politicians and (elected) public administrators worldwide have adopted Facebook as an important approach to connect with citizens. Following the trend, most legislators in Taiwan also create personal Facebook accounts and Facebook pages as an additional way to reach their potential voters and citizens in general. Ideally, legislators can efficiently operate their constituents and directly communicate with their “friends.” Facebook pages of legislators seem to offer the promise of electronic participation (e-participation), reaching citizens on a common platform and allowing for citizen comments. On the other hand, citizens can establish a link to legislators via information-sharing, dialogue, and consensus-building on Facebook. If the two-way communication works properly and successfully, Facebook will certainly help to create more citizen participation and more public values.
This study investigates differences in communication strategies and patterns of legislators’ Facebook in Taiwan during the 2011 election periods and during the 2012 regular legislative sessions, with the aim of exploring whether the Facebook phenomenon can improve the process of online political communication and citizen participation. The finding reveals that percentage of e-participation achieves fine rate, but most communication on legislators’ Facebook is one way. The result indicates that legislators’ Facebook is another platform to distribute public information to citizens, and may have potential to create more public values. To improve democracy, legislators need to get more feedback from citizens, i.e., improving the two-way communication on Facebook.The lessons from this study will help pave the way for future research on political campaign and electronic participation.
Creators陳禹瑞, Chen, Yu Jui
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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