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El videojuego como práctica discursiva contemporánea. Pókemon y la naturalización de la realidad social neoliberal

This dissertation research aims to present a new proposal for videogames analysis. This new look is articulated based on understanding video games as a group of discursive practices. In this way we propose a methodology that allows the discourse to emerge produce video games. For these analyzes the video game "Pokemon Mystery blue team" in order to present the concrete practices that articulate the naturalization of neoliberal social reality.
Research report presents an exhaustive review on the development video game the cultural and academic area through different theoretical approaches. In the same way, we analyze different dimensions related to the study of video games such as the economy, education or psychology. It discusses the most important currents within the Games Studies, a discipline that was created with the purpose of studying the videogames as a field of study itself.
The second part of the research an empirical analysis a specific case from the previously proposed methodology. From the proposed Foucaultian discourse analysis methodology is proposed which pays special attention to the historical, material and political discourse. A qualitative proposal defending a different way of approaching the cultural object from its relation to other discursive practices.
Finally, it addresses the question posed by the five great discourses that emerge from the analysis. These speeches are the recreational-technological, pedagogical-legal, psychological-narrative, management-economist and competition-winning. At the same time, it raises the three elements that are modified mainly through the gaming experience, discourse, power and subjectivity. Key elements to understand the subtle strategies of naturalization of neoliberal social reality.
Date05 July 2013
CreatorsLópez Raventós, Cristian
ContributorsFeliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, Joel, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Antropologia Social i de Prehistòria
PublisherUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Source SetsUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format227 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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