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Co-morbidities induced vasculogenic impaired wound healing

A. Background<p><p>Skin wound healing (WH) is a dynamic and extremely determinate process of cellular, humoral and molecular mechanisms which begins directly after wounding and can last for years. WH is described as is an intricate process in which the skin (or another organ-tissue) repairs itself after injury. The process of skin WH occurs through the actions of an interplay of cells, growth factors and cytokines leading to wound closure.<p><p>WH occurs in three precisely and highly programmed phases: the inflammatory phase (day 0 to day 7) followed by the proliferative phase or vasculogenic phase (day 7 to day 21) and finally the remodeling phase (2 days - up to 2 years). For a successful healing, all three phases must occur in the proper sequence and time frame.<p><p>Many factors can interfere with one or more phases of the WH process, thus causing improper or impaired healing. The proliferation phase, in particular, requires the participation of various cells types such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells (ECs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), to produce a healthy well-vascularized granulation tissue for epithelization and wound closure.<p><p>A.1 Wound Healing And Obesity<p><p>In 2008, over 1.4 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight. Of these, obesity has been shown to affect over 500 million people (OMS website). Moreover, the prevalence of obesity continues to rise, and by 2018, it is estimated that obesity will cost $ 347 billion annually.<p><p>Each year, in the US, approximately 33 million overweight and obese patients undergo surgery. Obesity causes a number of known health problems and increased post-surgical complications such as wound infection, dehiscence, hematoma and seroma. Surgeons anecdotally report WH complications among obese patients; however, little research has been conducted to investigate the mechanisms mediating impaired obesity-related WH. <p><p>Some previous work on diabetic patients and diabetic mice showed an imbalance between pro-oxydant and anti-oxydant genes as well as impaired EPCs proliferation and tube formation during the WH process. More then a hundred cytologic factors have been found to impair WH in the type 2 diabetic patient. It is a very complex and multifactorial problem involving decreased growth factors secretion, impaired keratinocyte and fibroblast functions, impaired EPs function, alteration of the macrophage function and granulation tissue synthesis, etc. <p><p>Based on these findings and because obesity is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, we hypothetize that, impaired balance between pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic and pro- oxydant /anti-oxydant genes is involved in impaired WH. Furthermore, we hypothetize that impaired EPCs function leads to the perturbation of the proliferation phase of obesity impaired WH.<p><p>A.2. Wound Healing and Age<p><p>The world population is aging; by 2030, nearly 20% of Americans, (± 72 million people), will be 65 years old and older. In 2010, 17% of the European population was over the age of 65. By 2060, it is projected that the share of those aged 65 and over will rise to 30%, accounting for more then 150 million people. ( These aging subjects undergo an increasing number of surgical procedures: in the past two decades, the percentage of surgeries in patients over 65 has doubled to nearly 40%.<p>As a corollary, it is well established knowledge that elderly WH is impaired. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of age-related impaired WH.<p><p>As previously mentioned, adult BM-derived EPCs contribute to peripheral tissue repair and regeneration. In light of the abundant literature suggesting that neovascularization is impaired in the elderly, we characterize a novel model of senile cutaneous WH and investigate the role that vasculogenesis plays in the pathogenesis of age related impaired WH.<p>Aged mice colonies have traditionally been the model for aged small mammalian research, however, the ability to use a readily-available transgenic mouse model with features of accelerated aging would aid in the exploration of targeted therapies and a great number of age-related investigations.<p><p>We hypothesize that the Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) Zmpste24 deficient (Zmpste24-/-) mouse mimics physiological ageing and can be used as a novel model for the study of senescent WH. We further hypothetized that impaired balance between pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic and pro-oxydant /anti-oxydant genes as well as impaired EPCs function are responsible for the impairment of the proliferative phase, leading to overall impaired WH.<p><p>A.3 Aims<p><p>Recently, a great deal of research has been directed at understanding the critical factors inducing poorly healing wounds. However, a lot remains unclear.<p><p>It is now well accepted that new blood vessel formation occurs not only by angiogenesis (blood vessels formation from a preexisting network of capillaries), but also by vasculogenesis (blood vessels formation from BM SCs recruitment) and that EPCs contribute to as much as 25% of new blood vessels formed in healing tissues4. They are mobilized from the BM in response to injury and production of local cytokines, are incorporate into wounds and play an integral role in systemic tissue repair. <p><p>Based on this finding, we hypothesized that co-morbidities related impaired WH may be due, in part, to decreased EPCs number, migration/homing, and/or function resulting in impaired vasculogenesis. Because age and/or obesity have been shown to be one of the most common predictors of altered WH, we decided to focus on these two parameters.<p><p>Following a bedside to bench approach the purpose of this work was to 1) develop coherent and translatable models of co-morbidity digging in the physiologic/pathologic mechanisms underlying altered healing in obese and senile mice; 2) develop targeted therapeutics to improve impaired WH.<p><p>B. Material and Methods<p><p>B.1 Human Model<p><p>Since obesity impairs WH and BM EPCs are important for tissue repair, we hypothesize that obesity- impaired WH is due, in part, to impaired EPCs mobilization, trafficking, and function. Peripheral blood was obtained from non diabetic, obese (BMI > 30, n = 25), and non obese (BMI < 30, n = 17) subjects. Peripheral blood human EPCs were isolated, quantified, and functionally assessed.<p>As for aged impaired WH, EPCs of aged subjects have already been found to have decreased adhesion, migration and proliferative properties as well as being decreased in number in elderly patients undergoing surgery compared to younger patients.<p><p>B.2. Mice Models<p><p>Two models of WH were developed and characterized.<p>In order to isolate the effect of obesity on EPCs and WH, OB non-diabetic female TallyHo/JngJ mouse were selected (Female mice don’t express hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia). Female SWR/J non-OB mice were used as control mice. In order to limit variables, TallyHO/JngJ obese mice were selected over other OB mice that exhibit a polygenic type of obesity (Jackson Laboratory Website). By selecting this mouse model, we have excluded in our selection of the ideal model common confounding factors such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, immune disorders.<p><p>Zmpste24 is a metalloproteinase involved in the maturation of lamin A (LmnA), an essential component of the nuclear envelope. When Zmpste24 or LmnA are knocked-out, mice exhibit profound nuclear architectural abnormalities and histopathological defects that phenocopy an accelerated aging process. Of crucial importance, the lamin-A dependent nuclear alterations seen in Zmpste24-deficient mice have also been found in human physiological aging. We defined the utilization of the Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) Zmpste24 deficient (Zmpste24- /-) mouse as a novel model for the study of senescent WH (controls used were C57BL/6J mice).<p><p>B.3. Wounding Model and Data Collection<p><p>All mice group underwent wounding using a stented wound model developed in our laboratory and previously published. Briefly, paired 6-mm circular, full-thickness wounds extending through the panniculus carnosus were made on the dorsal skin of the mouse. An O-ring, 12-mm splint made of silicone sheeting was then sutured to the skin around the wound. To minimize wound contraction and reliably recapitulated the granulation and re-epithelialization seen in human WH by secondary intention. Time to wound closure was measured using standardized digital photographs taken on days 0, 7, 14, and 21. Wound closure was calculated as a percentage of the original wound.<p><p>For each model, EPCs were harvested, quantified by flow-cytometry and their function tested. Wounds were harvested at various time points and RNA, DNA and protein analysis were conducted. Finally immunohistochemistry to assess epidermal thickness, vascularity and WH were also realized.<p><p>In a second step, after characterization of the models, local (using targeted siRNA gel) and systemic therapies (using AMD3100, a PC mobilizer) were applied on the wounds and compared to controls. WH was monitored. We conducted the previously mentioned analysis (RT-PCR, ELISA and DNA analysis) on the harvested samples.<p><p>All values are expressed as a mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). The number of mice per treatment group was determined using G*Power (G*Power©, Melbourne, Australia) to provide a power greater than 0.80. Student T test was realized to compare two groups among each other.<p><p>C. Results<p><p>C.1. Human EPCs Have Impaired Function<p><p>There was no difference in the number of baseline circulating human EPCs in non-diabetic OB and non-OB<p>subjects, but EPCs from OB subjects had impaired adhesion (p<0.05), migration (p<0.01), and proliferation (p<0.001).<p><p>C.2. Obesity and Wound Healing<p><p>TallyHo/JgnJ OB mice demonstrated significantly impaired healing when compared to SWR/J control mice. They healed at an average of 28 ± 2 days (p<0.05). Post-wounding circulating EPCs were quantified and wounds were analyzed. Circulating EPCs recruitment is impaired in wounded TallyHo/JngJ mice and their wounds shown significantly decreased new blood vessel formation through decreased HIF-1α/SDF-1α signaling (p<0.05). Their wounds are characterized by increased apoptosis, increased DNA damage and impaired pro-/anti-oxydant balance. Immunonistochemistry and histology showed decreased vascular vessels in TallyHo/JngJ wounds and thinner epidermal thickness.<p><p>In the local treatment phase, local p53 silencing consistently improved WH to a nearly normal healing time (wounds healed in 18 ± 2 days, p<0.05). sip53 treatment showed a significant decrease in pro-apoptotic markers (p53, Bax, PUMA p<0.05) and a significant increase in angiogenic markers (VEGF, SDF-1α, HIF-1α) with increased blood vessel formation and decreased DNA damage.<p><p>C.3. Age and Wound Healing<p><p>In these experiments, we show that not only is Zmpste24-/- WH impaired when compared to C57BL/6J mice (Zmpste24-/- mice healed at average 40 days ± 2 days p<0.05) at all time points but that they also showed decreased vascularity and proliferation in the wound bed (p<0.05).<p><p>Histological analysis was performed utilizing hematoxylin and eosin staining to assess epidermal thickness, CD31 immunofluorescence to assess vascular density, p53 and caspase 3 to assess apoptosis, 8’OHdG staining to assess DNA damage and PCNA to assess proliferation. Epidermal thickness was significantly decreased in Zmpste24-/- animals compared to WT as well as vascular density, and proliferation in Zmpste24-/- wound tissue (p<0.05). <p><p>Circulating vasculogenic EPCs recruitment was impaired in Zmpste24-/- mice and their wounds showed significantly decreased new blood vessel formation through decreased HIF-1α/SDF-1α signaling (p<0.05). Zmpste24-/- wounds are characterized by increased apoptosis and an abnormal rise in ROS.<p>In the treatment phase, local p53 silencing consistently improved healing by more then a two fold (18 ± 2 days). VEGF production was significantly increased and pro-apoptotic factors were significantly downregulated in siRNA-treated Zmpste24-/- mice (p<0.05). DNA damage due to ROS production was also shown to be significantly decreased following treatment. Our results suggest a vasculogenic dysfunction in wound closure and showed that the specific knock down of p53 significantly improves WH.<p><p>Because EPCs showed impaired function, lower peripheric blood counts and impaired SDF-1α/HIF-1α signaling, we hypothesized that improving their mobilization by using a progenitor cell mobilizer, AMD3100, known to mobilize SCs from the BM, in a systemic treatment phase will improve WH. Peripheral blood counts were significantly increased and time to wound closure significantly decreased (20 days ± 2, p<0.05). Vasculogenic markers and anti- apoptotic molecules were upregulated compare to non-treated animals.<p><p>D. Conclusions<p><p>Obesity impaired wound closure is a complex problem with many contributory factors. Our results suggest that obesity impairs the BM-derived EPCs response to peripheral injury and this, in turn, impairs wound closure. This impairment is associated with decreased new blood vessel formation and increased DNA damage leading to an increase in the p53 pathway. We also demonstrate that targeted siRNA therapy can partially rescue impaired WH due to obesity. Based on these results we support the encouraging argument that, WH and closure has the potential be improved through specific local and systemic therapies in vivo in our rodent model and that further studies are needed to support this in a clinical environment.<p><p>Impaired WH due to ageing is a complex phenomenon that is partially understood. We demonstrate that the Zmpste24-/- transgenic knockout mouse provides a model for age-related WH investigation. Zmpste24-/- animals heals their wounds with significant delays, showed impaired EPCs mobilization following wounding through an impaired HIF-1α/SDF-1α pathway and increased apoptosis. Furthermore, WH can be improved through specific local siRNA therapy and systemic stem cell mobilization therapies.<p><p>Our results suggest strong similar patterns between obesity and ageing in the way they mediate WH impairments trough (premature) ageing. Our encouraging endeavor to bring WH back to baseline in these diseased models underlines the possibility to reverse the microenvironment alterations and improves EPCs contribution to the WH process. Because EPCs are involved in virtually every tissue repair process happening in the human body, we hope that this work will lead the way for new research in various fields in medicine to improve wound care and quality of life of patients. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
Date17 December 2013
CreatorsSzpalski, Caroline
ContributorsGangji, Valérie, Warren, Stephen M., Melot, Christian, De Mey, Albert, Sotiropoulou, Panagiota, Motte, Serge, Vranckx, Jan, Blondeel, Philip
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles, Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine – Médecine, Bruxelles
Source SetsUniversité libre de Bruxelles
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:ulb-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:ulb-repo/semantics/openurl/vlink-dissertation
FormatNo full-text files

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