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Ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind

Die algemene persepsie bestaan dat dit 'n struikelblok is om 'n enigste kind te wees omdat
hierdie kinders meestal sosio-emosionele probleme ervaar. Hulle word getipeer as onder
andere selfsugtig, eensaam, afhanklik, ongelukkig, dominerend en bederf.
Daar bestaan betreklik min navorsing omtrent die enigste kind as sodanig. Die meeste
inligting wat omtrent hierdie kinders beskikbaar is, is verkry uit"'vergelykende studies waarvan
enigste kinders toevallig deel gevorm het en waarin die invloed van veranderlikes soos
geboorterangorde en gesinsgrootte op aspekte soos intelligensie, persoonlikheid en gedrag
ondersoek is. Die gebruik van hierdie veranderlikes het wye kritiek uitgelok omdat dit
aanleiding gegee het tot teenstrydige navorsingsresultate wat sowel negatiewe as positiewe
persoonseienskappe uitgewys het. 'n Sterk pleidooi is gelewer vir 'n holistiese benadering tot
die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind met grater klem op die bepalende invloed
van f aktore binne en buite die gesin.
In hierdie studie word die invloed van ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag op die
persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind ondersoek. Die vertrekpunt van die studie
is 'n ondersoek na die rol wat gehegtheid en die gesin as sosiale sisteem as grondslag van
'n ouer-kind-verhouding speel. Albei ouers dra vanuit hul onderskeie ouerhuise bepaalde
opvoedingsinhoude, gebaseer op die opvoedingsgedrag wat hulle as kinders ervaar het, in
hul huwelik en gesin in. Dit dien as grondslag vir die opvoedingsgedrag wat hulle teenoor hul
kind openbaar. Sodoende skep hulle 'n eie opvoedingskultuur.
Die literatuur Die literatuur bevestig die regstreekse verband tussen ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die
persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste kind. In hierdie studie word agt dimensies van
ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag beskryf, asook die invloed daarvan op die persoonlikheid van die
enigste kind.
In die empiriese ondersoek word die opvoedingsgedrag van vyf ouerpare, asook hul enigste
kinders se betekenisgewing daaraan en belewing daarvan, aan die hand van vraelyste en
ongestruktureerde onderhoude kwalitatief geevalueer. Op grond hiervan is bevind dat die
populere stereotipering van die enigste kind ongegrond is en dat daar nie sprake is van 'n
tipiese enigste kind nie. 'n Waardering van die persoonlikheidsontwikkeling van die enigste
kind, trouens van enige kind, is eerder gelee in die kind se belewing van en betekenisgewing
aan sy ouers se opvoedingsgedrag. / A general perception exists that it is an impediment to be an only child because these children
frequently experience socio-emotional problems. They are typified as self-centred, lonely,
dependent, domineering and spoit
Little research exists to verify this description. Most of the available information has been
obtained through comparative studies in which only children participated through sheer
coincidence. These studies investigated the effects of variabl~ such as position in family and
family size on aspects such as intelligence, personality and behaviour. The use of these
variables elicited wide criticism since it resulted in contradictory research findings which
indicated the presence of both negative and positive personality traits. This prompted a plea
for a holistic approach to the personality development of the only child, with a greater
emphasis on the determining influences of factors within and outside the family.
This study investigates the influence of parental educational behaviour on the personality
development of the only child. The point of departure is an inquiry into the roles played by
the family as a social system and attachment in the foundation of the parent-child relationship.
From their respective parental homes, both parents bring certain educational contents into
their marriage, based on the educational behaviour that they experienced as children. This
serves as a basis for the behaviour that they display towards their children.
The literature establishes a linear relationship between parental educational behaviour and the
personality development of the only child. In this study, eight dimensions of parental
educational behaviour are described, as well as the influence of these on the personality of
the only child.
In the empirical investigation, the educational behaviour of five couples was quantitatively
evaluated using questionnaires and unstructured int~rviews. The only child's attribution of
meaning to and experience of this behaviour were also evaluated. Based on these results,
it was found that the popular stereotyping of the only child is unfounded, and that there is no
such thing as a typical only child. An appreciation of the personality development of the only
child, and indeed any child, lies rather in the child's experience of and meaning attribution to
his parents' educational behaviour. / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)
Date11 1900
CreatorsVerreynne, Karin
ContributorsOlivier, A.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 online resource (xvi, 223 leaves , 6 unnumbered leaves)

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