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Improving local-level government accountability - a study of the government's accountability within the land use planning and development context in the Western Cape

Thesis (MPhil (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
This thesis considers the veracity, within the land use planning and development
context in the Western Cape, of the claim that South Africa has a constitution that gave
us accountable government. The study necessitates consideration of the meaning of
terms such as accountability and sustainable planning and development.
There is a dearth of South African literature on government accountability. The main
focus of the literature from abroad is on elections as a mechanism for achieving
government accountability, to the exclusion of other issues and with a distinct
disregard for legal questions. Much of the available overseas literature draws on the
descriptive models of how democratic accountability should work. The writers
seemingly have little interest in moving beyond the descriptive. The available body of
literature is static in nature as little theoretical development in the field of government
accountability has taken place for decades. This thesis argues that, as a result, the
literature from abroad on accountability is of limited value in South African context.
Accountability has an important role to play in curbing the abuse of public power and
for maintaining conditions of peace and stability. Central concerns with the study are
to assess the current measure of government accountability within the stated context
and to establish whether the existing system for achieving effective government
accountability is adequate.
The research commences with thorough literature and law reviews, supplemented by
the development of a questionnaire on accountability in the land use planning and
development field. The assessment of the current measure of government
accountability in the context of land use planning and development is supplemented by
the views of people active in that field. Those views are pieced together from the
results obtained from questionnaires and personal observations. The findings are that
government is presently not regarded as accountable in the field of study.
This thesis demonstrates how difficult it is to achieve effective government accountability - in particular, towards the local population - and how ineffective the
current accountability mechanisms are for this purpose. It argues that the challenges
facing South Africans in this regard are complex and that everyone is required to
accept responsibility as the actual agents of accountability, to make accountability work
as a personal concern and a matter of individual responsibility.
This thesis reflects on the need for new accountability mechanisms and calls for a
radical reform of the current approach to government accountability. It inter alia
recommends that the reform should involve the establishment of a new structure
empowered to enquire into the merits of decisions taken by public authorities. On the
basis of this discussion, the thesis concludes by advocating specific steps required to
improve government accountability at the local-level within land use planning and
development context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Hierdie tesis oorweeg die geldigheid, binne die konteks van grondgebruik beplanning
en ontwikkeling in die Wes-Kaap, van die aanspraak dat Suid-Afrika 'n grondwet het
wat vir ons 'n verantwoordbare regering gegee het. Dit noodsaak oorweging van die
betekenis van uitdrukkings soos verantwoordbaarheid en volhoubare beplanning en
Bykans doodse stilte heers oor regeringsverantwoordbaarheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse
literatuur. In buitelandse literatuur val die klem hoofsaaklik op verkiesings as
meganisme om regeringsverantwoordbaarheid te bewerkstellig, met uitsluiting van
ander kwessies en 'n besliste verontagsaming van regsvrae. Baie van die beskikbare
oorsese literatuur steun op die beskrywende benadering van hoe demokratiese
verantwoordbaarheid behoort te werk. Die skrywers het oënskynlik min belang daarin
om meer as beskrywend te wees. Die beskikbare literatuur is staties van aard
aangesien vir dekades min teoretiese ontwikkeling op die gebied van
regeringsverantwoordbaarheid plaasgevind het. Hierdie tesis argumenteer dat, ten
gevolge, die buitelandse literatuur oor verantwoordbaarheid van beperkte waarde is in
Suid-Afrikaanse konteks.
Verantwoordbaarheid het 'n belangrike rol om te vervul in die beperking van misbruik
van openbare mag en vir die instandhouding van toestande vir vrede en stabiliteit.
Sentraal tot hierdie studie staan pogings om te bepaal wat die huidige stand van
regeringsverantwoordbaarheid is binne die vermelde konteks en om vas te stel of die
bestaande stelsel vir bereiking van verantwoordbare regering voldoende is.
Die navorsing begin met deeglike literatuur en regsresensies, aangevul deur die
ontwikkeling van ‘n vraeboog oor verantwoordbaarheid in die veld van grondgebruik
beplanning en ontwikkeling. Die huidige stand van regeringsverantwoordbaarheid
binne die konteks van grondgebruik beplanning en ontwikkeling is aangevul deur die
sienings van persone wat aktief is in daardie veld. Daardie sienings is saamgestel
vanuit resultate wat bekom is uit vraeboë en eie waarnemings. Die bevindinge is dat
die regering in die algemeen tans nie as verantwoordbaar beskou word nie. Hierdie tesis toon aan hoe moeilik dit is om effektiewe verantwoordbaarheid van die
regering te bereik - in die besonder teenoor die plaaslike bevolking - en hoe
ontoereikend die huidige meganismes vir hierdie doel is. Dit argumenteer dat die
uitdagings wat Suid-Afrika in hierdie verband in die gesig staar, kompleks is en dat van
elkeen verwag word om verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar as die werklike agente van
verantwoordbaarheid om verantwoordbaarheid as 'n persoonlike aangeleentheid en 'n
saak van individuele verantwoordelikheid te laat werk.
Hierdie tesis besin oor die behoefte aan nuwe verantwoordbaarheidsmeganismes en
bepleit 'n radikale hervorming van die huidige benadering tot verantwoordbaarheid van
die regering. Dit word onder andere aanbeveel dat as deel van hervorming 'n nuwe
struktuur voorsien moet word wat gemagtig sal wees om ondersoek in te stel na die
meriete van die besluite wat deur die publieke owerhede geneem is. Op grond van
hierdie bespreking eindig die tesis deur voorspraak te maak vir bepaalde stappe wat
nodig is om die regering se verantwoordbaarheid op die plaaslike vlak te verbeter
binne die konteks van grondgebruik beplanning en ontwikkeling.
Date03 1900
CreatorsDu Plessis, Johannes Petrus
ContributorsMuller, Anneke, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Management and Planning.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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