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資訊服務智慧資本之研究 / Research on the Intellectual Capital of Information Service Industry


第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機----------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------------------4
第一節 智慧本質與知識經濟-----------------------------------------4
第二節 智慧資本的分類與內涵--------------------------------------9
第三節 智慧資本的研究進展-----------------------------------------18
第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------------27
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------27
第二節 研究設計---------------------------------------------------------28
第四章 我國資訊服務業及其鑑價之作法-----------------------31
第一節 資訊服務業發展歷程------------------------------------------31
第二節 我國資訊服務業的六大區隔-------------------------------34
第三節 我國資訊服務業的發展現況-------------------------------36
第四節 我國資訊服務業外銷狀況----------------------------------40
第五節 我國資訊服務業的未來展望-------------------------------44
第六節 我國資訊服務業上櫃評估做法及檢討-----------------47
第五章 智慧資本與資訊服務業-----------------------------------54
第一節 智慧資本對資訊服務業的重要性--------------------------54
第二節 個案彙整與分析-----------------------------------------------57
第三節 影響資訊服務業鑑價的智慧資本要項-------------------110
第六章 我國資訊服務業對智慧資本之看法------------------119
第一節 調查方法:分析層級程序法(AHP) --------------------119
第二節 智慧資本要項及衡量之問卷設計-----------------------124
第三節 問卷調查結果統計-----------------------------------------128
第四節 結果討論-----------------------------------------------------135
第七章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------138
第一節 研究發現-----------------------------------------------------138
第二節 建議-----------------------------------------------------------141
附錄四•友立/資通資訊股份有限承銷價格計算說明表---------------160 / THESIS ABSTRACT
Name:Wan-Hwa Hwang Month/Year:July 1999
Advisor:Se-Hwa Wu
Research on the Intellectual Capital of Information Service Industry
Information Service Industry is a most typical knowledge-based industry emerging at the end of this century . The winners of this industry don't have a lot of financial capital in general,rather having revenue-creating "human resource capital" which embodies innovation oriented R&D capability,"structure capital" which makes knowledge quickly sharable and accumulatable to increase the employee's productivity,and "customer capital" which makes company to grow with the customers and to create profit for both . This implies the real value and the growth potential of information service companies actually reside on the intellectual capital they own,instead of being on the traditional financial indices.
Taiwan's information service industry advances rapidly in recent years. The government also designated it as a strategic industry and anticipated it becoming a major driving force of Taiwan's next wave of economic miracle. However,through the experience of those software companies which are first allowed to trade publicly at OTC this year,it is found the valuation method applied to these companies aren't different from any other type of companies (hardware,textile,chemical,...). This kind of valuation totally ignored the hidden intellectual asset of information service companies and,could lead to underestimation of their real value. Due to this,it could hurt information services company's plan to raese development fund needed from the open capital market,further the general public investors might not be able to evaluate these companies appropriately and,therefore might suffer loss.
So this research started with literature survey to reveal the heavy contents of intellectual capital .Those works done by Leif Edvinsson et al and Thomas Stewart were adopted and provide most of the referrings so as to constituent the theoretical base of this research..
Then we examined the current status of Taiwan's fast growing information service industry which surprisingly made a superb performance during the financial storm last year which plagued many asian countries . While studying the valuation method used by the SEC to valuate information service providers during their IPO process,we regretly found that intellectual capital was not considered as any measurement at all .
To make it obvious the detailed items of the intellectual capital currently being addressed and cultivated by Taiwan's information service industry,six prominent vendors were interviewed through their executive level management,which include one internet access/service provider,one 3D game software vendor,one anti-virus software vendor,one image processing software vendor,and two multimedia content providers . All are leading players in this industry . After analyzing the interviewing result gathered through these 6 information service providers,we were able to identify 18 key items which we believe constitute the intellectual capital focus of most similar companies in Taiwan at this moment . These 18 key items could further be grouped into four major categories . Namely,
Human Capital:creativity,professional skill,company incliningness,managing team,informal interaction
Flow Capital:operation management,quality management,knowledge management,equipment management,organization flexibility
Innovation Capital:R&D investment,intellectual property right,key technology,innovation culture
Relation Capital:Customer size,customer repurchase rate,cooperation relationship,company reputation
We then designed a questionnaire and made a survey with 38 information service providers╱investment companies . Again,top management executives were asked to answer the survey . Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),we were able to calculate the relative weight of these 18 key items as well as the 4 major categories. We have the following findings:
1. Taiwan's information service providers agree that the content of intellectual capital could be categorized into "human capital", "flow capital","innovation capital",and "relation capital".
2. "Innovation Capital" is ranked the most important ,followed by "human capital","relation capital",and "flow capital".
3. Within the 18 key items being identified,the information service providers select "innovation culture","key technology", "intellectual property right "(those belong to the innovation capital category),"managing team","company incliningness"(those belong to the innovation capital category),as the 5 most important intangible assets.
4. The relative weight of flow capital is significantly less than the other three. It signifies the importance of this category is not recognized by Taiwan's information service providers yet.
We think these findings provide directions we should emphasize while valuating a information service provider. They also could serve as indices for the management of this kind of companies.
Finally,through this research,we have recommendations to current enterprises:
1. Enterprises should make every effort to create and to accumulate their intellectual capital,so to increase their total value;
2. Enterprises should fix indices to monitor their intellectual capital stocks and changement,to maintain the competitiveness.
3. Furnish enterprise's intellectual capital reports to amend the insufficiency of today's valuation used in the IPO process.
Creators黃宛華, Wang-Hwa Hwang
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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