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Causas pelas quais os alunos reduzem o interesse pela f?sica na transi??o do ensino fundamental para o m?dio na perspectiva da supervis?o escolar de escolas particulares de Porto Alegre e regi?o metropolitana

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Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / The research presented here aimed to understand the causes for which students reduce
interest in physics in the transition from elementary school to high school, from the
perspective of supervision of private schools in Porto Alegre and the metropolitan area.
To make up the corpus, we developed a semi-structured interview and selected 17
private schools offering elementary and high school education, including several budget
areas of Porto Alegre, and some cities in the metropolitan region. We chose to interview
staff supervision because these professionals attribute an important role in the
coordination of internal and external school policies, and the research that our group has
realized this professional had not yet been heard. We consider, in this research, the
proposals of Textual Discourse Analysis (MORAES; GALIAZZI, 2011) to analyze the
responses of supervisors, and from them we elaborate the emerging categories. We
start from the observation made by Rocha Filho, Borges and Basso (2009), and Rocha
Filho (2011), that there is a reduction in students' interest in physics at the transition
from elementary school to high school, which, however, was not accompanied by a
study of the origins of this phenomenon. As a result, we identified differences in the
supervisors responses between physical education from elementary to high school
levels, indicating that the teaching of physics in the elementary level awakens the taste
and interest of students in this subject, and the classes are held so that students feel
comfortable to interact, ask questions and exchange information among themselves and
with their teacher. Thus, the analysis of the responses suggests that the students go to
high school with taste and interest in the discipline of physics. On the other hand, in the
teaching of physics in high school occurs an attitudinal teaching change in pedagogical
and methodological proposal aiming primarily the preparation for the university exam
and ENEM. We understand that preparing students exclusively for these contests is not
a suitable option for achieving a quality education, that aims to form autonomous
citizens with a caring culture, but it is only a guarantee of greater chance of access the
college graduation. Because of the pressure of exams the teachers of physics from high
school face themselves coerced to present all the physics subjects in the high school or
contained in textbooks or handouts books. These situations cause sickness and
demotivation of teachers. Our analysis helped to confirm that the teaching of physics at
high school is a disastrous scene, which begins in the teacher s attitude who does not
generally provide interesting classes, through participatory activities for students to
understand the concepts being developed. Classes are predominantly theoretical,
expository, and without connections with the daily lives of students. Students have high
interest in other aspects, such as electronic devices connected to the internet, and little
interest in what the teacher has to offer them on these transmissive classes. All this
contributes to the physics classes become tiring for teachers and unattractive to
students. / A pesquisa apresentada aqui objetivou compreender as causas pelas quais os alunos
reduzem o interesse pela f?sica na transi??o do ensino fundamental para o m?dio, na
perspectiva da supervis?o de escolas particulares de Porto Alegre e regi?o
metropolitana. Para a constitui??o do corpus, elaboramos uma entrevista semiestruturada
e selecionamos 17 escolas particulares que oferecem ensino fundamental e
m?dio, abrangendo diversas regi?es or?ament?rias do munic?pio de Porto Alegre, al?m
de algumas cidades da Regi?o Metropolitana. Escolhemos entrevistar o pessoal da
supervis?o porque atribu?mos a estes profissionais um papel importante na articula??o
das pol?ticas internas e externas da escola, e nas pesquisas que nosso grupo vem
realizando este profissional ainda n?o tinha sido ouvido. Consideramos, nesta pesquisa,
as propostas da An?lise Textual Discursiva (MORAES; GALIAZZI, 2011) para
analisarmos as respostas dos supervisores, e a partir delas elaborarmos as categorias
emergentes. Partimos da constata??o feita por Rocha Filho, Borges e Basso (2009), e
por Rocha Filho (2011), de que h? uma redu??o no interesse dos estudantes pela f?sica
na transi??o do ensino fundamental para o ensino m?dio, que, no entanto, n?o foi
acompanhada de um estudo das origens deste fen?meno. Como resultado,
identificamos nas respostas dos supervisores diferen?as no ensino de f?sica do n?vel
fundamental para o m?dio, indicando que o ensino de f?sica no n?vel fundamental
desperta o gosto e interesse dos estudantes nessa disciplina, e as aulas s?o realizadas
de forma que os alunos sintam-se ? vontade para interagir, perguntar e trocar
informa??es entre eles mesmos e com o pr?prio professor. Dessa forma, a an?lise das
respostas sugere que os alunos transitam para o ensino m?dio com gosto e interesse
pela disciplina de f?sica. Por outro lado, no ensino de f?sica no n?vel m?dio ocorre uma
mudan?a atitudinal do professor e na proposta pedag?gica e metodol?gica, visando
prioritariamente a prepara??o para o exame vestibular e ENEM. Entendemos que
preparar o estudante exclusivamente para esses concursos n?o ? uma op??o
adequada para que se alcance um ensino de qualidade, que objetive formar cidad?os
aut?nomos e com uma cultura solid?ria, mas apenas ? uma garantia de maior chance
de acesso ao ensino superior. Por conta da press?o dos exames os professores de
f?sica do ensino m?dio se veem coagidos a apresentar todos os conte?dos
program?ticos institu?dos pela escola ou contidos nos livros did?ticos ou apostilas.
Essas situa??es acarretam mal-estar e a desmotiva??o do professor. Nossa an?lise
permitiu constatar que no ensino de f?sica do n?vel m?dio h? um quadro desastroso, que
principia na atitude do professor, que em geral n?o oportuniza aulas interessantes, com
a??es participativas dos estudantes para compreens?o dos conceitos a serem
desenvolvidos. As aulas s?o predominantemente te?ricas, expositivas, conteudistas e
sem conex?es com o cotidiano dos estudantes. Os alunos t?m elevado interesse em
outros aspectos, como por exemplo, aparelhos eletr?nicos conectados ? internet, e
pouco interesse no que o professor tem a lhes oferecer nestas aulas transmissivas.
Tudo isso colabora para que as aulas de f?sica se tornem cansativas para os
professores e pouco atrativas para os alunos.
Date31 March 2014
CreatorsCima, Rodrigo Cardoso
ContributorsRocha Filho, Jo?o Bernardes da
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o em Ci?ncias e Matem?tica, PUCRS, BR, Faculdade de F?ca
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation3565627554998330423, 500, 600, 6574392640991280001

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