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"Man kan inte bara komma och slå på en power point" : Om några skolbibliotekariers arbete med medie- och informationskunnighet i särskolan / "You can´t just go in and show them a power point" : How some school librarians work with media and information literacy with pupils with intellectual disability in Sweden

This study aims to investigate how school librarians work with media- and information literacy, MIL, with middle- and highschool pupils with intellectual disability, ID, in Sweden.  The Swedish government has decided that all Swedish citizens shall be digitally included, but there are people that are not. For example people with different disabilities. In Sweden it is common that school librarians work with MIL in schools – but it is also common to not have either a school library or an educated librarian in the school library.  In this study I have interviewed three school librarians that are educated and work full time in their schools´ library, with all the pupils in the school, also the pupils with ID. The theory in the study is the TLC-model, Teacher and Librarian Cooperation, by Professor Patricia Montiel-Overall. The model is explaining how teachers and librarians can work together in school, to fulfill the curriculum for every student. The model has four stages, where the first stage is not working together so much at all, and up to the fourth stage, where teachers and librarians work closely, and also plan the lessons and education, together. Monitel-Overall´s model is based mainly on sociocultural theory, which means that we learn things best in a social context, as the Russian philosopher and psychologist Vygotsky said. His thoughts on sociocultural theory has often been used and referred to in pedagogical research and also in school context. This study shows that the school librarians that are interviewed all have support from their headmasters and the teachers. The librarians are creative and often make their own material. But it also shows that librarians often are quite lonely in their profession in school, even when they have teachers as colleagues. / Denna studie undersöker hur skolbibliotekarier arbetar med medie- och informationskunnighet, MIK, med elever i mellan- och högstadiet med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, IF, i Sverige.  Den svenska regeringen har bestämt att alla medborgare ska vara digitalt delaktiga. Men det finns de som inte är det, exempelvis personer med olika funktionsnedsättningar.  Det är vanligt att skolbibliotekarier arbetar med MIK i skolor, men det är också vanligt att inte ha antingen ett skolbibliotek eller en utbildad bibliotekarie i skolbiblioteket.  I denna studie har jag intervjuat tre bibliotekarier som är utbildade och arbetar heltid i sina skolbibliotek med alla elever i skolan, även de som har IF. Studien har använt sig av professor Patricia Montiel-Overalls samarbetsmodell, som grundar sig i en sociokulturell teori, som den ryske filosofen och psykologen Vygotskij lade grunden till. Han menade att vi lär oss bäst i en social kontext och hans teori har ofta använts i pedagogisk forskning och i skolans praktik. Studien visar att bibliotekarierna är kreativa och använder olika sorts material när de undervisar elever med IF, men att de också måste ta fram mycket material själva. Den visar också att de har rektorns och lärarnas stöd.  Men den visar också att skolbibliotekarier ofta är ensamma i sitt yrke på skolan, även om de har lärare som kollegor.
Date January 2022
CreatorsDzedina, Annika
PublisherSödertörns högskola, Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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