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Investimentos internacionais e a valoriza??o imobili?ria dos munic?pios de Maxaranguape e Rio do Fogo

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Previous issue date: 2015-03-30 / Desde meados da d?cada de 1970 o mundo vem passando por transforma??es
significativas, entra em cena uma nova etapa de acumula??o mundial do capital,
inicia-se a chamada reestrutura??o produtiva. Essa reestrutura??o materializa-se
espacialmente atrav?s da reconfigura??o dos territ?rios, redefinindo seus usos e
propiciando uma nova estrutura??o espacial. No que se refere ao territ?rio potiguar,
observa-se, a partir dos anos de 1980, a emerg?ncia de novas atividades
econ?micas, dentre as quais se destacam o turismo, que passam a ser estimuladas
a partir de pol?ticas governamentais. Dentro desse contexto tem se destacado o
litoral leste do estado, pois suas praias t?m reconhecido apelo paisag?stico e
qualidade ambiental. Tendo em vista essa oportunidade de neg?cios, os investidores
internacionais acabaram investindo nessa por??o do territ?rio potiguar,
principalmente ao longo da ?ltima d?cada. A expans?o desse processo, em dire??o
ao litoral norte, implicou na emerg?ncia de uma intensa din?mica imobili?ria nos
munic?pios de Maxaranguape e Rio do Fogo. O baixo valor das terras e das
edifica??es, comparativamente ao mercado europeu e a disponibilidade dos im?veis,
constitu?ram os principais fatores que explicam a atra??o de tais investidores, que
passam a ser observados como novas oportunidades de neg?cios, com altas taxas
de lucratividade, em ?reas tropicais, at? ent?o, perif?ricas do sistema econ?mico.
Sendo assim, o objetivo da pesquisa ? analisar em que medida os Investimentos
Internacionais promoveram a valoriza??o dos im?veis nos munic?pios de
Maxaranguape e Rio do Fogo. O recorte temporal compreende o per?odo entre
2000-2013. A metodologia consistiu nos seguintes procedimentos: levantamentos e
an?lise dos dados coletados nos Cart?rios de Registros de Im?veis dos munic?pios
de Maxaranguape e Rio do Fogo; realiza??o de entrevistas junto aos agentes
p?blicos e privados que se mostraram importantes para a an?lise das
transforma??es espaciais e da valoriza??o dos im?veis que ocorreu nos munic?pios
estudados; levantamento de dados secund?rios junto aos ?rg?os oficiais, tais como:
IBGE, MTUR, SETUR, BNB etc. Analisando as informa??es e os dados que foram
catalogados, conclu?u-se que tais investimentos est?o refor?ando antigas pr?ticas de
lazer e turismo existentes preteritamente nesses territ?rios e transformando (criando
novos arranjos territoriais) boa parte da zona costeira oriental do estado. Outra
consequ?ncia ligada a esse recente fen?meno refere-se ? valoriza??o dos
im?veis que vem ocorrendo nessa por??o do estado, epis?dio que est? diretamente
ligado a esse evento. Dessa forma, compreende-se que a expans?o e a
incorpora??o de territ?rios pelo capital revelam, em parte, as estrat?gias do modo de
produ??o capitalista, as quais se evidenciam na busca por melhores condi??es de
acumula??o, ampliando as alternativas de uso do territ?rio que ocorre de forma
seletiva e desigual no espa?o geogr?fico. Observa-se que os mecanismos que o
capital lan?a m?o para impor suas pr?ticas podem ocorrer atrav?s da valoriza??o do
mercado de terras, significando, dessa forma, que a reprodu??o das desigualdades
acontece, muitas vezes, atrav?s da especula??o fundi?ria acentuada com a r?pida
valoriza??o dos im?veis. / Since the middle of 1970?s the world has been undergoing significant
transformations, comes in a new era of global capital accumulation, and starts the
called productive restructuring. This restructuring is materialized spatially through the
reconfiguration of territory, redefining its uses and providing a new spatial structure.
With regard to native of Rio Grande do Norte territory, there is, from the 1980s, the
emergence of new economic activities, among which stand out tourism, which
become stimulated from government policies. In this context, has stood the east
coast of the state, because its beaches have recognized scenic appeal and
environmental quality. Therewith business opportunity, international investors ended
up investing in this portion of Rio Grande do Norte?s territory, especially over the last
decade. The expansion of this process, to the north coast, resulted in the emergence
of intense property dynamics in the municipalities of Maxaranguape and Rio do
Fogo. The low value of the property and buildings, compared to the European market
and the availability of real property, were the main factors that explain the attraction
of such investors, who are now seen as new business opportunities with high rates of
profitability, in tropical areas, hitherto remote geographical location of the economic
system. Therefore, the objective of the research is to analyze to what extent the
International Investment promoted the appreciation of property in the municipalities of
Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo. The time frame covers the period among 2000-
2013. The methodology consisted of the following proceedings: surveys and analysis
of data collected in the property registry office of the Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo
municipalities; interviews with public and private officials that were important for the
analysis of spatial transformations and the recovery of the property that occurred in
the municipalities studied; collection of secondary data from official bodies, such as
IBGE, MTUR, SETUR, BNB etc. Analyzing the information and data that have been
cataloged, it was concluded that this investments are reinforcing old leisure and
tourism practices existing in the past in those territories and, shifted (creating new
territorial arrangements) a significant part of the eastern coast zone areas of the
state. Another consequence connected to this recent phenomenon refers to
property?s increase in value that has occurred in this part of the state, episode which
is directly connected to that event. Therefore, it is realize that the expansion and the
incorporation of the capital territories reveal, in part, the strategies of the capitalist
mode of production, which are evident in the search for better conditions of
accumulation, expanding the alternative of use of the properties which occurs in
selective way and uneven in the geographic space form. It is observed that the
mechanisms that capital makes use to impose their practices can happen through
the property?s increase in value market, meaning, thereby, that the reproduction of
imbalances happens, often, through the marked property speculation with the fast
increase in value of properties.
Date30 March 2015
CreatorsSantos J?nior, Ary Pereira dos
Contributors05878354861,, Costa, Ademir Ara?jo da, 05587689468,, Melazzo, Everaldo Santos, 57102643691,, Fonseca, Maria Aparecida Pontes da
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM GEOGRAFIA, UFRN, Brasil
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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