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台灣食物消費現況與永續發展 / Sustainability of food consumption in Taiwan

食物提供人類所需之能量及營養來源,而食物乃生長於農業用地。但因貿易、都市化、生活型態改變、人口成長及其它經濟因素,台灣人民食物消費習慣已與從前大不相同。台灣仰賴進口糧食的數量大於自產糧食數量。本研究檢視台灣人自1997 至2007年的食物消費型態,用以建立理想的糧食消費型態,再進一步推算各類糧食的理想消耗量,同時檢視自1997 至 2007年去的農業土地使用狀況。本研究發現台灣的食物消費型態未近健康,農業土地使用率偏低,且糧食自給率偏低,建議應進行消費型態之改善,以達永續發展的目的。 / Food is essential to life for several reasons: it provides energy and nutrients to support human life. Foods are grown from agricultural land. However, due to factors such as trade, urbanization, change of lifestyles, population growth and other economic factors, the food consumption pattern in Taiwan changed over time. Taiwan relied on imports rather than domestic production for many food sources. This research examines food consumption patterns in all food categories from 1987 to 2007 to establish an ideal food consumption level, and then to propose an ideal consumption quantity in each food category for both the individual level and the aggregate level. In addition, agricultural land utilization situations and policies are examined. The result shows contradictory findings. Taiwanese people were not eating healthfully during this period, the land utility rate was low, and the food self-sufficiency rate was low, also. Measures should be taken to improve the current situation.
Creators林玉清, Lin, Yu-Ching
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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