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Rizikos valdymo strategijos IT projektuose / Risk management strategies for it projects

Magistro darbo objektas – IT projektų rizikos valdymo strategijos. Darbo tikslas - išnagrinėti IT projektų valdyme pasitaikančias rizikas bei jų valdymo strategijas. Darbo uždaviniai: apibūdinti IT vadybos aspektus bei projekto sėkmę lemiančius veiksnius; išanalizuoti pagrindines IT projektų rizikas ir jų įtaką projekto eigai; apžvelgti grindines IT projektų rizikos valdymo strategijas, jų privalumus, trūkumus; remiantis Lietuvos didžiausių IT įmonių projektų vadovų patirtimi atlikti praktikoje naudojamų rizikos valdymo strategijų analizę. Magistro darbas gali būti naudingas verslo įmonėms, vadybos bei informacinių technologijų disciplinų dėstytojams ir studentams. / The IT sphere is rising all over the world. IT stimulate the business, increase it's effectiveness and let to reduce the financial and time expenditure of the enterprises. However, IT projects failure rate is very high and only about 1 of 5 IT projects is likely to bring full satisfaction. Risk management helps to increase project success probability. However there is no one risk management strategy which would gather the general, universal usability, therefore in cause of such a plenty of various risk management strategies and project managers have to chose themselves, which and how many strategies to use, and how to manage risk and project difficulties. The main goal of this work is to survey the risk management strategies of IT projects, to make their analysis, to assess their qualities and defaults, to offer strategies to be used for Lithuanian IT project managers. Main tasks of this work is analyze IT project management aspects, IT project risks and risk management strategies, also review strategies used in Lithuania, research which ones are the best, analyze strategies used in the biggest Lithuanian enterprises. After making analysis of the world and Lithuanian most popular risk management strategies, IT project management and risk management analysis, are offered IT project successful management steps and strategies to be used.
Date09 July 2011
CreatorsParnavas, Andrius
ContributorsJaniūnienė, Erika, Vilnius University
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Vilnius University
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster thesis

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