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The intricate relationship between politics and religion in the Hebrew bible : the prophet Amos as a case study

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Politics, in modern society, has become intimately associated with poor governance, fraud and
corruption, social decay, abuse of power, indifference to the plight of the poor, squandering of
critical resources and self-enrichment. This situation has been further aggravated by the debate
that religion and politics should be kept separate at all costs. The demand for social justice in
marginalised communities has increased dramatically over the last few decades. The escalation
of human conflict, poverty, social inequality and corrupt practices across the globe over recent
years, demands a radical reassessment of how the human race engages politically, socially and
economically with each other.
Hebrew classical prophets such as Hosea, Amos, Isaiah and Micah have through their
messages of condemnation, indictment, punishment and hope confronted the serious political and
social challenges that prevailed during and subsequent to their time. They demonstrated immense
bravery against the established order of the day as they proclaimed Yahweh’s gross displeasure
and divine judgement for the manner in which those in power had treated the poor. Amos, in
particular, has captivated scholars over many decades as they dissected every emotion, historical
context, social structure, biblical tradition and literary convention in order to understand his
This study is an attempt to re-evaluate the critical balance between politics and religion as
demonstrated in the divine mandate provided to kings, centuries ago in the ancient Near East, to
rule in a just and righteous manner. An examination of the role and function of the prophets,
their relationship with the political and religious structures of the day as well as an exegetical
study of selected Amos texts has been undertaken to determine how this social imbalance was
addressed by the prophets. A general hypothesis is advanced to restore this intricate balance
between modern politics and religion. The study further enables a theological re-evaluation of
how this balance could possibly be pursued as a potential catalyst for its overall social
restoration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die politiek, in die hedendaagse samelewing, word nou geassosieer met swak regering, bedrog
en korrupsie, sosiale verrotting, misbruik van mag, onverskilligheid teenoor die ellende van die
armes, verkwisting van kritiese hulpbronne en selfverryking. Hierdie situasie word verder
vererger as gevolg van ‘n debat wat daarop aandring dat die politiek en die godsdiens ten alle
koste apart gehou moet word. Die aandrang vir sosiale geregtigheid in verarmde gemeenskappe
het dramaties toegeneem oor die laaste dekades. Die progressiewe toename in menslike konflik,
armoede, sosiale ongelykheid en omkopery wêreldwyd, die onlangse jare, vereis ‘n radikale herevaluering
oor hoe die mensdom met mekaar oor die weg kom polities, sosiaal en ekonomies.
Die Bybels-Hebreeuse profete soos Hosea, Amos, Jesaja en Miga het met hulle
boodskappe van aanklag, straf en hoop die ernstige politieke en sosiale uitdagings wat gedurende
hulle tyd geheers het gekonfronteer. Hulle het ongekende dapperheid gedemonstreer teen die
destydse owerhede en so Jahwe se intense ontevredenheid en goddelike oordeel verwoord
teenoor die swak behandeling van die armes. Amos, in die besonder, het geleerdes oor die
dekades bekoor en elke emosie, historiese agtergrond, sosiale struktuur, tradisie en literêre
konvensie is benut in ‘n poging om sy boodskap te verstaan.
Hierdie studie is ‘n poging om die sensitiewe balans tussen die politiek en die godsdiens
te her-evalueer in die lig van die beginsel van regverdige regering as goddelike mandaat wat
reeds eeue gelede aan konings van die ou Nabye Ooste opgedra is. ‘n Ondersoek na die rol en
funksie van die profete, hul verhouding met die politieke en godsdienstige strukture van hulle
tyd, sowel as ‘n eksegetiese studie van geselekteerde Amos tekste word onderneem om te bepaal
hoe hierdie sosiale onewewigtigheid hanteer is. ‘n Algemene hipotese word aan die hand gedoen
om die ingewikkelde balans tussen die moderne politiek en godsdiens te herstel. Die studie kan
verder van waarde wees deurdat dit ‘n teologiese herbesinning bied wat kan dien as ‘n moontlike
katalisator vir algehele sosiale restorasie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsWax, Kevin Patrick
ContributorsKruger, Paul A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format243 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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