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Exploring the relationship between emotional intelligence, burnout and absenteeism of bus drivers in the sheduled public bus services industry

Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between emotional intelligence,
burnout and absenteeism of bus drivers in the scheduled public bus services industry. A
controlled inquiry of non-experimental research was used. In addition, correlational and
multivariate research, as a form of relational research, was employed to explore the
relationships between the three constructs.
The constructs were defined as follows: emotional intelligence as the basic capacity of a
person to identify and utilise emotion (Goleman, 1998); burnout as a syndrome consisting
of three negative response patterns which include: emotional exhaustion,
depersonalisation and diminished personal accomplishment. (Maslach & Jackson 1986, in
Schaufeli & Buunk, 2003) and absenteeism as the average numbers of days a driver was
absent from work. A sample of 245 bus driver employees was drawn from the depots of
Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Ltd. The Swinburne Emotional Intelligence Test (Palmer
& Stough, 2001) and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (Kristensen, Borritz, Villadsen &
Christensen, 2005) were administered.
The results showed that there was a moderate negative relationship between emotional
intelligence and burnout. Emotional management (a dimension of emotional intelligence)
was negatively related to all three the dimensions of burnout namely personal burnout,
work burnout and client burnout (a dimension of burnout), indicating that where bus drivers
are capable of managing emotions, levels of burnout would typically decrease. In exploring
the relationship between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and absenteeism, no
statistically significant relationships were found. In exploring the different dimensions of
burnout in their relationship to absenteeism, it did however indicate a small, yet significant
positive relationship between work-related burnout and absenteeism. This suggested that
bus drivers with a low score in terms of work-related burnout would experience less
The limitations of the study and recommendations for future research were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die verwantskap tussen emosionele intelligensie,
uitbranding en afwesigheid van busdrywers in die geskeduleerde publieke busbedryf te
ondersoek. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (nl. 'n
verkennende opnamestudie) ten einde die verband tussen die konstrukte en hul
subdimensies te ondersoek. Daarbenewens is korrelatiewe en meerveranderlike navorsing
gebruik as 'n vorm van relasionele navorsing om die verhouding tussen die drie konstrukte
te ondersoek.
Die konstrukte is soos volg gedefinieer: emosionele intelligensie as die basiese kapasiteit
van 'n persoon om emosie te identifiseer en te gebruik (Goleman, 1998); uitbranding as 'n
sindroom bestaande uit drie negatiewe responskomponente: emosionele uitputting,
depersonalisasie en veminderde gevoel van persoonlike bekwaamheid (Maslach &
Jackson 1986, in Schaufeli & Buunk, 2003) en afwesigheid as die gemiddelde
hoeveelheid dae wat 'n drywer afwesig was by die werk. 'n Steekproef van 245
busdrywers verbonde aan Golden Arrow Bus Services (Edms) Bpk is geneem. Die
respondente het die twee vraelyste, nl. die Swinbume Emotional Intelligence Test (Palmer
& Stough, 2001) en die Copenhagen Bumout Inventory (Kristensen, Borritz, Villadsen &
Christensen, 2005) voltooi.
Die resultate wys dat daar 'n matige negatiewe verhouding bestaan tussen emosionele
intelligensie en uitbranding. Die bestuur van emosies, 'n onderafdeling van uitbranding, is
negatief verbind aan al drie die onderafdelings van uitbranding nl. persoonlike uitbranding,
werksuitbranding en klientuitbranding. Dit dui daarop dat waar busdrywers bevoeg is om
hul emosies te bestuur, vlakke van uitbranding tipies sal verminder. In die ondersoek na
die verhouding tussen emosionele intelligensie en afwesigheid is geen betekenisvolle
statistiese verhoudings geidentifiseer nie. In die ondersoek na die verhouding tussen die
onderafdelings van uitbranding en afwesigheid, is 'n klein, dog betekenisvolle, positiewe
verhouding geidentifiseer tussen werksuitbranding en afwesigheid. Dit suggereer dat
busdrywers met 'n lae werksuitbrandingsvlak minder afwesig sal wees.
Die beperkinge van die studie en voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing is bespreek.
Date12 1900
CreatorsMeyer, Francois
ContributorsMathur-Helm, Babita, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsStellenbosch University

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