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The development of the team effectiveness measure (TEM) : an assessment instrument for use in identifying and developing team effectiveness

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Team effectiveness will be crucial to the success of managers and their
organisations in the twenty first century. Managers will have to determine the
effectiveness of their teams with the help of valid and reliable measurement
instruments. This study project was undertaken to design and develop a team
effectiveness assessment instrument that has been proven to be internally
valid and reliable, for use by managers in order to identify and develop team
effectiveness in their work teams. The construction of the Team Effectiveness
Measure (TEM) depended largely on the identification of the elements that are
needed for a team to be effective. This was achieved by researching existing
literature and extracting a list of elements that was common to effective
teams. The resultant Team Effectiveness Criterion Instrument, used in
conjunction with practical experience, was then used to construct the
Preliminary TEM. The methodology used in constructing and validating the
TEM consisted of five steps. The concept of team effectiveness was specified,
by using the results of the literature study, which identified eight discernible
dimensions of team effectiveness. These dimensions are: balanced
composition, clear objectives and focus, positive climate, dynamic culture,
effective relationships, open communication, sound procedures and effective
leadership. The next step was to create a pool of items by using the findings
of the literature study. This resulted in a total pool of one hundred items,
which were included in the Preliminary TEM. The format of the TEM was then
constructed, consisting of demographic information and a Semantic
Differential Scale, with a seven point bipolar rating scale. The next step was to
determine the construct validity of the TEM. Applying the Preliminary TEM to
a sample group of one hundred and ninety six people, and subjecting the
results to statistical analysis achieved this. The Item Total Correlation and
Coefficient Alpha was determined, followed by a Factor Analysis, which led to
the refinement of the Preliminary TEM. The end result was the final TEM,
which consisted of three main factors and a total of thirty elements. The
results of the analysis of the final TEM, being an extremely high Cronbach
Coefficient -Alpha of 0.94, and a consistently high Item Total Correlation, is
evidence of the internal consistency of the TEM. The results of the factor analysis, a loading of more than 0.6 on all items, reflect positively on the
construct validity of the TEM. Only the items with the highest level of reliability
were retained. The final conclusion, based on the results, was that the
contents of the TEM were sufficiently validated and was usable as an
instrument for assessing team effectiveness. This means that the results
obtained from the use of the instrument can be trusted and used for making
recommendations on the development of a team. It must however, be noted
that the TEM needs to be subjected to further reliability and construct validity
testing. This does not however, detract from the fact that the TEM can be
used effectively as a measure for managers for team effectiveness, team
functioning, identifying symptoms of poor team work that prohibits
performance and for measuring the "temperature" of the team. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sukses van bestuurders en organisasies in die een-en-twintigste eeu is
deels afhanklik van die sukses en die effektiwiteit van hul werkspanne.
Bestuurders sal geldige en betroubare meetinstrumente nodig hê om te
bepaal op watter vlak van effektiewe werking hulle spanne is. Die doel van
hierdie studie projek was om 'n meetsinstrument vir spaneffektiwiteit te
ontwerp en ontwikkel, wat getoets is vir interne geldigheid en betroubaarheid.
Die meetinstrument moet gebruik kan word deur bestuurders om
spaneffektiwiteit te indentifiseer en ontwikkel. Dit was belangrik om eers die
elemente wat nodig is vir spanne om effektief te funksioneer, te identifiseer,
deur gebruik te maak van 'n literatuurstudie oor spaneffektiwiteit. Die bestaande literatuur is gebruik om 'n lys van elemente te identifiseer wat
algemeen in effektiewe spanne voorkom. Hierdie lys van elemente, sowel as
praktiese ervaring, is gebruik om die Voorlopige Spaneffektiwiteits
Meetinstrument (TEM) op te stel. Die metedologie wat gebruik is, is om 'n vyf
stap benadering te volg in die ontwikkeling van die TEM. Eerstens is die
konsep van spaneffektiwiteit gespesifiseer, deur gebruik te maak van die
resultate van die literatuur studie. Agt dimensies is as volg geidentifiseer:
Gebalanseerde samestelling, duidelike doelwitte en fokus, positiewe klimaat,
dinamiese kultuur, effektiewe verhoudinge, oop kommunikasie, gevestigde
prosedure, en goeie leierskap. In die volgende stap is 'n poel van items
saamgestel deur gebruik te maak van die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie.
In totaal is 100 items ingesluit in die Voorlopige TEM. Volgende aan die beurt
was die opstel van die formaat van die TEM, wat bestaan het uit
demografiese inligting, sowel as 'n Semanties Differensiële Skaal met 'n sewe
punt bipolêre skaal. Dit is gevolg deur die vastelling van die konstruk
geldigheid van die TEM, deur die toepassing van die vraelys op 196 mense
en die statistese verwerking van die resultate. Die Item Totaal Korrelasie en
die Koëffisient Alfa is bepaal en dit is gevolg deur 'n Faktor Analise. Hierdie
resultate is gebruik om die TEM te verfyn tot 'n instrument met drie hoof
faktore en 'n totaal van dertig items. Bewyse vir die interne konsekentheid van
die TEM is verkry deur die hoë Cronbach Koëffisient van 0.94, en 'n
deurlopende hoë Item Totaal Korrelasie. Die resultate van die Faktor Analise was 'n deurlopende hoë telling van meer as 0.6, wat positief reflekteer op die
konstruk geldigheid van die TEM. Slegs die items met die hoogste vlak van
betroubaarheid is gekies vir insluiting in die finale TEM. Dit alles dui daarop
dat die resultate wat vekry gaan word deur die toepassing van die TEM op
spanne, vertrou kan word en gebruik kan word om aanbevelings te maak vir
die ontwikkeling van die span. Daar moet egter genoem word dat verdere
betroubaarheid en konstruk geldigheid studies nodig sal wees op die TEM,
aangesien die TEM slegs vir interne geldigheid getoets is. Die resultate van
die analise is egter bevredigend genoeg dat die TEM met vertroue gebruik
kan word deur bestuurders om die vlak van ontwikkeling en effektiwiteit van
hul spanne te kan bepaal.
Date12 1900
CreatorsVictor, Johan
ContributorsDenton, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format83 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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