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Developing a coaching model as an approach to improve service delivery in the public sector

Thesis (MA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a developing country and is experiencing all the problems, challenges and opportunities associated with that situation, one of which is a very definite shortage of relevant and appropriate human resource, technical and managerial skills. This is having a negative effect in many areas, including in the public sector.
Public sector organisations are faced with another dilemma arising from the shortage of skilled employees. The issues relating to service delivery which have led to violent protests in communities around the country at the time of writing (August 2009) have been in part been exacerbated by the ever-increasing lack of managers and other personnel. There is also the problem of experienced personnel who have accepted more senior positions in their organisations or have accepted positions in other organisations, being replaced with qualified, but inexperienced staff. A third problem which occurs is when new, but inexperienced personnel are appointed in an organisation.
It is necessary, in all instances, to develop the skills within the organisation through a mixture of formal and informal approaches to ensure that the people-related short-, medium- and long-term goals of the organisation are addressed. One of the interventions which can be utilised to deal with the lack of administrative, technical and managerial skills in the public sector in South Africa is coaching.
A literature review is presented which covers a historical and conceptual overview of coaching and an in-depth review of a variety of coaching models and their application. There is also a literature review of the public sector in South Africa, the history and the key legislation and policy documents setting out the human resource approaches and strategies to to
Copyright © 2009 Stellenbosch University
All rights reserved
establish a link between the problems, challenges and opportunities in the public sector and coaching as an intervention to improve individual performance.
A model for coaching which can be utilised in the public sector has been constructed utilising the latest concepts and theories. This model has been reviewed and evaluated by subject matter experts to assess its relevance and appropriateness as a suitable intervention to deal with people-related issues in the public sector in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrika is ʼn ontwikkelende land en ondervind al die probleme, uitdagings en geleenthede wat met daardie situasie verband hou, een waarvan die baie definitiewe tekort aan relevante en geskikte menslike hulpbron-, tegniese- en bestuursvaardighede. Dit het ʼn negatiewe effek in baie areas, insluitend in die openbare sektor.
Openbare sektor organisasies staar ʼn ander dilemma in die gesig wat uit die tekort aan bekwame werknemers voortspruit. Die geskilpunte rondom dienslewering wat tot die geweldadige protesaksies in baie gemeenskappe (Augustus 2009) is gedeeltelik vererger deur die toenemende tekort aan bestuurders en ander personeel. Daar is ook die probleem van ervare personeel wat meer senior posisies in hul organisasies aanvaar het of posisies in ander organisasies aanvaar het en wat deur gekwalifiseerde, maar onervare personeel vervang word. ʼn Derde probleem wat voorkom is wanneer nuwe, maar onervare personeel in ʼn organisasie aangestel word.
Dit is nodig, in alle gevalle, om die vaardighede binne ʼn organisasie te ontwikkel, deur ʼn mengsel van formele en informele benaderings, om te verseker dat die mensverwante kort-, medium- en langtermyn doelwitte van die organisasie geadreseer word. Een van die intervensies wat gebruik kan word om aandag aan die tekort aan administratiewe, tegniese en bestuursvaardighede in die openbare sektor in die Suid Afrikaanse te gee is “coaching” (dit is interessant dat daar nog geen geskikte Afrikaanse woord vir “coaching” na vore gekom het).
ʼn Literatuuroorsig word aangebied wat ʼn historiese en konseptuele oorsig van “coaching” dek en ʼn indiepte oorsig van ʼn verskeidenheid van “coaching”-modelle en hul aanwending. Daar is ook ʼn literatuuroorsig van die openbare sektor in Suid Afrika, die geskiedenis en die belangrikste
Copyright © 2009 Stellenbosch University
All rights reserved
wetgewing wat die benaderings oor menslike hulpbronne en die strategieë om skakel tussen die probleme, uitdagings en geleenthede in die openbare sektor en “coaching” as ʼn intervensie om indiwiduele prestasie te verbeter.
ʼn Model vir “coaching” wat in die openbare sektor kan gebruik kan word is uit die jongste konsepte en teorieë saamgestel. Hierdie model was deur onderwerpdeskundiges nagegaan en geëvalueer om die relevansie en geskiktheid daarvan as ʼn intervensie om mensverwante-geskilpunte te hanteer in die openbare sektor in Suid Afrika.
Date12 1900
CreatorsVan der Molen, Karel (Karel Harry)
ContributorsSchwella, Erwin, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Management and Planning.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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