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Intercultural understanding in global education communities : tracing intercultural education in a pre-service teacher training program at the University of Stellenbosch

Thesis (PhD (Education)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / 334 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages i-xiv and numbered pages 1-322. Includes bibliography, abbreviations and list of figures. / Scanned using a Hp Scanjet 8250 Scanner to pdf format (OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:The world is at a rapid pace being confronted with the need to shift national education policies that reflect basic human rights, with equity and fairness to the forefront. Along side of this herald are demonstrations of active mobilizations on the part of institutions of higher learning to "internationalize" their policies and programs to help to produce global citizens that effectively interact in international settings. As South Africa experiences changing scenes in educational reform government officials, practitioners, and educators face a number of challenges. Particularly, those related to cultural interactions when engaging in activities across the diaspora of school environments. Often these challenges serve as impediments to open communication, understanding and sensitivity amongst diverse cultural groups. As these impediments are faced in classrooms teachers increasingly find themselves at a deficit to adequately host learning environments conducive to its participants. Institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to provide the kind of intercultural dialog that entrenches policies and program curricula that speak to the needs of diverse communities, in particular those preparing future teachers. The research introduces the concept of global education communities to contribute towards shaping the kind of institutions that provide opportunities for students to practice, and become skilled in intercultural understanding. The research also raises serious discussion through the proposal of the elements of intercultural education towards contributive measures to address intercultural education, communication, and training. A case study of a four year pre-service general education training program (BEd GET) at the University Stellenbosch was conducted to trace and examine the presence of intercultural education. Data was collected by means of triangulated document analysis, interviews, and questionnaires. The research looked to a metaphoric analogy using Appreciative Inquiry, power with, and elements of intercultural education. The data was analyzed using qualitative strategies including classification and category construction, with imaginative variation and heuristic inquiry. The findings revealed that themes from intercultural education found expression or appearance in some aspects of the program outcomes, various module offerings, and teacher practice and approaches of the BEd GET curriculum. While the research also revealed that intercultural education does not appear to be a wholly attended pedagogy and practice in the GET program, the findings and interpretations revealed that intercultural education has numerous opportunities for expression and appearance to lay foundations for intercultural practice in theory. Another dimension of the research also revealed that students and lecturers collectively were not familiar with the concept of intercultural education, nor could a distinction between multicultural, and intercultural education be made. Furthermore, students' understandings and feelings reveal some resistance to themes in cultural diversity. The findings seem to reveal a need to incorporate strategies that raise intercultural consciousness. In view of the University of Stellenbosch's plan to internationalize, the findings present critical implications and recommendations toward incorporating intercultural pedagogy and practice into the methodological framework of the BEd General Education program. It finally poses future program and module development with respects to intercultural education and practice through the suggested use of the Hammer and Bennett's (1998, 2002) Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wereld word teen 'n versnelde tempo gekonfronteer met die noodsaaklikheid om nasionale onderwysbeleid wat menseregte, veral billikheid en regverdigheid, op die voorgrond stel. Saam met hierdie oproep is daar aanduidings van die mobilisering van institusies van hoer opvoeding om hu1le beleid en programme te "internasionaliseer" om burgers te vorm wat effektief met 'n globale wereld kan omgaan. Soos wat Suid-Afiika veranderende situasies ervaar in onderwyshervorming, word amptenare, praktisyns, opvoeders en ander betrokke in onderwysgemeenskappe gekonfronteer met 'n verskeidenheid uitdagings. Veral die verbonde aan kulturele interaksies betrokke by 'n diaspora van skoolomgewings. Die uitdagings dien dikwels as hindernisse vir oop kommunikasie, begrip en sensitiwiteit tussen verskillende kulturele groepe. In besonder wanneer hierdie hindernisse in klaskamers aangedurf word deur onderwysers wat meesal self 'n tekort aan voldoende leerervaring het om leeromgewings in belang van die deelnemers te fasiliteer. Hoeronderwys institusies het 'n verantwoordelikheid om beleid en programkurrikula te voorsien wat interkulturele dialoog verskans wat spreek tot die behoeftes van diverse gemeenskappe, veral die wat voornemende onderwysers voorberei. Die navorsing stel die konsep globale onderwysgemeenskappe voor om by te dra tot die vorming van institusies wat geleenthede skep vir studente om interkulturele begrip te oefen en vaardig daarin te word. Die navorsing stel elemente van interkulturele onderwys voor wat kan dien tot die bevordering van dialogiese betrokkenheid in interkulturele onderwys, kommunikasie en opleiding. 'n Gevallestudie van 'n vierjaar voordiens algemene onderwysprogram (BEd Algemeen) by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch was ondemeem vir spore van en om die voorkoms van interkulturele onderwys in oenskou te neem. Data is versamel deur middel van 'n getrianguleerde dokument analise, onderhoude en vraelyste. Die navorsing kyk na 'n metaforiese analogie waarin waarderende ondersoek, mag-met, en elemente van interkulturele onderwys gebruik is. Vir die analise van die data is kwalitatiewe strategiee gebruik, wat klassifikasie en kategorie konstruksie in kombinasie met verbeeldingsryke variasie en heuristiese ondersoek insluit. Die bevindings toon dat temas van interkulturele onderwys uitdrukking vind of verskyn in aspekte van die programuitkomste, verskillende module aanbiedings, en onderwys praktyke en benaderings van die BEd Algemeen kurrikulum. Terwyl ook bevind is dat interkulturele onderwys nie werklik in die pedagogie en praktyk van die program figureer nie, toon die interpretasie talle geleenthede om interkulturele praktyk te vestig en tot uitdrukking te bring. 'n Ander faset van die navorsing het getoon dat studente en lektore kollektief nie bekend is met die konsep van interkulturele onderwys nie, en dat dit nie onderskei kon word van multikulturele nie. Boonop, het studente se begrip en gevoelens 'n neiging tot verset teenoor temas van kulturele diversiteit getoon. Die bevindinge suggereer 'n behoefte aan die insluiting van strategiee om interkulturele bewussyn te verhoog. In die lig van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se planne om te internasionaliseer, hou die bevindinge kritiese implikasies en aanbevelings in vir die inkorporasie van interkulturele pedagogie en praktyk in die metodologiese raamwerk van die BEd Algemeen-program. Dit stel die ontwikkeling van modules in interkulturele onderwys en praktyk voor deur die gebruik van Hammer en Bennett se (1998,2002) Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).
Date12 1900
CreatorsNoble, Nicole C.
ContributorsBerkhout, S. J., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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