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Plano Municipal de Educa??o: processo de constru??o e implementa??o no munic?pio de Espinosa (MG)

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Previous issue date: 2017 / A presente disserta??o visa a investigar o processo de constru??o e implementa??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o ? PME da cidade de Espinosa (MG). O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar o processo de constru??o e implementa??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o desse Munic?pio, al?m de discutir os fundamentos legais que endossam a formula??o de um PME, identificar as etapas de sua elabora??o, apontar as estrat?gias de constru??o do Plano, e observar como a participa??o popular foi garantida na formula??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o da cidade em quest?o. Essa pesquisa cont?m as seguintes classifica??es: quanto ? abordagem, a pesquisa ? qualitativa, uma vez que sua inten??o ? investigar um processo social de relev?ncia, ao mesmo tempo em que busca entender o comportamento dos sujeitos atuantes nesse mesmo processo; quanto aos objetivos, trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, pois tenta mapear o processo hist?rico de constru??o de um ordenamento jur?dico-social, delineado por um grupo social espec?fico; e quanto aos procedimentos, a pesquisa ? documental, pois avalia e examina documentos e pe?as oficiais que ensejaram a cria??o do Plano Municipal de Educa??o de Espinosa/MG. Os instrumentos empregados para levantar informa??es foram a An?lise Documental e o Question?rio. Atrav?s da An?lise Documental, fez-se o exame das Atas da Reuni?o da C?mara de Vereadores que aprovou a Lei do PME de Espinosa/MG, dos textos de leis Federais, Estaduais e Municipais relacionados ao tema e de documentos produzidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o. As informa??es utilizadas nessa pesquisa constam da Constitui??o Federal de 1988, da Lei Federal n? 13.005, de 25 de junho de 2014, dos Documentos Orientadores emanados do Minist?rio da Educa??o inerentes ? formula??o dos Planos, dos sites oficiais desse Minist?rio, da Lei Municipal n? 1.568 ? Plano Municipal de Educa??o ?, da Lei Org?nica do Munic?pio de Espinosa e dos Atos Administrativos expedidos por este munic?pio. Por meio do Question?rio, obtivemos informa??es suplementares aos documentos citados, uma vez que a documenta??o de que se tinha ? disposi??o n?o garantiu o alcance dos objetivos aqui determinados. O Marco Te?rico foi constru?do a partir das publica??es de diversos estudiosos alinhados ?s tem?ticas do Planejamento Estrat?gico, Pol?ticas P?blicas, Sistema, Plano e Gest?o Municipal de Ensino, al?m de Democracia e Participa??o. No cap?tulo 2 h? a discuss?o do conceito de democracia e suas subdivis?es, demonstrando sua relev?ncia para a compreens?o do processo de participa??o social. Tal cap?tulo foi constru?do com base nos estudos de Bobbio (2015), Dallari (2010), Ferreira Filho (2010) e Nogueira (2005). No cap?tulo 3, ? discutido o conceito de planejamento governamental como uma modalidade de pol?tica p?blica, por se tratar de um conjunto de a??es articuladas e organizadas pelo poder p?blico com vistas ao atendimento da coletividade. Utilizou-se os trabalhos de Bruel (2010), Parente (2010), Ferreira (2015) e Bordignon (2013) para respaldar a discuss?o. Ao fim da disserta??o, nas considera??es finais, chegou-se a importantes conclus?es. Uma delas, em rela??o ?s etapas de elabora??o do Plano ? luz dos te?ricos, verifica-se que houve, na fase de constru??o, a observ?ncia quase que un?nime aos princ?pios defendidos por estudiosos do campo educacional. Enfatiza-se, por?m, um ponto que n?o foi observado pelo Munic?pio: a capacita??o e prepara??o dos membros da Comiss?o para lidar com a fun??o relevante de participar dos debates deste documento inestim?vel para a educa??o municipal. Sobre a participa??o da sociedade civil, o Question?rio demonstrou que houve uma t?mida participa??o popular na formula??o do Plano, demonstrando um trabalho quase limitado aos pr?prios membros da Comiss?o. N?o se conseguiu, contudo, responder ?s quest?es inerentes ? implementa??o e monitoramento das metas do PME. Espera-se que, a partir deste trabalho, outros estudos possam ser realizados a fim de se investigar os pontos n?o respondidos ? ou at? mesmo que novas ideias sejam reveladas a partir daqui. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The present master?s thesis aims at investigating the process construction and implementation of the Municipal Education Plan ? PME of the city of Espinosa (MG). The general objective was to analyze the process of construction and implementation of the Municipal Education Plan of that city, besides discussing the legal foundations that support the formulation of a PME, identifying the stages of its elaboration, pointing out the strategies applied for the PME construction, and observing how the people participation was granted in the formulation of the Municipal Education Plan of the city.This research relies on the follow classification: regarding the approach, the research is qualitative, since its aim is investigate a relevant social process, at the same time it seeks to understand the behavior of the subjects that act upon this process; regarding its objectives, it is a descriptive research, for it maps the historical process of construction of a juridical-social planning, delineated by a specific social group; and regarding the procedures, the research is documental, for it evaluates and exams documents and official pieces that gave rise to the creation of the Municipal Education Plan of Espinosa. The tools applied for data gathering were Document Analysis and Questionnaire. Through Document Analysis, we have examined the Reports of the Meetings of Chamber of Councilors that has approved the Law of PME of Espinosa, of the text of the Federal, State and Municipal laws related to the theme and to the documents produced by the Municipal Education Secretary. The information used in this research consists of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, the Federal Law n? 13.005, in June, 25, 2014, of the Guiding Document emanated by the Education Ministry related to the Plan formulation, of the official sites of that Ministry, of the Municipal Law n. 1.568 ? Municipal Education Plan -, of the Organic Law of the city of Espinosa and the Administrative Acts expedited by this city. By means of the Questionnaire, we have gathered supplementary information about the afore mentioned documents, since the documentation to what we had access did not granted to reach the objectives determined here. The theoretical foundation was constructed upon the publication of several studies aligned the themes of Strategic Planning, Public Policies, System, Municipal Plan and Management, besides Democracy and Participation. In the second chapter we found the discussion of the concept of democracy and its subdivisions, demonstrating its relevancy for the understanding of the process of social participation. That chapter was constructed based upon the studies of Bobbio (2015), Dallari (2010), Ferreira Filho (2010) and Nogueira (2005). In the third chapter, we discuss the concept of government planning as a modality of public policy, for it is a set of articulated and organized actions by the public power aiming to serve the collectivity. We have used the works of Bruel (2010), Parente (2010), Ferreira (2015) and Bordignon (2013) to support the discussion. At the end of the master?s thesis, at the final consideration, we came to important conclusions. One of them, in relation the stages of the elaboration of the plan from the theorists? point of view, we found that there was, at the construction stage, the observation almost unanimous to the principles held by the scholars of educational field. We emphasize, though, one point that was not observed by the city: the training and preparation of the members of the Commission for dealing with the relevant function of participating of the debates of that invaluable document for municipal education. About the participation of civil society, the questionnaire proved that there was a timid people participation on the plan formulation, showing a work almost limited to the members of the commission themselves. We could not, though, to answer the question inherent to the implementation and monitoring of the goals of PME. We hope that, from the present work, other studies can be carried on in order to investigate the points that were not answered, or even that new ideas be revealed from here.
Date31 October 2017
CreatorsPires, Fernando de Carvalho
ContributorsNeves, Leonardo dos Santos, Ramalho, Mara L?cia, Ramalho, Maria Nailde Martins, Mattos, Robson Aldrin Lima, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM), Neves, Leonardo dos Santos
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFVJM, instname:Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, instacron:UFVJM
RightsA concess?o da licen?a deste item refere-se ao ? termo de autoriza??o impresso assinado pelo autor, assim como na licen?a Creative Commons, com as seguintes condi??es: Na qualidade de titular dos direitos de autor da publica??o, autorizo a Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri e o IBICT a disponibilizar por meio de seus reposit?rios, sem ressarcimento dos direitos autorais, de acordo com a Lei n? 9610/98, o texto integral da obra disponibilizada, conforme permiss?es assinaladas, para fins de leitura, impress?o e/ou download, a t?tulo de divulga??o da produ??o cient?fica brasileira, e preserva??o, a partir desta data., info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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