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Kvinnligt chefskap och motstånd : En kvalitativ studie om skillnader mellan kvinno- och mansdominerade organisationer. / Female leadership and resistance : A qualitative study on differences between female- and male-dominated organizations.

Denna studie handlar om kvinnors chefskap och motstånd som de upplevt i kvinno- och mansdominerade organisationer i Sverige. Undersökningen omfattar sammanlagt fem kvinnliga chefer. Där tre kommer från kvinnodominerade organisationer och där två kommer från mansdominerade organisationer.  Studien visade på att alla kvinnliga chefer upplevt någon typ av motstånd samt att motståndet som alla respondenter upplevt på sina arbetsplatser såg lite olika ut beroende på vad de jobbade med. Kvinnors upplevelser av motstånd mot sitt chefskap tolkades utifrån teorin symbolisk interaktionism, genom teoretikerna George Herbert Mead och Erving Goffmans olika perspektiv samt genom Berit Ås och hennes fem klassiska härskartekniker. Det fanns dock mer skillnad mellan mans- och kvinnodominerade organisationerna än vad det fanns likheter. Eftersom det var fler kvinnor som var chefer i de kvinnodominerade organisationerna och det var färre kvinnor som var chefer i de mansdominerade organisationerna. Majoriteten av kvinnorna upplevde att det inte är könet som bestämmer vem man är som chef utan att det har att göra med hur man är i uppförandet som chef mot sina anställda. Chefsegenskaperna ansågs vara viktigare än könet. / This study is about women's leadership and resistance that they experienced in female- and male-dominated organizations in Sweden. The survey covers a total of five female managers. Where three come from female-dominated organizations and where two come from male-dominated organizations. The study showed that all female managers experienced some type of resistance and that the resistance that all respondents experienced in their workplaces looked a little different depending on what they worked with. Women's experiences of resistance to their leadership were interpreted based on the theory of symbolic interactionism, through the different perspectives of theorists George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman, and through Berit Ås and her five classic ruler techniques. There were more differences between the male- and female-dominated organizations than there were similarities. Because there were more women who were managers in the female-dominated organizations and there were fewer women who were managers in the male-dominated organizations. The majority of women thought that it is not gender that determines who you are as a manager, but that it has to do with how you behave as a manager towards your employees. Managerial qualities were considered more important than gender.
Date January 2023
CreatorsHedberg, Felicia
PublisherKarlstads universitet, Institutionen för sociala och psykologiska studier (from 2013)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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