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Implica??es do mosaico da paisagem na estrutura e composi??o de esp?cies de quir?pteros no norte do Pantanal / Implications of the landscape mosaic on the structure and composition of species of bats in the northern Pantanal

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Previous issue date: 2016-04-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The relationship between the chiropterofauna survey and the landscape mosaic was evaluated along the left bank of S?o Louren?o River (Fazenda Santa Lucia) in the northern Pantanal, MT, Brazil. Samples were collected during 15 nights distributed during the transition period between dry and flooding seasons (end of November to mid-December 2014). A second survey was carried out during the dry season (October 2015). Several vegetational formations were sampled, considering both open (pastures, fields with mounds) and forest areas (cambara and the palm Scheelea phalerata, Arecaceae, as dominant species), totaling 24 sites. Samples were collected by mist nets set at ground level among trails, clearings in the forest, grazing areas and savanna formations (fields with mounds). A total of 27 species within five families were recorded: Emballonuridae (one species), Phyllostomidae (11 genera and 16 species), Noctilionidae (one genus and two species), Molossidae (two genera and three species) and Vespertilionidae (two genera and five species), although species from almost all trophic categories were captured. The richest trophic group was the insectivores with 48% of the species. However, its capture was relatively rare in most study sites. The highest abundance was for the frugivorous trophic guild with 68.9% of the total (454 individuals). The group is widely distributed in the mosaic, may be due to the capture method (mist nets) and to the high representation of the fruit bats subfamily Stenodermatinae in the study region. The Phyllostomidae species, considered sensitive to habitat disturbances, were captured in some of these patches. Four large groups of areas were identified, when composition of species, trophic structure, as well as the foraging strategies were considered. Insectivores were more associated with sparse vegetation areas or open fields, tending to areas closer to water, such as rivers with bridges or artificial tanks (cattle water holes) and seasonally flooded vegetation such as cambara forest. Frugivorous had the highest capture rates in acuri forest, semi-deciduous forest physiognomy with understory dominated by palm trees "acuri" (S. phalerata), indicating shelter availability. Thus, species occurrence seems to be related to trophic habits and foraging strategy, and are primarily distributed according to the vegetation zones of the study region. / Foi realizado um levantamento da quiropterofauna e avaliadas as suas rela??es com o mosaico da paisagem na regi?o situada ? margem esquerda do rio S?o Louren?o (Fazenda Santa L?cia) no norte do Pantanal, MT. As coletas foram realizadas durante 15 noites distribu?das entre o per?odo de transi??o entre a seca e a cheia (final de novembro at? meados de dezembro de 2014). Uma segunda amostragem foi desenvolvida no per?odo da seca (outubro de 2015). Diversas forma??es foram amostradas, considerando ?reas abertas (pastagens, campos com murundus) e fechadas (cambarazais, acurizais), com um total de 24 s?tios avaliados. As coletas foram realizadas com redes de neblina (mist-nets). Essas foram armadas no n?vel do solo em trilhas, clareiras dentro da mata, ?reas de pastagem e forma??es de cerrado (campos com murundus). No total foram registradas 27 esp?cies de cinco fam?lias: Emballonuridae (uma esp?cie), Phyllostomidae (11 g?neros e 16 esp?cies), Noctilionidae (um g?nero e duas esp?cies), Molossidae (dois g?neros e tr?s esp?cies) e Vespertilionidae (com dois g?neros e cinco esp?cies). Embora as esp?cies de morcegos de quase todas as categorias tr?ficas tenham sido registradas, a maior representatividade foi de inset?voros com 48% das esp?cies capturadas. Contudo, sua abund?ncia mostrou-se relativamente rara na maioria dos s?tios avaliados. A maior abund?ncia foi da guilda tr?fica frug?voro com 68,9% do total (454 indiv?duos), sendo esta amplamente distribu?da no mosaico avaliado, o que pode ser devido ao m?todo de captura com redes de neblina e a elevada representatividade de morcegos frug?voros da subfam?lia Stenodermatinae na regi?o de estudo. Esp?cies de Phyllostomidae, consideradas sens?veis a perturba??es no habitat, foram capturadas em algumas dessas machas. Quando comparadas as similaridades entre as ?reas, foi observada uma separa??o em quatro grandes grupos, tanto quanto a composi??o de esp?cies quanto a estrutura tr?fica e modo de forrageio. A distribui??o observada para os inset?voros esteve mais associada a ?reas com vegeta??o esparsa ou campos abertos, com tend?ncia para ?reas mais pr?ximas aos locais com ?gua como rios com pontes ou tanques artificiais (?gua para o gado) e vegeta??o estacionalmente inund?vel como os cambarazais. Os frug?voros apresentaram as maiores taxas de captura em acurizais, fisionomia florestal semidec?dua com sub-bosque dominado pela palmeira ?acuri? (Scheelea phalerata, Arecaceae), indicando boa disponibilidade de abrigos sob a vegeta??o ou folhagem. Assim sendo, a distribui??o das esp?cies parece estar diretamente relacionada ao habito alimentar e ao modo de forrageio e est?o distribu?das principalmente de acordo com as zonas de vegeta??o da regi?o estudada.
Date14 April 2016
CreatorsOliveira, Marcione Brito de
ContributorsPeracchi, Adriano L?cio, Oliveira, Luiz Flamarion Barbosa de, Silva, H?lio Ricardo, Dias, Daniela, Ferreira, Ildemar, Nogueira, Marcelo Rodrigues
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Biologia Animal, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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