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Forma??o e doc?ncia de professores bachar?is na educa??o profissional e tecnol?gica no IFRN: uma interface dial?gica emancipat?ria

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Previous issue date: 2016-11-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O estudo trata da forma??o e atua??o did?tico-pedag?gica de professores bachar?is, no ?mbito do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do RN (IFRN). Professores bachar?is s?o profissionais graduados ou p?s-graduados em ?reas espec?ficas, cuja maioria assume a doc?ncia sem a forma??o pedag?gica e sem experi?ncia no ensino. A partir da Lei n. 11.892/2008, os Institutos Federais assumiram nova institucionalidade e a amplia??o da sua fun??o social na condi??o de institui??es de educa??o superior, b?sica e profissional, pluricurriculares e multicampi, integrantes da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica (EPT). Esse novo contexto requer dos professores lecionar em diferentes modalidades e n?veis de ensino. Questiona-se, portanto: em que medida a forma??o espec?fica dos professores bachar?is responde aos saberes necess?rios para o exerc?cio docente? Quais as necessidades formativas dos professores bachar?is? De que modo a aus?ncia de forma??o pedag?gica implica na atua??o docente? Como o exerc?cio da doc?ncia passa a ter regula??o especial na EPT? Assim, o estudo tem como objetivo nuclear analisar a vis?o dos professores bachar?is sobre a dimens?o profissional da doc?ncia e as interfaces entre a forma??o profissional e a atua??o docente. Toma-se como base de estudos as ideias de Freire (1996); Machado (2008); Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005); N?voa (2009); Flores e Viana (2007); Day (2001; 2007); Ramalho e Nu?ez (2014); Tardif (2002); Garcia (1999; 2009); Pacheco e Morgado (2002); Estrela e Caetano (2012); Esteves (2014); Shulman (2005); Pinar (2006); Oliveira (2014); Moreira (2008); Fullan e Hargreaves (2001), dentre outros. Parte-se da premissa que a forma??o docente pressup?e conhecimentos e saberes inerentes ? doc?ncia como profiss?o. S?o esses conhecimentos, saberes e experi?ncias que implicam na constru??o da identidade docente e no processo de desenvolvimento profissional. Trata-se de um estudo de caso (IFRN), seguindo a abordagem da pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. Houve o envolvimento de professores e gestores que atuaram como informantes comprometidos com a reflex?o e a busca de alternativas para o problema abordado. Recorreu-se ? an?lise documental, question?rio, entrevista e grupo focal. O estudo revela que os professores e gestores t?m forma??o acad?mica bastante heterog?nea e elevada titula??o, perfil t?pico do magist?rio superior. A maioria reconhece a necessidade da forma??o pedag?gica para uma melhor compreens?o, dom?nio e atua??o nas atividades docentes. Fica revelada, portanto, uma certa excepcionalidade no que diz respeito a uma brecha na legisla??o em vigor, o que julgamos corresponder ? fase de transi??o na mudan?a do perfil da institui??o. Essa pode ser uma compreens?o poss?vel, abstra?da da leitura dos marcos regulat?rios (leis, pareceres e resolu??es), que alicer?am o magist?rio no ?mbito dos Institutos Federais. Prop?e-se a implementa??o de um Programa de Forma??o e Atualiza??o Pedag?gica de Docentes, como pol?tica interna de forma??o continuada em servi?o, visando contribuir para fortalecer a identidade docente e o novo perfil dos Institutos Federais. / This study deals with teachers? training and the didactical-pedagogical work of bachelor teachers in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). By bachelor teachers here it is meant graduates or post-graduates in specific areas, who take teaching duties without teachers? training and with no experience in teaching. With Law n. 11,892 from 2008, the Federal Institutes took on a new institutional framework and they expanded their social function as multi-curricular and multi-campus institutions for basic, vocational, and higher education and as members of the Federal Network for Vocational and Technological Education (EPT). This new context requires teachers to teach different types of courses at different levels. It is questioned, therefore: to what extent does the specific training of bachelor teachers respond to the knowledge needed for their teaching duties? What are the teachers? training needs for bachelor teachers? How does the lack of teacher training imply teaching practices? How does teaching receive special regulation on the EPT? Its objective is to analyze how bachelor teachers view the professional dimension of teaching and the interfaces between their specific training and their teaching practice. It is based on studies by Freire (1996); Machado (2008); Frigotto, Ciavatta and Ramos (2005); N?voa (2009); Flowers and Viana (2007); Day (2001; 2007); Ramalho and Nu?ez (2014); Tardif (2002); Garcia (1999, 2009); Pacheco and Morgado (2002); Star and Caetano (2012); Esteves (2014); Shulman (2005); Pinar (2006); Oliveira (2014); Moreira (2008); Fullan and Hargreaves (2001), among others. It starts with the premise that teacher training requires knowledge inherent to teaching as a profession. These skills, experiences and knowledge are involved in the construction of teachers? identity and in their professional development. This is a case study in the IFRN, carried out through a qualitative and quantitative research approach. Teachers and managers acted as informants committed to reflection and the search for alternatives to the addressed problem. It used document analysis, inquiries, interviews and focus groups. The study reveals that teachers and managers have very heterogeneous academic training and high level titles, a typical university teaching profile. Most recognize the need for teachers? training to better understanding, mastery and expertise in the teaching activities. It is revealed, however, a certain exceptionality in regard to a breach of law, which we think corresponds to the transition in changing the profile of the institution. This may be a possible understanding retrieved from the reading of regulatory frameworks (laws, opinions and resolutions) which underpin the teaching in the Federal Institutes. It proposes to implement a Teachers? Training and Updating as domestic policy for continuous in-service training in order to contribute to strengthen teacher?s identity and the new profile of the Federal Institutes.
Date14 November 2016
CreatorsBarros, Rejane Bezerra
Contributors13604759404, Ferreira, Adir Luiz, 25348787949, Cabral Neto, Antonio, 05754372434, Melo, Elda Silva do Nascimento, 93881118420, Pacheco, Jos? Augusto de Brito, 00000000000, Morgado, Jos? Carlos Bernadino Carvalho, 00000000000, Azevedo, Marcio Adriano De, 83901701400, Viana, Isabel Maria da Torre Carvalho, Ramalho, Bet?nia Leite
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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