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An Anglican parish in transformation : the history of St. Margaret’s, Parow, 1942 - 1995

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch Univeristy, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an historical analysis of the History of St. Margaret’s Anglican Parish,
situated in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. While documenting the history of the
parish since its establishment in 1942, it also critically examines its response to the
socio-political changes the country was going through such as the Group Areas Act
and in so doing, determines the extent of its own transformation.
St. Margaret’s was not the first Anglican parish in Parow. An Anglican presence
existed in Parow since 1900 with St. John the Baptist being the first parish along with
an Anglican primary school, namely Glen Lily. The Anglican parishes of Parow were
profoundly affected by apartheid, especially the Group Areas Act which completely
changed the landscape of the town and the roles of the parishes. It led to the deconsecration
of St. John’s and the closure of Glen Lily Primary school. The church
building survived, but the school was completely demolished.
St. Margaret’s did became an independent parish, but faced many challenges as it
struggled to cope with the call from the Anglican Church to become agents of
reconciliation while Archbishop Tutu called for sanctions against South Africa and
seemingly supported the armed struggle. Despite the unhappiness with the
Archbishop’s call for greater commitment to the abolition of apartheid, the
congregation did in time find its own metier. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studiestuk bied ‘n historiese analise van die Geskiedenis van die St. Margarets
Anglikaanse Gemeente wat in die noordelike voorstede van Kaapstad geleë is. Terwyl
die geskiedenis van dié gemeente sedert sy ontstaan in 1942 gedek word, word daar
ook krities gekyk na die reaksie op die sosio-politiese veranderinge wat die land
ondergaan het, soos die Groepsgebiedewet, waardeur ook die omvang van die
gemeente se eie transformasieproses bepaal is.
St Margarets was nie die eerste Anglikaanse-gemeente in Parow nie. Reeds sedert
1900 het St John the Baptist as eerste gemeente bestaan, tesame met ‘n Anglikaanse
primêre skool, Glen Lily. Die Anglikaanse-gemeentes van Parow is deeglik geraak
deur apartheid, veral die Groepsgebiedewet wat die voorkoms van die dorp en die rol
van dié gemeentes totaal verander het. Dit het tot die sekularisering van St Johns en
die sluiting van die Laerskool Glen Lily gelei. Die kerkgebou het behoue gebly, maar
die skool is heeltemal gesloop.
St Margarets het ‘n onafhanklike gemeente geword, maar het nog verskeie uitdagings
in die gesig gestaar in sy stryd om te voldoen aan die oproep van die Anglikaanse
Kerk om agente te word vir rekonsiliasie, terwyl Aartsbiskop Tutu gevra het vir
sanksies teen Suid-Afrika en oënskynlik die gewapende stryd ondersteun het. Ten
spyte van die ongelukkigheid wat die Aartsbiskop se oproep om groter toegewydheid
aan die afskaffing van apartheid veroorsaak het, het die gemeente mettertyd haar eie
métier gevind.
Date03 1900
CreatorsDavids, Tessa Dawn
ContributorsGrundlingh, Albert M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of History.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format127 p. : col. ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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