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Lietuvos darbo rinkos politikos analizė / Analysis of Lithuanian labour market policy

Šiame darbe analizuojama Lietuvos darbo rinkos politika. Darbo rinka yra viena pagrindinių ekonominės sistemos rinkų. Tuo pačiu ji yra ir socialinis reiškinys įtakojantis pagrindinius socialinės raidos veiksnius – gyvenimo lygį, užimtumą, išsilavinimą, įsidarbinimo galimybes, darbo užmokestį. 2004 metai Lietuvai ir jos įgyvendinamai darbo rinkos politikai buvo labai svarbūs ir reikšmingi. Lietuva įstojusi į Europos Sąjungą tapo realiu Europos užimtumo strategijos įgyvendinimo ir atviro jos koordinavimo proceso dalyviu. Darbo tikslas - įvertinti pastarųjų metų Lietuvos darbo rinkos situaciją ir valstybės politiką šioje srityje, išsiaiškinti Lietuvos pastangas siekiant prisitaikyti prie Europos Sąjungos keliamų reikalavimų, identifikuoti kliūtis, trukdančias plėtrai. / Policy of Lithuanian labour market is analysed in the present work. Labour market is one of the main markets of the economic system. It is also a social phenomenon influencing the main factors of social development - the standard of life, employment, education, employment possibilities, and wages. 2004 was very important and significant for Lithuania and the policy of the labour market realised by it. Upon entering of the European Union we became actual participators of the European employment strategy realisation and its open coordination process. The purpose of this work is to sum up the Lithuanian labour market situation of the recent years and country policy in this direction, to ascertain endeavour made by Lithuania seeking to adapt to the requirements raised by the European Union as well as to identify obstacles that keep down the development.
In this work is reviewed labour market and labour market policy by theoretical aspects. That become the basis upon analysing the labour market management system in the case of Lithuania. The main country labour institutions are singled out in the research as well as active and passive measures of the labour market policy prepared and realised by these institutions together with their efficiency. Evaluation of legitimate basis regulating Lithuanian labour market and the strategy of the European Union is performed. Lithuanian labour market, its development tendencies and influencing factors are analysed. Situation of individual... [to full text]
Date08 January 2007
CreatorsLabonaitė, Asta
ContributorsGrižas, Ramutis Alfredas, Panovas, Igoris, Davulis, Gediminas, Damulienė, Aldona, Cirkinienė, Aura, Mykolas Romeris University
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Mykolas Romeris University
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster thesis

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