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這些新精英就, 是管理者與技術官僚(managers andtechnocrats) ,在政治經驗、行政管理能力及對意識型態的態度等方面,其與過去的革命精英,即那些動員和理論家(mobilizers and ideologues) 已具有不同的性質。這些精英已按照改革開於路的指導方針以合理的、有效率的方式執行了具體的政策。尤其,一些精英在經濟改革過程中超越中共中央的要求或者進度比中共中央提早,以更為積極的態度來領導改革將改革的推動加速化、廣泛化。與經濟方面的活躍相反地,他們在政治改革問題上採居了比較消極的立場。由于受教育背景和業務經歷背景的影響,這些精英在制定政策和推動政策的過程中對於效率性和合理性等因素之考量遠超過政治、意識型態等方面,甚至為了發展上的需要,有時更揚棄某些過時的意識型態及理想,而有替代性的政策出現。此時,對於那些強烈地受制于共產主義意識型態的另外一些精英而言,自然容易引起相當不滿的情緒,此即造成中共精英集團內部的分裂。因此,中共在過去十多年間一直無法以一貫的立場推動改革開放政策,而出現在經濟上〝改革〞和〝調整〞;在政治上〝穩〞和〝強〞在思想運作上〝放〞和〝收〞的週期循環現象。
目前在中共十三屆中央委員會中,技術官僚出身的精英佔有大約1/3 的比例,但其數目勢必將持續增加。在此,較受人矚目的是他們對中共未來的影響。他們會不會帶來經濟的自由化和政治的民主化局面?對于他們未來在經濟方面可能產生的貢獻,我們可抱著較為較為樂觀的態度,但對他們在政治民主化問題上所發揮的功能,則似乎應採取比較慎重的立場。當今,中共正面臨根本上足以威脅中共體制安定和延續的和一些壓力,這些壓力分別來自人民背離中共政權的可能性、黨內重重的分裂及和平演變的危機等三個面向。技術官僚出身的新精英在新的國際、國內環境中,將如何解決各種新型態的問題和危機呢?這不但會影響新精英的政治生命,而且也足以決定整個社會主義中國的未來命運。 / The history of the Chinese Communist Party indicates that changes in the leadership composition often reflect broad social, economic, and political changes in the country at large. The newly co-opted Chinese political elites in 1980s highlights all of these changes.
It has been widely noted that the new Chinese political elites represents a fresh generation of leaders. But, more important, it represents a new kind of political elite-managers and technocrats. This elite transformation started in the early 1980s and reach its peak in the 13th Party Congress in 1987.
According to my analysis, 32.57% of the 13th central committee membership in CCP can be classified as technocrats. This study therefore finds that there has indeed been a leadership transition in the Chinese political system in the 1980s. The Post Mao leadership transformation represents the formation of a technocracy.
Then, what is the reason of this transformation? Because, Deng Xiao-ping regime has attempted to build its legitimacy on the basis of economic development and as chosen policies that make rapid growth a top priority. It is understandable that top Post-Mao leaders need more technocrats to assist them.
Now, it is commonly assumed that technocrats as new elites are distinguished from old elites not only because of their experiences and training, but also by their attitudes and policies. Most of new elites studies natural sciences in college and worked as specialists in production – related fields in bureaucratized organizations. They are promoted on the basis of their “ability”; They are less committed to any political ideology; the evaluate political decisions in terms of actual outcome; they are supportive of reform.
Whether or not these new elites will lead to change in the Chinese communist system is, a matter of important debate at this study.
Their personal and career interests are tied to a program of economic development. The will not be able to maintain their elite status unless they deliver the promised economic benefits to the Chinese people. Without continuing the reforms, they cannot lead China to economic development.
For most of new elites, China should focus on economic development not political democratization. Some of technocrats cited South Korea and Taiwan to indicate that economic success could be achieved in authoritarian regimes. They argue, nothing is more important than economic growth. Therefore, it would be misleading to conclude that China will adopt western liberalism. But, they will make the policy-making process more rational and they will emphasize the bargain and compromise in political process.
Creators洪允杓, HONG, YUN-SHAO
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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