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Läsundervisning på mellanstadiet : En studie om svensklärares arbete och förutsättningar att stimulera elevers läsglädje

This thesis aims to study how teachers develop pupils' motivation to read. Using qualitative interviews, three Swedish middle school teachers describe their experiences regarding pupils' motivation to read. They comment on how they attempt to stimulate motivation and the conditions and circumstances they experience while carrying out their work. As a basis for the teacher interviews, their pupils completed a web based survey about how they value reading as an activity and how they see themselves as readers. An analysis of the interviews raises several issues for discussion: pupils have different needs, good readers are described through their abilities, not through their experiences or reading habits, and teachers feel they can be limited to implement the teaching they think is necessary to promote reading abilities. The discussion of these results will consider the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and consider who is responsible for motivating pupils to read. / SoSyfoftotetot momedod exoxamomenonsosarorbobetotetot äror atottot sostotudoderora hohuror lolärorarore arorbobetotaror foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja elolevoverorsos loläsosmomototivovatotionon. GoGenonomom kokvovalolitotatotivova inontoterorvovjojueror bobesoskokrorivoveror totrore sosvovenonsoskoklolärorarore popå momelollolanonsostotadodietot sosinona erorfofarorenonhohetoteror ocochoh arorbobetote foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja loläsosmomototivovatotionon, sosamomtot dode foförorutotsosätottotnoninongogaror dode upoppoplolevoveror atottot dode hoharor foföror atottot gogenonomomfoförora sosådodanon unondoderorvovisosnoninongog. SoSomom unondoderorlolagog totilollol lolärorarorinontoterorvovjojuerornona bobesosvovaroraror doderorasos elolevoveror enon wowebobbobasoseroradod enonkokätot omom hohuror dode vovärordoderoraror loläsosnoninongog sosomom akoktotivovitotetot ocochoh hohuror dode soseror popå sosigog sosjojälolvova sosomom loläsosarore. Anonalolysosenon avov inontoterorvovjojuerornona lolyfoftoteror etottot foflolerortotalol fofrorågogoror foföror dodisoskokusossosionon: elolevoveror hoharor ololikoka bobehohovov, gogododa loläsosarore bobesoskokrorivovsos vovia foförormomågogoror ocochoh inontote loläsosinontotroresossose elolloleror loläsosvovanonoror, ocochoh lolärorarornona momenonaror atottot dode kokanon kokänonnona sosigog bobegogroränonsosadode atottot gogenonomomfoförora dodenon unondoderorvovisosnoninongog dode totycockokeror äror nonödodvovänondodigog foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja loläsosutotvovecockoklolinongog. DoDisoskokusossosiononenon avov roresosuloltotatotetot rorefoflolekoktoteroraror övoveror inonrore ocochoh ytottotrore momototivovatotionon ocochoh vovemom sosomom äror anonsosvovarorigog foföror atottot momototivoverora elolevoveror totilollol loläsosnoninongog.
Date January 2015
CreatorsNässén, Malin
PublisherUmeå universitet, Institutionen för språkstudier
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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