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Social dialogue through the rationalisation and redeployment policy process in education post 1994 : an analysis of perceptions and experiences of key policy actors within the Gauteng province.'

Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 1995, despite the consultative processes with regards to Rationalisation
and Redeployment, many stakeholders did not accept, nor understand the
rationale behind the government's drive to redistribute human resources. It is
widely known that there existed immense tensions and conflicts between
educators and bureaucrats on the issue, which played itself out in the Grove
Primary School case, as well as the withdrawal of regulations because of a
'threatened strike', due to government's disregard for participatory democracy.
Using a case study, within the Gauteng province, this research investigated
the experiences and perceptions of key policy actors on the policy planning
and implementation processes by tracking the development of social dialogue
during this process.
The conceptual framework for this study was provided in the work of Cheng
and Cheung (1995), who provided a generic empirical education policy
analysis model, which tracks the policy processes within linear phases. Fifty
indicators were identified, which were used to measure the efficacy of the
policy-making process, as well as the evolution of social dialogue in the policy
discourse. This study argues that in an endeavour to implement redress and
equity, the policy employed had its inherent weaknesses. The researcher
used a structured questionnaire to measure key policy actors (formulators and
implementers), experiences and perceptions of the process employed.
The qualitative methodology, which was supported by the quantitative data
analysis approach, exposed that bureaucratic attitude towards socio-political
participation, a technocratic approach to educational imperatives, strong union
organisation, empowered parents, and the lack of capacity at certain levels of
administration to deal with resistance directly and indirectly, contributed to the
ambiguous success of this policy intervention. The purpose of this research was to assist in improving the efficacy of the
policy pathways, by proposing a modified strategy, which includes dialogue
with all relevant role players.
In focusing primarily on the analysis of the Rationalisation and Redeployment
Policy process, the findings of this empirical research have therefore shown
how opinions and perceptions about the efficacy of a policy process are
directly linked to the experiences of policy actors with regards to social
dialogue during the process. As any interventionist policy is a negotiated
responsibility of all educational role players, in order to promote an enabling
educative environment, the consultative, as well as the policy processes
proposed in this study, are based on principles grounded in research which
makes optimal use of existing structures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert 1995, ten spyte van die konsultatiewe proses rakende rasionalisasie
en her-ontplooing, het min van die rolspelers die proses aanvaar, of die
rasionaal agter die regering se poging om menslike hulpbronne te herversprei
verstaan. Dit is alombekend dat daar reuse spanning en konflik
tussen opvoeders en burokrate, gesentreer rondom die Grove Primêre Skool
saak, bestaan het. Dit het saamgegaan met die ontrekking van regulasies -as
gevolg van 'n beoogde staking weens die regering se miskenning van
deelnemende demokrasie.
Hierdie studie maak gebruik van 'n gevalle studie in die Gauteng provinsie.
Hiervolgens is daar 'n ondersoek na die ervarings en persepsies van sleutel
beleidsrolspleers ten opsigte van beleidsbeplanning en
implementeringsprosesse. Die hoofidee is om die ontwikkeling van die sosiale
dialoog binne die provinsiale onderwys na te spoor.
Die konsepsuele raamwerk word verskaf deur Cheng and Cheung (1995), wie
se werk 'n generiese empiriese onderwysbeleidsontleding model voortgebring
het. Hierdie model volg die beleidsproses binne liniêre fases. Vyftig
aanwysers word geïdentifiseer, wat gebruik word om die effektiwiteit van die
beleidsformuleringproses sowel as die evolusie van sosiale dialoog te meet.
Hierdie studie voer aan dat in die poging om herverspreding en
gelykberegtiging te implementeer, die rasionalisasie en her-ontplooing proses
opsigself inherente swakhede gehad het. "n Gestruktueerde vraelys, om
sleutel rolspelers se ervarings en persepsies van die beleidsproses te meet, is
Hierdie navorsing bring na vore die feit dat burokratiese houdings jeens sosiopolitiese
deelname, "n tegnokratiese benadering tot opvoedkundige
imperatiewe, sterk vakbondorganisasie, bemagtigde ouers, en bestuursvlak
se onvermoë om weerstand te hanteer, bygedra het tot die dubbelsinnige
sukses van hierdie beleidsintervensie. Die doel van die navorsing is om die effektiwiteit van die beleidsweë te
verbeter. Dit word gedoen deur die voorstel van 'n gewysigde strategie, wat
die dialoog van alle relevante rolsplers insluit.
Deur primêr te fokus op die rasionalisasie en her-ontplooing proses, wys die
navorsing dat opinies en persepsies rondom die effektiwiteit van 'n
beleidsproses direk gekoppel is aan die ervarings van beleidsrolspelers met
betrekking tot sosiale dialoog. Die konsultatiewe sowel as die beleidsprosesse
wat voorgestel word in hierdie studie is gebaseer op beginsels wat opsigself
gefundeer is in navorsing wat van die bestaande strukture optimaal gebruik
Date12 1900
CreatorsClark, Colette Bronwen
ContributorsKotze, H. J. K., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format103, xlviii p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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