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“If you’re not a Chavista – you’re not a revolutionary” : - A study of social movements in the political process in Venezuela

<p>Hugo Chavez came to power in Venezuela 1999 and has since then worked for a socialistic revolution in the country. He and his political process have attracted a lot of attention internationally and the views have been as divided as the political climate is in Venezuela today. There is a polarized situation with mainly two parts; the people who supports Chavez’ process and the opposition who contains mainly people from the upper middle class and works for a politic to the right. The government as well as the opposition has been accused to drive up the sensitive climate which consequences are a situation where most political discussions ends up in a discussion for or against Chavez.</p><p>Venezuela is not the only Latin American country where social and political revolutions take place and it’s therefore highly relevant to question whether such a polarized climate is an unavoidable consequence of such processes. How is it possible to work politically in this situation and is it possible to work without necessarily take a stand for or against Chavez, but to create a discourse outside this black and white spectrum?</p><p>In this study, the focus is social movements and how they experience and analyze the political situation in Venezuela and the possibilities to work politically here. The study is based on interviews with people involved in social movements in Venezuela, from a field study made within the SIDA financed program Minor Field Studies. The informants come from the Chavez movement which is a big popular movement but also from an anarchist group who works free-standing from the government as well as the opposition. On the basis of a discourse analysis approach, focus has been on how they construct and create different pictures of the process and how they through that position themselves and their group and which consequences this get.</p>
Date January 2006
CreatorsSiverskog, Anna
PublisherLinköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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