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The size and composition of the South African middle class : implications for a consolidating democracy

Thesis (DPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to reach some conclusions about the possibility of the South
African democracy to endure. It does so through entering into the so-called
preconditions for democracy field, concretely, by the observation of the changes in
and the composition of the South African middle class as a feature of democratic
Middle classes are regarded as an important political actor in democratisation and
it is difficult to fmd a stable democracy without a well-developed and large middle
class. Actually, the democratisation movements have mostly been led by middle
classes. Moreover, the size of the middle class in a particular society is also indicative
of the level of income inequality, which is another important indicator for the success
of democratisation.
From a theoretical perspective, the study presents the different existing
approaches to democratisation in general, and to middle class democracy in particular.
Then, it focuses on a case study: South Africa. The variables for the research then are,
"middle class" as an independent variable; and "democratic consolidation" as a
dependent variable. The hypothesis that links them therefore is as follows:
The larger the middle class, the greater the chance for the consolidation of
From an empirical perspective the research tests the above hypothesis by making
use of extensive quantitative data. Both variables are then operationalised and their
tendencies of growth are measured, presented and explained. Middle class is
operationalised in terms of occupation. Consolidated democracy is operationalised in
terms of political tolerance and trust in the institutions. Political tolerance refers to
the procedural part of democracy, whereas trust relates to the substantive dimension
of democracy.
The major fin<iings arrived at are that, on one hand the middle class in South
Africa is increasing in size and incorporating previously excluded sectors - mainly
Blacks - but, on the other hand, democracy seems to be consolidating from a procedural point of view - increase in political tolerance -, but not from a substantive
one - decrease in trust in the institutions. Consequently, the original hypothesis is
reformulated as follows:
An increase in the middle class in the first years of democracy indicates that
democracy is consolidating "procedlfrally ".
Against the background of these fmdings, room is left for further research that
will provide information about whether a democracy can consolidate only
procedurally or whether the substantive dimension of democracy is essential for
successful consolidation. Further research will also confirm whether or not the recent
increase in trust during 1999 signifies a real turning-point or whether it is due to other
reasons. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om tot 'n aantal gevolgtrekkings te kom oor die
waarskynlikheid dat die Suid-Afrikaanse demokrasie in stand sal bly. Dit is benader
deur 'n ondersoek na die voorvereistes vir demokrasie en, konkreet, deur die
waarneming van veranderings in die samestelling van die Suid-Afrikaanse
middelstand as 'n verskynsel van demokratiese konsolidasie.
Die middelstand word as 'n belangrike politieke rolspeler in demokratisering
beskou en dit is moeilik om 'n voorbeeld van 'n stabiele demokrasie waar daar nie 'n
groot middel~tand is nie, te vind. In werklikheid is demokratiese bewegings meestal
deur die middelstand gelei. Verder is die omvang van die middelstand binne 'n
besondere gemeenskap ook aanduidend van die vlak van inkomste-ongelykheid, wat
'n verdere belangrike aanduider vir die sukses van demokratisering is.
Vanuit 'n teoretiese perspektief hied die studie die verskillende bestaande
benaderings tot demokratisering in die algemeen, en tot middelstand-demokrasie in
besonder, aan. Dan verskuif die aandag na 'n gevallestudie van Suid-Afrika. Die
veranderlikes vir die navorsing is "middelstand" as onafhanklike veranderlike en
"demokratiese konsolidering" as afhanklike veranderlike. Die hipotese waardeur hulle
in verband gestel word, is as volg:
Hoe grater die middelstand, hoe grater die waarskynlikheid vir die
konsolidasie van demokrasie.
Vanuit 'n empiriese perspektief toets die navorsing die bogenoemde hipotese
deur gebruik te maak van uitgebreide kwantitatiewe data. Albei veranderlikes word
ge-operasionaliseer en hul groeitendense word gemeet, aangebied en verduidelik.
Middelstand word in terme van beroep ge-operasionaliseer. Gekonsolideerde
demokrasie word in terme van politieke verdraagsaamheid en vertroue in instellings
ge-operasionaliseer. Politieke verdraagsaamheid bon verband met die prosedurele
aspek van demokrasie, terwyl vertroue verband bon met die substantiewe dimensie
van demokrasie.
Die vemaamste bevindings waartoe gekom is, is, aan die een kant, dat die
middelstand in Suid-Afrika besig is om uit te brei en voorheen uitgeslote sektore -
veral Swartes - te inkorporeer en, aan die ander kant, dat demokrasie besig is om
vanuit 'n prosedurele oogpunt - toename in politieke verdraagsaamheid - te
konsolideer, maar nie vanuit 'n substantiewe oogpunt - afname van vertroue in die
instellings - nie. Gevolglik word die oorspronklike hipotese soos volg herformuleer:
'n Toename in die middelstand gedurende die eerste }are van demokrasie dui
aan dat die demokrasie besig is om ''prosedureel" te konsolideer.
Teen die agtergrond van die bevindings is daar ruimte vir verdere navorsing
wat inligting sal verskaf aangaande die moontlikheid daarvan dat 'n demokrasie net
maar prosedureel kan konsolideer, en of die substantiewe dimensie essensieel is vir
suksesvolle konsolidasie. Verdere navorsing sou ook kon bepaal of die voorafgaande
toename in vertroue gedurende 1999 'n werklike ommekeer aandui, en of dit aan
ander redes toegeskryf moet word.
Date January 2000
CreatorsGarcia Rivero, Carlos
ContributorsKotze, H., Du Toit, P., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format323 leaves : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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