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Awareness of spiritual intelligence by leadership within the NGO sector

Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the awareness of spiritual intelligence in the
NGO sector. The study attempts to define the concepts of meaning, spirituality, spiritual
intelligence and spiritual leadership. The research used as its basis questionnaires by
Katz (2007) derived from the Zohar and Marshall characteristics of Spiritual Intelligence.
A recent Gallup Poll showed that 45 percent of Americans talk about their faith at work,
and this suggests that employers should not dismiss its motivating power. For most
people faith and spirituality is a private matter.
One can therefore pose the question, “What has the 'spirituality' of employees got to do
with big business?” However, when the HR directors of Nokia, Unilever, McKinsey,
Shell, Coca-Cola, Hewlett Packard, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Starbucks and the Cooperative
Bank, some of the world's most successful companies talk about concepts
such as 'spiritual quotient' and 'spiritual capital' one otherwise has to sit up and listen.
Sir John Templeton, founder of the John Templeton Foundation, spends $16 million to
$30 million a year funding research that explores links between science and God. He
suggests that "No human being has yet even understood 1 percent of what can be
learned about spiritual matters". It is initiatives like these and the growing number of
professional presentations, journal articles, books and conferences devoted to the
subject that confirms the new interest in spirituality. It seems that a consensus is
emerging on the principal elements of spirituality for working people, which includes
acknowledging God, the importance of prayer, other people and a sustainable world.
Research further suggests that spirituality enables a businessperson to gain a more
integrated perspective on their firm, family, neighbours, community and on themself.
Sweeping social and economical changes, including downsizing, mergers, globalisation,
the threat of terrorism since the 9/11 attacks, and corporate ethical scandals are all
contributing to business’s spiritual awakening. In order to cope with increased stress
and alienation, both managers and employees seek meaning and purpose in the
workplace. The research in this study suggests that amidst these changes and
associated challenges, there exists a high level of spiritual awareness in the
organisations and the managers that participated in this study. The study report provides research examples and references to other case studies from
across the world, including practical guidance for implementing and measuring
workplace spirituality. The conclusions suggest that spirituality is a not passing fad but,
an authentic movement based on universal spiritual principles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die bewustheid van geestelike intelligensie in die
nie-regeringsorganisasie- (NRO-) sektor te ondersoek. Hierdie studie probeer die
konsepte betekenis, spiritualiteit, geestelike intelligensie en geestelike leierskap
definieer. Die navorsing het as grondslag die vraelyste van Katz (2007) gebruik, wat
ontleen is aan die eienskappe van geestelike intelligensie soos gedefinieer deur Zohar
en Marshall.
’n Onlangse Gallup-opname het getoon dat 45 persent van Amerikaners by die werk oor
hulle geloof praat, en dit impliseer dat werkgewers geloof as motiveringskrag nie moet
onderskat nie. Vir die meeste mense is geloof en spiritualiteit ’n persoonlike saak.
’n Mens kan dus vra: Wat het die ‘spiritualiteit’ van werknemers met groot
sakeondernemings te make? Wanneer die menslikehulpbron-direkteure van Nokia,
Unilever, McKinsey, Shell, Coca-Cola, Hewlett Packard, Merck Pharmaceuticals,
Starbucks en die Co-operative Bank, ’n paar van die wêreld se suksesvolste
maatskappye, egter praat oor konsepte soos ‘spirituele kwosiënt’, moet ’n mens goed
na hulle luister.
Sir John Templeton, stigter van die John Templeton Foundation, spandeer elke jaar
tussen $16 miljoen en $30 miljoen om geld te voorsien vir navorsing wat die verband
tussen die wetenskap en God ondersoek. Hy stel voor: “Geen menslike wese het nog
ooit eens een persent verstaan van wat oor geestelike sake ontdek kan word nie.” Dit is
inisiatiewe soos hierdie, sowel as die groeiende aantal professionele aanbiedings,
tydskrifartikels, boeke en konferensies wat aan hierdie onderwerp gewy word, wat die
nuwe belangstelling in spiritualiteit bevestig. Dit lyk of daar konsensus begin ontstaan
oor die hoofelemente van spiritualiteit vir werkende mense, wat insluit die erkenning van
God, en die belangrikheid van gebed, ander mense en ’n volhoubare wêreld. Navorsing
impliseer verder dat spiritualiteit sakepersone in staat stel om ’n meer geïntegreerde
perspektief op hulle firma, familie, bure, gemeenskap en hulleself te kry.
Ingrypende sosiale en ekonomiese veranderinge, insluitende afskaling, samesmeltings,
globalisering, die bedreiging van terrorisme sedert die aanvalle op 11 September 2001
en etiese skandale in die korporatiewe wêreld, dra by tot maatskappye se spirituele
ontwaking. Om die toenemende spanning en vervreemding te kan hanteer, soek sowel
bestuurders as werknemers na betekenis en doelgerigtheid in die werkplek. Die
navorsing van hierdie studie impliseer dat daar te midde van hierdie veranderinge en
meegaande uitdagings ’n hoë vlak van spirituele bewustheid heers in die organisasies
en die bestuurders wat aan hierdie studie deelgeneem het.
Dié studieverslag voorsien navorsingvoorbeelde en verwysings na ander gevallestudies
van oor die hele wêreld heen, insluitende praktiese riglyne om spiritualiteit in die
werkplek te vestig en te meet. Die gevolgtrekkings impliseer dat spiritualiteit nie net ’n
verbygaande gier is nie, maar ’n outentieke beweging gegrond op universele geestelike
Date03 1900
CreatorsMaralack, John Lourens
ContributorsKatz, Rob, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsStellenbosch University

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