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Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of genomic integrity in epidermal stem cells / Mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires de maintenance de l'intégrité génomique des cellules souches adultes de l'épiderme cutané

Adult Stem Cells (SCs) have been found in almost every organ. They are responsible for<p>homeostasis and tissue repair after injury. SCs reside and self-renew in the adult body<p>throughout the life of the organism. In rapid self-renewing organs, such as the skin, the<p>intestine and the blood, SCs divide many times during the life of the animal in order to sustain<p>the homeostatic needs of the tissue.<p>All cells of the body, including SCs, are constantly subjected to DNA assaults arising from<p>endogenous sources, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by cellular<p>metabolism, or exogenous assaults arising from the environment. The DNA damage response<p>(DDR) and DNA repair mechanisms protect cells from accumulating DNA damage by<p>inducing transient cell cycle arrest allowing DNA repair, triggering senescence or apoptosis.<p>DNA damages trigger the activation of the effectors of the DDR inducing a transient cell<p>cycle arrest, allowing DNA repair, or triggering a permanent arrest of the cell cycle or<p>apoptosis if damages are too extensive.<p>As skin is the outermost barrier of the body, epidermal cells, including SCs, are<p>continuously subjected to genotoxic stress, such as UV rays, ionizing radiation (IR) and<p>chemicals. The skin epidermis is composed of hair follicles (HFs), its associated sebaceous<p>gland (SG) and the surrounding inter-follicular epidermis (IFE). Different types of SCs<p>maintain the homeostasis of the skin; multipotent adult bulge SCs ensure the cyclic<p>regeneration of the HF and the repair of the epidermis after injury, while individual unipotent<p>SCs ensure homeostasis of the SG and the IFE.<p>In tissues with high cellular turnover, such as the epidermis, the numerous divisions that a<p>SC undergoes could result in the accumulation of replication-associated DNA damage. It has<p>been suggested that adult SCs may undergo asymmetric divisions in which the daughter SC<p>retains the older (thus “immortal”) DNA strand, while the daughter cell committed to<p>differentiation inherits the newly synthesized strand that may have incorporated replicationderived<p>mutations. The in vivo relevance of this mechanism is still a matter of intense debate.<p>We used multiple in vivo experimental approaches to investigate precisely how bulge SCssegregate their chromosomes during HF morphogenesis, SC activation and skin homeostasis.<p>Using pulse-chase experiments with two different uridine analogs together with DNAindependent<p>chromatin labelling, we showed that multipotent HF SCs segregate their<p>chromosomes randomly, and that the label-retention observed in the skin epidermis derives<p>solely from relative quiescence of skin SCs 1.<p>We investigated the in vivo response of multipotent adult HF bulge SCs to DNA damage<p>induced by IR. We showed that bulge SCs are profoundly resistant to DNA damage-induced<p>cell death compared to their more mature counterparts. Interestingly, we demonstrated that<p>resistance of bulge SCs to IR-induced apoptosis does not rely on their relative quiescence.<p>Moreover, we showed that DDR in SCs does not lead to premature senescence. We found that<p>two intrinsic cellular mechanisms participate in the resistance of bulge SCs to DNA damageinduced<p>cell death. Bulge SCs express higher level of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and present<p>more transient activation of p53 due to a faster DNA repair activity mediated by a nonhomologous<p>end joining (NHEJ) mechanism. Since NHEJ is not error free, this property<p>might be a double-edged sword, supporting short-term survival of bulge SCs but impairing<p>long-term genomic integrity 2.<p>While we unveiled the relevance of DSBs repair by NHEJ in the skin epidermis, little is<p>known about the role of homologous recombination (HR) during the morphogenesis of the<p>skin epidermis. Brca1 is an essential protein for HR. Conditional deletion of Brca1 in the<p>developing epidermis leads to congenital alopecia accompanied by a decreased density of hair<p>placodes. The remaining HFs never produce mature hair and progressively degenerate due to<p>high levels of apoptosis. Multipotent adult HF bulge SCs cannot be detected in adult HF in<p>the Brca1 cKO epidermis. Brca1 deletion in the epidermis triggers p53 activation throughout<p>the epidermis, which activates apoptosis. Interestingly, IFE and the isthmus region of the HF<p>do not present any pathological phenotype by constitutive deletion of Brca1. Our results<p>demonstrated the critical role of Brca1 during HF morphogenesis. Future studies will be<p>required to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling this phenotype / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
Date24 January 2013
CreatorsCandi, Aurélie
ContributorsBlanpain, Cédric, Parmentier, Marc, Barrandon, Yann, Hoeijmakers, Jan, Franchimont, Denis, Abramowicz, Marc, Fuks, François
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles, Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine – Sciences biomédicales, Bruxelles
Source SetsUniversité libre de Bruxelles
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:ulb-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:ulb-repo/semantics/openurl/vlink-dissertation
Format2 full-text file(s): application/pdf | application/pdf
Rights2 full-text file(s): info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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