Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ancient 2studies"" "subject:"ancient 3studies""
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'n Nuwe vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans: ’n perspektief op die teorie en praktykVan Rensburg, Alta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Dept. of Ancient Studies) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Mention is yet again made of a new translation of the Bible into Afrikaans. The question
is: Which translation approach must be followed in order to ensure effective
communication of this age-old message?
In 2002 and 2003, a project was launched in Stellenbosch during which translation teams
prepared four different draft translations of parts of the Bible from the original languages.
A new translation model was used, namely Gutt's direct and indirect translation
strategies, which were applied within Nord's functionalistic approach as framework.
After the review of some of the most important Bible translations through the ages, main
features of Nida's translation model are explained. It is indicated that the basis of his
translation approach, the code model of communication, is regarded as insufficient for
describing translation as a phenomenon. New developments in linguistics, namely
Sperber and Wilson's exposition of Relevance Theory, and Translation Studies, namely
Ernst-August Gutt's application of Relevance Theory to translation and Christiane Nord's
version of the Skopos Theory, are discussed. The conclusion is made that these
developments have been taken into account in the translation model of the Stellenbosch
translation project and that the model is indeed theoretically well founded.
Based on the annotations of the translation products, it was found that this abstract
theoretical model can indeed be applied successfully in practice. The results of the
empirical study indicate that the average reader does not always prefer the same type of
translation on a specific kind of occasion, but has a need for an informal as well as a
formal Bible translation.
Following the findings of this study, proposals are made that can be applied during a
possible new translation of the Bible into Afrikaans.
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Women in Ancient Egypt : the religious experiences of the non-royal womanKoen, Elizabeth Theresia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Ancient Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / This thesis explores the importance of the function of religion in the life of the
average, non-royal woman in Ancient Egyptian society. As Ancient Egyptian
society and the historical documentation thereof were dominated by the male
perspective, the extent of religious participation by women was, until recently,
underestimated. Recent research has shown that women had taken part in,
and in some cases even dominated, certain spheres of Ancient Egyptian
religion. This included religious participation in public, as well as the practice
of certain religious rituals in the home.
The religious lives of ordinary women of non-royal families were studied by
looking at their involvement in the public aspects of Egyptian religion, such as
temples, tombs and festivals, as well as at the influence of religion on their
identities as women and mothers.
The research method followed was that of an iconographical analysis of
original sources, which were classified and examined in order to establish
their religious links to women of the middle and lower classes.
A catalogue of sources is given, including sources depicting women
participating in public rituals and objects used in a more domestic sphere. The
first included tomb paintings and reliefs from tombs and temples, as well as
objects given as public offerings to various deities. The second group included
objects and visual depictions relating to fertility, birth and death.
This thesis attempts better to understand and illuminate to what an extent the
ordinary women of Ancient Egypt were involved in religious participation in
their daily lives, as well as to illustrate the dimensions of this participation.
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Die gode is nabyPonelis, I. A. (Isabella Annanda) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The rise of Ancient Egyptian civilization by the end of the fourth millennium BC was
essentially a religious process. The civilization developed from a religious core that
was formed by and in the Nile valley. Metaphors were drawn from the context of the
Nile to represent deities.
In different epochs and at different places, creation myths attempted explaining the
mystery of the origin of god and man. According to these myths, both god and man
were created by a primal being after it had brought itself into being. In an attempt to
depict different facets of deities, various metaphors were used. One and the same god
could be represented as a human and as an animal. Nonetheless, all deities possessed
human features and all functioned in human structures. In the primal state mankind
and the gods coexisted in harmony. When man rebelled this harmony was shattered,
and the gods left the world of man.
After the gods had left earth they could be approached only by a mediator. The role of
mediator was played by the pharaoh. It was the pharaoh's mission to maintain the
order on earth that had been present since creation. Inthe office as high priest of all
cults it was incumbent on the pharaoh to keep the gods satisfied by ensuring them of
the maintenance of Ma'at. In this the pharaoh as god-king was assisted by a hierarchy
of priests who performed cult rituals in temples and sacrificed to the gods. To a great
extent, ordinary people were excluded from formal religion and resorted to popular or
demotic religion.
The dominant role of artefacts in death and grave rituals does not signify an obsession
with death. All rituals and artefacts were involved in maintaining life after death, and
the afterlife was something that Ancient Egyptians implicitly believed in. Admission
to life after death required a morally sound and just life, which was determined in the
judgement ceremony when the deeds of the deceased were placed on a scale weighted
with the feather of Ma'at.
Religion, with the pharaoh at its centre, permeated every aspect of daily life in
Ancient Egypt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die opkoms van die Antieke Egiptiese beskawing teen die einde van die vierde
millennium vC was essensieel 'n godsdienstige proses. Die beskawing het rondom 'n
godsdiens ontwikkel wat sy skering en inslag in die vrugbare Nylvallei gehad het.
Metafore uit die Nylkonteks is gebruik om die godedom te vergestalt.
Skeppingsmites het op verskillende tye en op verskillende plekke 'n verklaring van
die ontstaansgeheim van gode en mense probeer gee. Hiervolgens is alle gode en
mense deur 'n oerwese geskape nadat hierdie oerwese homself tot stand gebring het.
In 'n poging om die verskillende fasette van gode uit te beeld, is verskillende
metafore gebruik; dieselfde god kon vergestalt word as mens en/of dier. Tog het alle
gode menslike eienskappe gehad en het hulle almal in menslike strukture
gefunksioneer. In die oerstaat sou mense en gode in harmonie saamleef. Toe die mens
in opstand gekom het, is hierdie harmonie versteur, en die gode het die wêreld van die
mensdom verlaat.
Nadat die gode die aarde verlaat het, kon hulle net deur 'n middelaar bereik word.
Die rol van middelaar is ingeneem deur die farao. Dit was die opdrag van die farao
om die orde wat van die skepping af teenwoordig was, op aarde te handhaaf. In sy
amp as hoëpriester van alle kultusse moes die farao daagliks die gode tevrede hou
deur hulle van die instandhouding van Ma'at te verseker. Hierin is hy as godkoning
bygestaan deur 'n hiërargie van priesters wat in tempels kultusrituele uitgevoer en
offers aan die gode gebring het. Die gewone mens is in 'n groot mate uitgesluit van
formele godsdiens en het 'n heenkome in volksgodsdiens gevind.
Die dominante rol wat artefakte rondom die dood en grafrituele speel, het geensins
gedui op 'n beheptheid met die dood nie. Alle rituele en toerusting is gerig op die
instandhouding van die lewe na die dood, waaraan die Antieke Egiptenaar onwrikbaar
geglo het. Toetrede tot die lewe na die dood het 'n moreel regverdige lewe vereis en
is bepaal by die oordeelseremonie wanneer die afgestorwene se dade op 'n skaal
teenoor die veer van Ma'at geweeg is. Elke aspek van die daaglikse lewe in Antieke Egipte is geraak en bepaal deur die
besondere rol van die godsdiens en die farao as hoofrolspeler in die godsdiens.
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Contemporary witch : dramatic treatments of the Medea mythVan Zyl Smit, E. 12 1900 (has links)
DLitt (Ancient Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 1987.
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Perspektieftotems : ses personae van CatullusDu Toit, Pieter Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A persona is a definable literary technique that all authors necessarily use. This thesis tries to show how Catullus, with the use of six personae (amator acceptus, amator reiectus, hospes urbanus, poeta doctus, fabulator en sacerdos), persuades the reader of the emotional “authenticity” and the accessibility of his poems. This is done firstly by investigating the literary process of which a persona forms part. By comparing this process with the three phases of a conversation (thought, expression and utterance), it is possible to see how a persona can be “discovered”. The thought represents the historical author and his literary context. The expression represents the literary persona itself. The utterance represents the unemotional, “unloaded” elements of the text manifested as the collective function of characters, speakers and narrators. By identifying this process in Catullus’ poetry, the relevant personae are illuminated.
Catullus, as a Latin poet who was familiar with “Roman performance poetry” and the ancient theatre mask, also understood this complex process. This thesis argues that Catullus used the persona – like a theatre mask – as a so-called “totem of perspective”. The careful use of persuasive techniques that provide the momentum, are analysed in some of his poems, keeping the function of this “totem of perspective” in mind. The result is that the poet succeeds in creating sophisticated, diverse and accessible personae, which readers through the ages readily accept as “authentic”. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Persona is ’n definieerbare literêre tegniek wat alle outeurs noodwendig gebruik. Hierdie tesis beoog om aan te dui hoe Catullus, met die gebruik van ses personae (amator acceptus, amator reiectus, hospes urbanus, poeta doctus, fabulator en sacerdos), die leser van die emosionele “egtheid” en die toeganklikheid van sy werk oortuig. Dit word eerstens gedoen deur die literêre proses waarvan ’n persona deel is, te ondersoek. Deur hierdie proses te vergelyk met die drie fases van ’n gesprek (gedagte, uitdrukking en uiting) is dit moontlik om te sien hoe ’n persona “ontdek” kan word: die gedagte verteenwoordig die werklike outeur en sy literêre konteks, die uitdrukking verteenwoordig die literêre persona self en die uiting verteenwoordig die onemosionele, “ongelaaide” elemente van die teks, soos vergestalt deur die gesamentlike funksionering van karakters, sprekers en vertellers. Deur hierdie proses te identifiseer in Catullus se gedigte, word die betrokke personae verhelder.
Catullus, as Latynse digter wat bekend was met “Romeinse performatiewe poësie” en die antieke toneelmasker, het ook hierdie ingewikkelde proses begryp. Hierdie tesis argumenteer dat Catullus die persona – soos ’n toneelmasker – as ’n sogenaamde “perspektieftotem” gebruik het. Die sorgvuldige gebruik van oorredingstegnieke wat die momentum voorsien, word in van sy gedigte geanaliseer met hierdie perspektieftotem-funksie in gedagte. Die resultaat is dat die digter dit regkry om gesofistikeerde, diverse en toeganklike personae te skep wat lesers deur die eeue as “eg” aanvaar.
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Secundum Naturam Vivere : the stoic telos and practical guidance for the attainment of a happy life in Seneca’s epistulae moralesRaal, Eva-Melitta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stoic philosophy taught along with the other prominent philosophical schools of the Hellenistic Era (i.e. the Academics, the Peripatetics and the Epicureans) that the goal or final end (telos) of human existence is our well-being or happiness (eudaimonia). The Stoics provided various definitions of this telos, the most famous being “living in agreement with nature” (ηὸ ὁκνινγνπκέλσο ηῇ θύζεη δῆλ) or “living according to nature” (secundum naturam vivere) and this goal essentially comes down to living according to perfect reason and virtue. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Seneca presents the Stoic doctrines regarding this topic in his Epistulae Morales (“Letters on Morality”) and to determine whether he managed to make the theoretical framework, proposed by the Stoics for the attainment of a happy life, more easily applicable in practice without compromising orthodox Stoic teachings. The orthodoxy of Seneca‟s philosophy may be judged by comparison with the doctrines of the early Stoic teachers, which is why this study will first look at the traditional Stoic teachings concerning the definition of the telos as well as the theory behind the attainment thereof. Thereafter it will be investigated how true Seneca stayed to these traditional teachings and whether he managed to make the Stoic telos more realistically attainable by the practical advice he offers in his letters. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stoïsynse filosofie voer aan soos die ander prominente filosofiese skole van die Hellenistiese era (d.w.s. die Akademie, die Peripatetiese skool, en die Epikureërs) dat die einddoel (telos) van die mensdom welsyn of geluk (eudaimonia) is. Die Stoïsyne het verskillende definisies van die telos verskaf; die mees bekende is “om in ooreenkoms met die natuur te leef” (ηὸ ὁκνινγνπκέλσο ηῇ θύζεη δῆλ) of “om volgens die natuur te leef” (secundum naturam vivere) en hierdie einddoel kom in wese daarop neer om volgens volmaakte rede of deug te leef. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te ondersoek hoe Seneca die Stoïsynse leerstellings oor hierdie onderwerp in sy Epistulae Morales (“Briewe oor Moraliteit”) behandel en om te bepaal of hy dit makliker gemaak het om die teoretiese raamwerk, wat deur die Stoïsyne vir die bereiking van 'n gelukkige lewe voorgestel is, in die praktyk toe te pas sonder om die ortodokse Stoïsynse leerstellings te kompromitteer. Die ortodoksie van Seneca se filosofie kan beoordeel word deur dit met die leerstellings van die vroeë Stoïsyne te vergelyk. Hierdie studie begin dus met „n ondersoek na die tradisionele Stoïsynse leerstellings aangaande die definisie van die telos, sowel as die teorie oor die bereiking daarvan. Daarna word ondersoek hoe getrou Seneca was aan die tradisionele leerstellings en of hy deur die praktiese raad in sy briewe dit makliker gemaak het om die Stoïsynse telos te bereik.
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תחת : a cognitive linguistic analysis of the Biblical Hebrew lexemeRodriguez, D. L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Ancient Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis spreek die probleem aan van polisemie in die beskrywing van die Bybels-
Hebreeuse lekseem תחת in die Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Tradisioneel word die lekseem
meestal as ‘n voorsetsel beskou. In hierdie ondersoek word aangetoon dat die lekseem ook as
as ‘n naamwoord, bywoord of voegwoord gebruik kan word. ‘n Kritiese analise van
standaard Bybels-Hebreeuse woordeboeke toon aan dat hierdie bronne mank gaan ‘n
leksikografies begronde raamwerk in terme waarvan polisimiese lekseme ge-orden kan word.
Wat nodig is vir hierdie doeleindes, is leksikale beskrywings eerder as ‘n lys “oënskynlike”
betekenisse. Dit word verder duidelik aangetoon dat vertalingsekwivalente nie altyd
gelykgestel kan word aan die betekenis van ‘n lekseem nie – ‘n praktyk wat al jare lank
onkrities aanvaar word. Kognitief-linguistiese instrumente ten opsigte van kategorisering en
leksikale semantiek word dan ingespan om die lekseem תחת beter te beskryf.
Hierdie studie verteenwoordig so ‘n kognitief-linguistiese analise van die polisemiese
dimensies van die semantiese netwerk van תחת , wat ook bruikbaar kan wees in digitale
leksikografie. Die voorgestelde netwerk word gekomplementeer deur semantiese diagramme
wat die betekenis grafies uitbeeld in plaas daarvan om dit met behulp van
vertalingsekwivalente te beskryf.
Die betekenisonderskeidings wat getref word, is die volgende: substantief (onderkant), plek
(spesifieke plek “spot”), substitusie (in die plek van), uitruiling (in ruil vir), oorsaaklikheid
(omdat) en implisiete perspektief (x onder [die spreker]). Hierdie betekenisonderskeidings
word georganiseer met behulp van ‘n grafiese netwerk wat die semantiese verhouding tussen
die verskillende nuanse illustreer. Die semantiese netwerk stel ook ‘n ontwikkelingsprofiel
van die lekseem voor. Hierdie diagram bied ‘n moontlike verklaring waarom תחת ‘n bepaalde
reeks polemiese onderskeidings simboliseer. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis addresses the problem of polysemy in describing the biblical Hebrew lexeme תחת
in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Traditionally treated as mainly a preposition, it is
demonstrated in this study that תחת can also be used as a noun, adverb or conjunction. A
critical analysis of standard biblical Hebrew lexica reveals that they typically lack a clear
lexicographic framework with which polysemous lexemes can be organized. Ideally, this
would offer lexical explanations to users of a lexicon rather than supply lists of alleged
meanings. Further, it is also made clear that target language glosses can no longer be accepted
as "meaning", a practice which has been uncritically accepted for years. In order to move
beyond English glosses, cognitive linguistic tools for categorization and lexical semantics are
This thesis contributes a cognitive linguistic analysis of the polysemous lexeme תחת and a
semantic network of תחת that can be useful for digital lexicography. The proposed network is
complemented by frame semantic diagrams which describe meaning imagically rather than
only with a target language gloss.
The various senses established are: substantive (underpart), place (spot), substitution (in
place of), exchange (in exchange for), vertical spatial (under), approximately under (at the
foot of), control (under the hand), causation (because), and implied perspective (x below [the
speaker]). These senses are organized in the proposed network showing the semantic
relationship between the senses. The semantic network also provides an evolutionarily
plausible explanation of how תחת came to symbolize so many distinct polysemies.
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Justice in Augustine's City of GodDaniels, Amy Lydia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis outlines Augustine’s thought on justice as articulated in The City of God: against the Pagans. The purpose of the study was to investigate the place and role of his convictions about justice in his apologetic project.
To this end, Books 19-22 of The City of God were read within the historical, religious and ideological contexts of Augustine’s day. Aspects deemed relevant to the stated goals of the thesis and which were therefore surveyed, were pagan-Christian relations and Neo-Platonism in the fifth century; the sacking of Rome in AD 410, a perceived injustice which occasioned rampant calumnies against the Christians and questions regarding the justice of God; secular jurisprudence and legal practice, with a focus on the role of bishops in dispensing justice; biblical perspectives on justice.
A reading of Books 19-22 of the City of God was then done, in which it was found that justice was viewed by Augustine as subordinate to, but straining toward the Supreme Good, identified as peace. Moreover, it was shown that Augustine’s perspective on justice is inextricably linked with his eschatological convictions. These are that God is set to establish an eternal City, composed of those who, throughout history, have pledged allegiance to Him. That city is characterised by peace and justice, as determined by God. Any peace or manifestation of justice in the present age was shown to flow from humankind’s predisposition toward self-love (egotism). As such, they are presented by Augustine as a poor reflection of the perfect peace and justice that will be established by God.
With regard to Augustine’s defence of the Christian faith, it was found that he employs a model of argumentation which takes as its point of departure the worldviews of his opponents, showing up cracks in their thinking. He then presents his own perspective as the better alternative. The juxtaposition of the current age, fraught with injustice and chaos, against the eternal peace and justice to be established by God, were shown to be important selling-points for Augustine. For him, life in the eternal City of God was an irresistible offer, which he sought to hold out to his opponents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis skets Augustinus se denke oor geregtigheid soos geartikuleer in Die Stad van God: teen die Heidene. Die doel van die studie was om die plek en die rol van sy oortuigings oor geregtigheid in sy apologetiese projek te ondersoek.
Met hierdie doel is Boeke 19-22 uit Die Stad van God gelees binne die historiese, godsdienstige en ideologiese kontekste van Augustinus se tyd. Aspekte wat as relevant beskou is tot die vermelde doelwitte van die tesis en wat dus ondersoek is, is verhoudings tussen heidene en Christene asook Neo-Platonisme in die vyfde eeu; die plundering van Rome in 410 n.C., ’n vermeende onreg wat aanleiding gegee het tot onbeteuelde laster teenoor die Christene en vrae oor die geregtigheid van God; sekulêre wetsgeleerdheid en regspraktyk, met die fokus op die rol van biskoppe in die beoefening van regspraak; bybelse perspektiewe op geregtigheid.
’n Vertolking van Boeke 19-22 uit Die Stad van God is daarna gedoen, waarin daar bevind is Augustinus het gemeen dat geregtigheid ondergeskik is aan, maar wel streef na, die Hoogste Goed, wat naamlik as vrede geïdentifiseer word. Verder is daar getoon dat Augustinus se perspektief op geregtigheid onlosmaaklik verbind is aan sy eskatologiese oortuigings. Hierdie oortuigings is dat God ’n Ewige Stad sal vestig wat saamgestel is uit dié wat deur die geskiedenis heen trou aan Hom gesweer het. Daardie stad word deur vrede en geregtigheid gekenmerk, soos dit deur God bepaal is. Daar word gewys daarop dat enige vrede of manifestasie van geregtigheid in daardie tyd bloot voortgevloei het uit die mens se geneigdheid tot selfliefde (egotisme). Dít word deur Augustinus voorgehou as ’n swak weerspieëling van die volmaakte vrede en geregtigheid wat deur God ingestel sal word.
Wat betref Augustinus se verdediging van die Christelike geloof, is daar bevind dat hy ’n redeneringsmodel gebruik wat die wêreldbeskouings van sy opponente as uitgangspunt gebruik, en só die foute in hul denke uitwys. Hy bied dan sy eie perspektief as die beste alternatief aan. Die naasmekaarstelling van die huidige era, vol ongeregtigheid en chaos, teenoor die ewige vrede en geregtigheid wat deur God ingestel sal word, is uitgewys as belangrike verkoopspunte vir Augustinus. Vir hom was die lewe in die Ewige Stad van God ’n onweerstaanbare aanbod wat hy aan sy opponente wou voorhou.
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Dualism in Jewish apocalyptic and Persian religion : an analysisDurie, Liezl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the possible influence of Persian religion on dualism in Jewish apocalyptic literature, with particular attention to 1 Enoch.
Many studies have been conducted on Jewish apocalyptic, although relatively few studies concentrate on Persian religious influence. One of the main reasons for this is the problematic dating of Persian sources, all of which appear to date to a later period than the Jewish apocalyptic texts they are suspected of influencing. Scholars who believe in the antiquity of the traditions underlying the Persian texts, such as Boyce, Otzen and Silverman, tend to be positive about the possibility of influence, whereas scholars such as Hanson and VanderKam insist that the origins of apocalyptic traditions can be found within Jewish religion and Mesopotamian culture, respectively. The dualism between God and evil plays a central role in Jewish apocalyptic. This basic dualism manifests itself in various dualities and on four levels. Firstly, on the cosmic level God is pitted against an agent of darkness (Satan/Belial/Mastema/Azazel) and good angels oppose fallen angels or demons. Secondly, in the physical universe God manifests in order, whereas evil shows itself in every area where God’s order is transgressed. Thirdly, on an anthropological-ethical level, mankind is divided into the righteous and the wicked according to the path each individual chooses within himself. Finally, on an eschatological level, the evils of the present age are contrasted with a glorious future that will begin when the messiah has appeared and the final judgment, which is sometimes linked with a resurrection, has taken place. In order to calculate when this new age will dawn, apocalyptic writers divide history into periods. Each of the abovementioned aspects finds a parallel in Persian religious thought, which revolves around the dualism between Ahura Mazda/Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu/Ahriman. Each of the dualistic principles is supported by a host of divine beings and the battle involves nature and mankind, who are expected to choose a side. There is a strong messianic expectation, as well as a well-developed concept of a final judgment that involves resurrection, and the periodization of history is fundamental to the religion.
This thesis attempts to trace the development of the abovementioned concepts in Jewish thinking, depending mainly on the Hebrew Bible as representative of ancient Israelite religion. Where discrepancies between Jewish apocalyptic and the ancient religion become evident, the possibility of Persian influence is considered. The investigation will show that each of the abovementioned aspects of the dualism between God and evil in Jewish apocalyptic contain traces of what might be the influence of Persian religion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die moontlike invloed van Persiese godsdiens op die dualisme in Joodse apokaliptiek te ondersoek, met spesifieke verwysing na die Ethiopic Book of Enoch.
‘n Groot aantal studies is reeds uitgevoer rondom Joodse apokaliptiek, alhoewel relatief min daarvan fokus op die invloed van Persiese godsdiens. Een van die hoofredes hiervoor is die probleme rondom die datering van Persiese tekste, waarvan almal uit ‘n latere tydperk as die meeste Joodse apokaliptiese tekste blyk te dateer. Diegene wat vertroue het in die antiekheid van onderliggende tradisies in Persiese tekste, soos Boyce, Otzen en Silverman, is geneig om positief te wees oor die moontlikheid van invloed, terwyl ander soos Hanson en VanderKam daarop aandring dat die oorsprong van apokaliptiese tradisies te vinde is in Joodse godsdiens en die kultuur van Mesopotamië.
Die dualisme tussen God en die bose speel ‘n sentrale rol in Joodse apokaliptiek. Hierdie basiese dualisme manifesteer in verskeie dualiteite en op vier vlakke. Eerstens, staan God op die kosmiese vlak teenoor ‘n agent van duisternis (Satan/Belial/Mastema/Azazel), en sit goeie engele slegte engele of demone teë. Tweedens manifesteer God in die orde van die fisiese heelal, terwyl die bose manifesteer in die oortreding van God se orde. Op die derde, antropologies-etiese vlak, is die mensdom verdeel tussen goed en kwaad op grond van die weg wat elke individu in homself kies. Laastens word die boosheid van die huidige era op die eskatologiese vlak gekontrasteer met die glorieryke toekoms, wat sal aanbreek wanneer die messias gekom het en die laaste oordeel, wat soms verband hou met ‘n opstanding, plaasgevind het. Apokaliptiese skrywers verdeel gereeld die wêreldgeskiedenis in tydperke om sodoende te bereken wanneer die toekomstige era sal aanbreek.
Elkeen van die bogenoemde aspekte vind ‘n parallel in die Persiese godsdiens, wat gebaseer is op die dualisme tussen Ahura Mazda/Spenta Mainyu en Ahriman/Angra Mainyu. Elkeen word ondersteun deur ‘n leer van goddelike wesens en die stryd sluit die natuur en mensdom, van wie verwag word om ‘n kant te kies, in. Daar is ‘n sterk messiaanse verwagting, sowel as ‘n goed-ontwikkelde konsep van ‘n laaste oordeel, wat gepaard gaan met ‘n opstanding. Die verdeling van wêreldgeskiedenis in tydperke is ook fundamenteel tot die godsdiens.
Hierdie tesis poog om die ontwikkeling van bogenoemde konsepte in die Joodse denkwyse na te volg en maak hoofsaaklike staat op die Hebreeuse Bybel as verteenwoordigend van oud-Israelitiese godsdiens. Waar diskrepansies tussen Joodse apokaliptiek en die antieke godsdiens vorendag kom, word die moontlikheid van Persiese invloed oorweeg. Die ondersoek sal toon dat elkeen van die bogenoemde aspekte van die dualisme tussen God en die bose in Joodse apokaliptiek moontlike tekens van Persiese invloed toon.
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εἰρωνεία or ironia : on the nature and function of Socratic ironyLouw, Lunette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The definition and function of Socratic irony has been much disputed in contemporary scholarship. This thesis identifies some methodological difficulties in interpreting and defining Socratic irony and attempts to narrow the field of interpretation in order to facilitate the formulation of a new definition of the concept. With reference to the primary texts of Plato, Xenophon and Aristophanes, as well as some fragments, the different types of irony as employed by Socrates are identified as verbal, in the form of self-deprecation and knowledge disavowal, and physical. A review of late 18th, 19th and 20th century philosophical scholarship on the topic is done in order to gain a better understanding of the perceived functions of Socratic irony. On the basis of this, as well as the opinions of prominent classical scholars, it is argued that the function of Socratic irony in its verbal form is primarily heuristic, while the physical form is a political mode of being designed to criticise 5th-century Athenian politics. Socratic irony is then redefined to allow for these forms and functions, which are shown to be much more complex than previously thought. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word baie gedebatteer oor die definisie en funksie van die Sokratiese ironie in die onlangse navorsing. Hierdie tesis identifiseer sommige metodologiese probleme in die interpretasie en die definisie van Sokratiese ironie en poog om die veld van interpretasie te beperk ten einde die formulering van 'n nuwe definisie van die begrip te fasiliteer. Met verwysing na die primêre tekste van Plato, Xenophon en Aristophanes, asook 'n paar fragmente, word die verskillende vorme van ironie soos deur Sokrates gebruik, geïdentifiseer as verbaal, in die vorm van self-afkeuring en ontkenning van kennis, en fisies. ʼn Oorsig van die laat 18de-, 19de- en 20ste-eeuse filosofiese navorsing is gegee ten einde 'n beter begrip te verkry van die waargenome funksies van Sokratiese ironie. Op grond hiervan, asook die menings van vooraanstaande klassici, word aangevoer dat die funksie van die Sokratiese ironie in sy verbale vorm hoofsaaklik heuristies is, terwyl die fisiese vorm 'n politieke bestaanswyse is, met die doel om die 5de-eeuse Atheense politiek te kritiseer. Teen hierdie agtergrond word Sokratiese ironie dan herdefinieer om voorsiening te maak vir bogenoemde vorme en funksies wat blyk baie meer kompleks te wees as wat voorheen gemeen is.
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