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”Att vara lärare är roligt – men man känner aldrig att man räcker till!” : En kartläggning av gymnasielärares uppfattningar om sitt yrke

Under år 2015 genomförde en forskargrupp vid Luleå tekniska universitet en landsomfattande undersökning av gymnasielärares arbetsvillkor. Undersökningen bestod av 57 kvantitativa- och två kvalitativa delfrågor (Parding, m. fl., 2018). Den här undersökningen baseras på kvalitativ tolkning av 1.443 gymnasielärares öppna svar på de två öppna kvalitativa del-frågorna. Studien avser att identifiera faktorer som de offentlig- och aktiebolagsanställda gymnasielärarna anser utgör såväl möjligheter som hinder och utmaningar i deras yrke avseende arbetsmiljö och arbetsvillkor. Studien avser även att studera huruvida det föreligger skillnader och/eller likheter mellan gymnasielärares uppfattningar utifrån huvudmannaskap och vilka faktorer som påverkar gymnasielärarnas beslut att stanna respektive lämna yrket. För att bättre förstå och förklara studiens resultat nyttjas Robert Karasek och Töres Theorells (1990) två- och tredimensionella modeller avseende psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Resultatet tyder på att det råder en utbredd samstämmighet kring flertalet uppfattningar om yrket bland såväl offentlig- som aktiebolagsanställda gymnasielärare. Av resultatet framgår att majoriteten av gymnasielärarna, oavsett huvuvdman, upplever kommunaliseringen, friskole-reformen, de högt ställda kraven, de administrativa arbetsuppgifterna och bristen på kring-personal i skolan som yrkets största hinder. Vidare framgår det att de flesta gymnasielärare anser att lönenivån, yrkets status och bristande socialt stöd från skolledare utgör hinder i deras arbete. De anser därtill att det är inom dessa områden som de viktigaste förbättringsmöjlig-heterna finns och faktorerna anges samtidigt som skäl till att lämna yrket. Gymnasielärarna efterfrågar dessutom mer kompetensutveckling och samverkan i allmänhet och inom det egna undervisningsämnet i synnerhet. Merparten av gymnasielärarna anser att undervisningen är det bästa med yrket och är anledningen till att de stannar kvar i yrket. Av resultatet kan inte tydliga skillnader skönjas mellan offentlig- och aktiebolagsanställda gymnasielärares upp-fattningar kring yrket. De skillnader som kan skönjas i resultatet kan snarare tolkas bero på den enskilde gymnasielärarens specifika arbetssituation än på huvudmannaskap. Resultatet stödjer Karasek och Theorells (1990) teorier om att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkas av gymnasielärarnas upplevelse av krav och kontroll i det egna arbetet och socialt stöd från ledare och kollegor. / During the year of 2015, a research group at Luleå University of Technology conducted a nationwide survey of upper secondary school teachers' working conditions. The study consisted of 57 quantitative- and two qualitative sub-questions (Parding, et al., 2018). This study is based on qualitative interpretation of 1,443 upper secondary school teachers' open answers to the two open qualitative sub-questions. The study intends to identify factors that public- and private sector employed upper secondary school teachers consider to be opportunities, obstacles and challenges in their profession, in regards of work environment and working conditions. The study also intends to study whether there are differences and/or similarities between public- and private sector employed upper secondary school teachers' perceptions about their work situation. Moreover the study intends to study what factors affect the upper secondary school teachers' decision to stay or leave the profession. In order to better understand and explain the study's results, Robert Karasek and Töres Theorells (1990) two- and three dimensional models regarding psychosocial work environment are used. The result suggests that there is widespread consensus among the public- and the private sector employed upper secondary school teachers’ perceptions of the profession. The result shows that the majority of upper secondary school teachers experience the municipalization, the free-school reform, the high demands, the administrative tasks and the lack of staff in the school as the greatest obstacle to the profession. Furthermore, most of the upper secondary school teachers in this study consider that the salary level, the profession's status and lack of support from school leaders constitute obstacles in their work. They also consider that it is in these areas that the most important improvement opportunities exist, but also constitute reasons for leaving the profession. The upper secondary school teachers also demand more skill development and collaboration in general and within their own teaching subject in particular. Most of the upper secondary school teachers indicate that teaching is the part of the profession that is the profession's main merit and is the reason why they stay in the profession. In the result, no clear differences can be discerned between public and private sector upper secondary school teachers' perceptions of the profession. The differences that can be discerned in the result can rather be interpreted due to the specific work situation of the individual upper secondary school teacher than to the management. The result supports Karasek and Theorells (1990) theories that the psychosocial work environment is influenced by the upper secondary school teachers' experience of demand and control at work and social support from leaders and colleagues. During the year of 2015, a research group at Luleå University of Technology conducted a nationwide survey of upper secondary school teachers' working conditions. The study consisted of 57 quantitative- and two qualitative sub-questions (Parding, et al., 2018). This study is based on qualitative interpretation of 1,443 upper secondary school teachers' open answers to the two open qualitative sub-questions. The study intends to identify factors that public- and private sector employed upper secondary school teachers consider to be opportunities, obstacles and challenges in their profession, in regards of work environment and working conditions. The study also intends to study whether there are differences and/or similarities between public- and private sector employed upper secondary school teachers' perceptions about their work situation. Moreover the study intends to study what factors affect the upper secondary school teachers' decision to stay or leave the profession. In order to better understand and explain the study's results, Robert Karasek and Töres Theorells (1990) two- and three dimensional models regarding psychosocial work environment are used. The result suggests that there is widespread consensus among the public- and the private sector employed upper secondary school teachers’ perceptions of the profession. The result shows that the majority of upper secondary school teachers experience the municipalization, the free-school reform, the high demands, the administrative tasks and the lack of staff in the school as the greatest obstacle to the profession. Furthermore, most of the upper secondary school teachers in this study consider that the salary level, the profession's status and lack of support from school leaders constitute obstacles in their work. They also consider that it is in these areas that the most important improvement opportunities exist, but also constitute reasons for leaving the profession. The upper secondary school teachers also demand more skill development and collaboration in general and within their own teaching subject in particular. Most of the upper secondary school teachers indicate that teaching is the part of the profession that is the profession's main merit and is the reason why they stay in the profession. In the result, no clear differences can be discerned between public and private sector upper secondary school teachers' perceptions of the profession. The differences that can be discerned in the result can rather be interpreted due to the specific work situation of the individual upper secondary school teacher than to the management. The result supports Karasek and Theorells (1990) theories that the psychosocial work environment is influenced by the upper secondary school teachers' experience of demand and control at work and social support from leaders and colleagues.
Date January 2019
CreatorsPekkari, Annika
PublisherLuleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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