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Die ondermynende potensiaal van die huis en die huishoudelike, met spesifieke verwysing na die liggaam en kos in Klaaglied vir Koos en Erf deur Lettie Viljoen, en Louoond deur Jeanne Goosen

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traditionally the body has been neglected within Western philosophical thought. In this tradition man is seen as a dualist organism whose mind is more highly valued than his or her body. Since the start of the twentieth century, especially, there has also been Western thinkers who deconstruct the traditional, opposisional view of the mind and body. Most of these thinkers are men, and they argue from a male perspective. The deconstruction of the opposition between mind and body is, however, also useful for feminism, as the woman was traditionally seen as more bodily, and less rational, than the man. This view of woman can be used to support arguments that her place is within the home, where she should look after the bodily and emotional needs of her husband and children. First and second wave feminists criticised above-mentioned traditional view of women by arguing that the woman is just as rational as the man. Other feminists make use of the 'male' criticism of the body-mind opposition by arguing that traditionally female attributes and activities are not less valuable than male ones. In this thesis it is argued that the novellas Klaaglied vir Koos, Erf and Louoond should be read against this background as feminist texts in which the traditionally female space of the kitchen is celebrated as a space in which the female subject can create art and develop a perspective on the outside world. Focusing on the body and on traditionally female values (such as the domestic space) have implications for, amongst others, epistemology, ethical thought and literary theory. The way these implications are developed in the three novellas are explored in this thesis. Domestic spaces are not only celebrated in these texts, they are also represented as problematical, limited spaces which isolate the protagonists of the novellas and withhold them from the potential of political solidarity. The novellas are therefore treated in this thesis as complex texts in which the literary focus on domestic space, female embodiment and man‘s relationship with food is both celebrated and problematised. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tradisioneel is die liggaam afgeskeep in die Westerse filosofie. Binne hierdie tradisie is die mens beskou as ‘n dualistiese organisme wie se verstand meer waardevol is as sy of haar liggaam. Veral sedert die begin van die twintigste eeu is daar ook Westerse denkers wat die tradisionele, opposisionele siening van die liggaam en die verstand dekonstrueer. Die meeste van hierdie denkers is mans en neem slegs die manlike perspektief in ag. Die dekonstruksie van die opposisie tussen liggaam en verstand is egter ook nuttig vir die feminisme, omdat die vrou tradisioneel gesien is as meer liggaamlik en minder rasioneel as die man. Hierdie tradisionele siening van die vrou kan gebruik word om te argumenteer dat haar plek in die huishoudelike ruimte is, waar sy kan omsien na die liggaamlike en emosionele behoeftes van haar man en kinders. Eerste- en tweedegolf-feministe het bogenoemde tradisionele opvattings veral gekritiseer deur te argumenteer dat die vrou net so rasioneel soos die man is. Latere feministe bou egter voort op 'manlike‘ kritiek teen die opposisie tussen liggaam en verstand deur te argumenteer dat tradisioneel vroulike eienskappe en aktiwiteite nie minder waardevol is as sogenaamde manlike eienskappe nie. In hierdie tesis word geargumenteer dat die novelles Klaaglied vir Koos en Erf deur Lettie Viljoen en Louoond deur Jeanne Goosen teen hierdie agtergrond gelees kan word as feministiese tekste waarin die tradisioneel vroulike ruimte van die kombuis gevier word as ‘n ruimte waarin die vroulike subjek ‘n perspektief op die buitewêreld kan ontwikkel en kuns kan skep. ʼn Fokus op die liggaam en op tradisioneel vroulike elemente (soos die huishoudelike ruimte) behels implikasies vir onder andere die epistemologie, etiese denke en literêre teorie. Hierdie implikasies word verken soos wat hulle na vore kom in die drie novelles. In die novelles word die huishoudelike ruimte egter ook uitgebeeld as ʼn problematiese, beperkende ruimte wat die hoofkarakters van die novelles afsny van die buitewêreld en van die moontlikheid van politieke solidariteit. Daar word geargumenteer dat die novelles dus komplekse tekste is waarin literatuur wat fokus op die huishoudelike ruimte, vroulike liggaamlikheid en die mens se verhouding met kos sowel gevier en geproblematiseer kan word.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBurger, Barbara
ContributorsViljoen, Louise
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format193 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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