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Evaluation of the Western Cape Provincial Government’s land provision programme for new state health facilities

Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research was undertaken during 2009/2010 and focused on the Western Cape Department of Transport & Public Works (DPW) programme for the provision of land for the construction of new state health facilities (hospitals, community health centres, clinics) in the province. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the Department has instituted proper policy to deliver the required land, and whether this policy is implemented successfully. The study was thus, in essence, an evaluation of a government policy programme.
The following are the overall findings and conclusions, per chapter:
•Chapter 1 provides an introduction, with reference to the main research question and related questions.
•In Chapter 2 important theory on policy evaluation is presented, and a Policy Documentation Template (PDT) developed, capturing the essential principles and elements for effective public policy documents.
•In Chapter 3 important selected sections of the existing conceptual/theoretical body of knowledge on policy implementation are explored and analysed by the researcher, leading to identification of critical implementation principles/lessons as well as the Policy Implementation Monitor (PIM).
•In Chapter 4 the DPW‟s set of policy documentation related to land provision for new state health facilities is studied, described, analysed, and compared with the PDT. It is found that an effective and enforceable annual operational plan does not exist, rendering successful policy implementation and monitoring impossible.
•In Chapter 5 the implementation of the policy documents is described, and critically analysed. The PIM and lessons learnt from policy implementation theory are applied to DPW‟s implementation practice. Serious shortcomings are found in the implementation of the land provision programme – especially regarding ineffective cooperation between the Provincial Departments of Public Works and Health – resulting in delayed delivery of land for new state health facilities.
•Chapter 6 contains the researcher‟s conclusions and policy recommendations.
The researcher produces the following recommendations for consideration by the Minister, to address the problems in the DPW land provision policy programme:
A. Appointment of a policy think tank (group of independent expert professional individuals with high-order management skills) with the following tasks:
•Facilitate the establishment of a Health Facilities Partnership Contract (HFPC) between DPW and the Provincial Department of Health by 31 March 2011.
•Ensure that the HFPC contains the essential elements on functioning of the partnership, and includes the mutually agreed new state health facility projects, of which construction must start over the next three financial years (2011/12 – 2013/14); also initiate an electronic management cockpit to be used by the Minister for real-time (24 hr) monitoring of progress with the priority land/facility projects.
•Document a broad policy and strategic framework for innovative asset management approaches and models that will maximise revenue streams for DPW, and increase the value of the asset base of the Western Cape Provincial Government; this policy framework should include reference to inner city renewal in Cape Town, as well as asset-based urban regeneration and economic development in other larger towns of the Western Cape (e.g. George, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Hermanus, Paarl/Wellington, etc.).
•Make recommendations regarding updating of the asset register of DPW, including reference to effecting and conclusion of the transfer of various real estate properties that have not been transferred to DPW yet, and regarding sophisticated information/communication technology (ICT) solutions that will modernise DPW‟s asset management to international best practice standards.
B. The „policy think tank‟ (Ministerial advisory group) should have experts from outside DPW as members, but will have to engage with the DPW top management (Head of Department; Chief Director of Property Management; Director of Property Development) in a partnership context in order to have the HFPC established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is onderneem gedurende 2009/2010 en fokus op die Wes-Kaap Departement van Vervoer & Openbare Werke program vir die voorsiening van grond vir die konstruksie van nuwe staatsgesondheidsfasiliteite (hospitale, gemeenskap gesondheidsentrums, klinieke) in die provinsie. Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel of die Department behoorlike beleid ingestel het om die vereiste grond te lewer, en of hierdie beleid suksesvol geimplementeer word. Die studie was dus, in wese, 'n evaluering van 'n regeringsbeleidsprogram.
Die volgende oorhoofse bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak, per hoofstuk:
•Hoofstuk 1 beslaan die inleiding, met verwysing na die hoof navorsingsvraag en verwante vrae.
•In Hoofstuk 2 word belangrike teorie oor beleidsevaluering voorgehou, en 'n Beleid Dokumentasie Patroonplaat (BDP) word ontwikkel, wat die wesenlike beginsels en elemente vir effektiewe openbare beleidsdokumente bevat.
•In Hoofstuk 3 word belangrike geselekteerde dele van die bestaande konseptuele/teoretiese kennispoel oor beleidsimplementering ondersoek en ontleed deur die navorser, wat lei na die identifikasie van kritiese implementering beginsels/lesse, asook die Beleid Implementering Monitor (BIM).
•In Hoofstuk 4 word die Departement se stel beleidsdokumente rakende grondvoorsiening vir nuwe staatsgesondheidsfasiliteite bestudeer, beskryf, ontleed en vergelyk met die BDP. Dit word bevind dat geen effektiewe en afdwingbare jaarlikse operasionele plan bestaan nie, wat suksesvolle beleidsimplementering en monitering onmoontlik maak.
•In Hoofstuk 5 word die implementering van die beleidsdokumente beskryf en krities ontleed. Die BIM en lesse uit die beleidsimplementering teorie word toegepas op die Departement se implementeringspraktyk. Ernstige tekortkominge word gevind in die implementering van die grondvoorsiening program – veral rakende die oneffektiewe samewerking tussen die Departemente van Openbare Werke en Gesondheid – met vertraagde lewering van grond vir nuwe staatsgesondheidfasiliteite die gevolg.
•Hoofstuk 6 bevat die navorser se gevolgtrekkings en beleidsaanbevelings.
Die navorser produseer die volgende aanbevelings vir oorweging deur die Minister, om die probleme in die Departement se grondvoorsiening beleidsprogram aan te spreek:
A. Aanwysing van 'n beleid denkgroep ('n groep onafhanklike deskundige individue met hoë orde bestuursvaardighede) met die volgende take:
•Fasiliteer die vestiging van 'n Gesondheidsfasiliteite Vennootskap Kontrak (GFVK) tussen die provinsiale Departemente van Openbare Werke en Gesondheid, teen 31 Maart 2011.
•Verseker dat die GFVK die wesenlike elemente bevat betreffende funksionering van die vennootskap, asook die wedersyds ooreengekome projekte vir nuwe staatsgesondheidfasiliteite waarvan konstruksie 'n aanvang moet neem oor die volgende drie finansiële jare (2011/12 – 2013/14); inisieer ook 'n elektroniese bestuurskajuit vir gebruik van die Minister in die konstante (24 uur) monitering van vordering met die prioriteit grond/fasiliteite projekte.
•Dokumenteer die breë beleid en strategiese raamwerk vir innoverende batebestuur benaderings en modelle, wat die inkomste strome vir die Departemente sal optimaliseer, en die waarde van die bate basis van die Wes-Kaap Provinsiale Regering sal vergroot; hierdie beleidsraamwerk moet verwysing na middestad-vernuwing in Kaapstad insluit, asook bate-gefundeerde stedelike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in ander groter dorpe in die Wes-Kaap (soos George, Mosselbaai, Oudtshoorn, Hermanus, Paarl/Wellington, ens.).
•Doen aanbevelings rakende die opdatering van die bate register van die Departement, insluitende verwysing na die uitvoer en afhandeling van die oordragte van verskeie vaste eiendomme wat nog nie oorgedra is na die Departement nie, asook rakende gesofistikeerde informasie/kommunikasie tegnologie (IKT) oplossings wat die Departement se batebestuur sal moderniseer tot internasionale beste-praktyk standaard.
B. Die „beleid denkgroep‟ (Ministeriele adviesgroep) moet deskundiges van buite die Departement as lede hê, maar sal in gesprek moet tree met die Departement se topbestuur (Hoof van Departement; Hoof Direkteur van Eiendomsbestuur; Direkteur van Eiendomsontwikkeling) in 'n vennootskapskonteks, sodat die GFVK tot stand kan kom.
Date03 1900
CreatorsConradie, Hendrik Francois
ContributorsCloete, Fanie, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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