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Bem-estar subjetivo em adultos e idosos / Subjective well-being in adults and elderly people

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Previous issue date: 2003-08-29 / Promoting subjective well-being is one of the issues of psychological science. The increase of longevity has made the development of studies about aging necessary, in order to understand this part of the population that is increasing all over the world. This research had the objective of investigating the factors which are responsible for subjective well-being that are pointed out in literature, from the point of view of participants who attend and who do not attend the university for the third age. The sample was composed by 92 participants, divided into two groups: 54 attended the university for the third age and 38 did not, and in this last group 15 were from a socio-recreational club and 23 from a catholic church. In each group two age spans have been considered: (a) from 41 to 60 years old; (b) from 61 to 80 years old and above. In the group that attended the university for the third age we had 96% of females, 65% of married people and 25% of widowed people; 55 % had finished elementary school, 53% were housewives and 95% were catholic. On the other hand, in the group that didn t attend the university for the third age, 64% were females and 36% males, 97% were married and there was no widow or widower, 45 % had finished college, 35% had a profession and 90% were catholic. We made use of a subjective well-being scale, elaborated for this study, which was composed of 36 items that investigate 6 areas: Life Fulfillment/ Happiness, Extroversion, Persistency/ Establishment of goals, Social Support/ Contact, Physical Health and Optimism, plus three extra open questions. Through variance analysis differences were found out with respect to the area of Health (favorable to the younger age span), Life Fulfillment/ Happiness (favorable to the group that didn t attend the university for the third age), school level (college educated participants presented higher scores) and in two areas of the scale when club vs. church participants were confronted. Positive correlation was found between all areas investigated by the scale in the group that attend the university for the third age. The analysis of the open questions revealed the importance of family, social and personal characteristics in subjective well-being. Attendance to the university for the third age was noted as a powerful factor to give a new sense to life. Other reasons to attend the university for the third age were: increasing social contact and learning new things. Data were also found that suggest the importance of two factors that have not been dealt with in this study: religion and widowhood. Attempting to better understand subjective well-being and ways to reach it should be a part of the studies dedicated to quality of life in adults and elderly people. / Promover o bem-estar subjetivo ? uma das preocupa??es da ci?ncia psicol?gica. Com o aumento da longevidade, estudos sobre o envelhecimento se fazem necess?rios para a compreens?o desta parcela da popula??o que est? aumentando no mundo todo. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os fatores respons?veis pelo bem-estar subjetivo, apontados pela literatura, na vis?o de participantes que freq?entam e que n?o freq?entam a universidade para a terceira idade. A amostra foi composta de 92 participantes, divididos em 2 grupos: 54 freq?entavam a universidade para a terceira idade e 38 n?o, sendo que, destes ?ltimos, 15 pertenciam a um clube s?cio-recreativo e 23 a uma Igreja Cat?lica. Em cada grupo foram consideradas duas faixas et?rias: (a) de 41 a 60 anos; (b) de 61 a 80 anos e mais. No grupo que freq?entava a universidade para a terceira idade tivemos 96% do sexo feminino, 65% casados e 25% vi?vos; 55% terminaram o 1? grau, 53% do lar e 95% eram cat?licos. Em contrapartida, no grupo que n?o freq?entava a universidade para a terceira idade 64% eram do sexo feminino e 36% do sexo masculino; 97% casados, n?o sendo encontrados vi?vos; 45% terminaram um curso superior, 35% tinham uma profiss?o e 90% eram cat?licos. Foi utilizada uma Escala de bem-estar subjetivo, constru?da para este estudo, composta de 36 itens que investigam 6 ?reas: Satisfa??o com a vida / Felicidade, Extrovers?o, Persist?ncia / Estabelecimento de metas, Apoio/Contato Social, Sa?de f?sica e Otimismo, al?m de 3 quest?es abertas. Atrav?s da an?lise de vari?ncia foram encontradas diferen?as em rela??o ? ?rea Sa?de (favor?vel ? faixa et?ria mais nova), Satisfa??o com a vida/Felicidade (favor?vel ao grupo que n?o freq?entava a universidade para a terceira idade), n?vel de escolaridade (escolaridade superior apresentou m?dias mais altas) e em duas ?reas da escala (quando foram comparados os participantes de clube x igreja). Foi encontrada correla??o positiva entre todas as ?reas investigadas pela escala, no grupo que freq?enta a universidade para a terceira idade. A an?lise das quest?es abertas revelou a import?ncia de caracter?sticas pessoais, sociais e familiares no bem-estar subjetivo. A freq??ncia ? universidade para a terceira idade foi apontada como poderoso fator para se dar um novo significado ? vida. Outros motivos apontados para freq?entar a universidade: ampliar o contato social e aprender coisas novas. Tamb?m foram encontrados dados que sugerem a import?ncia de dois fatores n?o investigados neste estudo: religi?o e viuvez. Buscar compreender melhor o bem-estar subjetivo e maneiras de alcan??-lo devem fazer parte dos estudos dedicados ? qualidade de vida nos adultos e idosos.
Date29 August 2003
CreatorsCruz, S?nia Regina Blasi
ContributorsWechsler, Solange Muglia, Neri, Anita Liberalesso, Fiamenghi Jr, Geraldo Ant?nio
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia, PUC-Campinas, BR, CCV ? Centro de Ci?ncias da Vida
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_CAMPINAS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, instacron:PUC_CAMP

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